“Today, we say to the military-industrial-complex that we will not continue to spend $700 billion a year on the military — more than the next 10 nations combined. We're going to invest in affordable housing, we're going to invest in public education, we're going to invest in rebuilding our crumbling infrastructure — not more nuclear weapons and never-ending wars."
After all, Bernie Sanders did vote FOR escalating the nuclear arms race by voting for a defense budget that funded this new round in the escalation of the nuclear arms race and his party, the Democratic Party, repeatedly supports more money for armaments and war while doing nothing to advance an agenda based on the kind of human needs he is calling for.
Bernie Sanders does not even support building a people’s lobby to effectively pressure Congress to pass the kind of legislation that would “beat swords into plowshares.”
I question whether Bernie Sanders has an altruistic motivation or a very hideous motive behind his new found “peace agenda” since he has previously been so adamant in not introducing this kind of idea to the politics of this country.
But, whatever is motivating Bernie Sanders in making this statement we should welcome this declaration and move forward in building some kind of massive people’s lobby for peace and social and economic justice that Bernie Sanders and the warmongering Democrats and Republicans who are bribed by Wall Street’s Military-Industrial Complex to support.
So, whether Bernie Sanders is now sincere or not shouldn’t really matter because his one voice is no more effective than any of our own if we speak on our own... we need a massive people’s lobby independent of the two Wall Street warmongering parties to fight for such an agenda.
I wonder why in the CNN Town Hall Bernie Sanders never mentioned that a Peace Dividend would be used to finance his reforms? Will he continue to repeat this? Hopefully so.