Leave a twig for the birds to perch on... don't let the capitalists do your thinking for you... if you are in the neighborhood, stop on in; the coffee is always hot and the cookie jar is full... looking forward to the day when the real decisions in America are made by working class families gathered around the kitchen table... new postings daily...Yours in the struggle...Alan L. Maki
Texas Longhorns with newborn calf in Bluebonnets
Please note I have a new phone number...
Alan Maki
Doing research at the LBJ Library in Austin, Texas
What we need is a "21st Century Full Employment Act for Peace and Prosperity" which would make it a mandatory requirement that the president and Congress attain and maintain full employment.
"Voting is easy and marginally useful, but it is a poor substitute for democracy, which requires direct action by concerned citizens"
In fact, Trump and the Republicans have demagogically seized on this because you and others helped create a political vacuum in refusing to bring forward the real solution to this health care mess: a National Public Health Care System.
And then we had those traitors like Roger Hickey, Robert Borosage, Richard Trumka and all these others who undermined and sabotaged the single-payer movement... including John Conyers who was supposed to carry the ball for H.R. 676. Together with the Progressive Democrats of America, Conyers helped to keep single-payer out of the National Democratic Party Platform in 2008 just like Bernie Sanders did in 2016... Bernie Sanders' supporters are on the right track.
If you are demoralized to the point of being demobilized because of the set-backs single-payer has suffered, perhaps you should try getting involved in starting some kind of citizens' committee pushing for a National Health Care System because otherwise the Republicans are going to have a free ride in enacting another phony "solution" to this health care mess.
I assume there would be a basis for united action between those diehards still insisting on single-payer with those of us pushing for a National Public Health Care System provided single-payer would legislatively become a short-lived (couple years) to get us to a full-fledged National Public Health Care System.
Obviously, we must learn from the single-payer system the Canadian Liberals saddled the people with that the single-payer system is not sustainable over the long-haul like a National Public Health Care System is. We have seen and experienced the durability over the long-term of public education and it should be much easier--- and a lot less costly--- to sustain a National Public Health Care System.
Obamacare is a complete and total disaster because it is truthfully the "Health Insurance and Pharmaceutical Industry Bailout and Profit Maximization Act" based on private, for-profit healthcare which has no way of providing everyone with health care--- "affordable" or otherwise; and what someone may consider to be "affordable" might be pushing another family into poverty.
Single-payer is publicly financed but partially privately administered and wholly privately delivered so the for-profit motive still drives health care. In fact the insurance companies assume the role of administrators and the doctors set the prices for providing the care; and, the pharmaceutical companies continue to gouge the people.
A National Public Health Care System would be based on the very successful model of public education which has served the people here and all over the world so well; it is:
Publicly financed.
Publicly administered.
Publicly delivered.
I challenge ANYONE to prove there is a better health care system than a National Public Health Care System.
No other health care system can provide us free health care inexpensively through a network of neighborhood and community centers like a National Public Health Care System can while creating some twelve-million new good-paying jobs under union contract.
Everyone would be in; nobody would be left out.
We would be provided:
General medical.
Ears (including hearing aids).
Full dental.
All for a cost far, far less than we are collectively paying now.
All of this could be financed by a peace dividend derived from ending this insane militarism and these dirty imperialist wars and maintained in the same way we finance Social Security but with a much lower tax on employers and employees.
This will take a huge, massive united people's movement to win. But if we put our heads and resources together in united action we can win.
What is required is:
Education... talk about all of this with family, friends, neighbors and fellow workers.
Write a letter to the editor.
Table and leaflet.
Meet with you member of Congress.
Organization... get organizations you belong to to take up the struggle for a National Public Health Care System.
Unity... encourage united action.
Education, Organization, Unity and Action has always been the key to people winning reforms.
The American Medical Association has attacked National Public Health Care as a "Bolshevik plot" every since President Franklin D. Roosevelt's Secretary of Labor, Frances Perkins first proposed it should be part of the New Deal. We can expect to face attacks from the AMA and all those who reap huge profits from the private, for-profit delivery of health care. So what; let these people scream and cry.... our health is more important than their profits.
When Frances Perkins was viciously red-baited by those piously hiding behind their "Christianity" claiming she was advocating what was written in the Communist Manifesto... Perkins courageously responded that she would rather see good ideas helping people rather than left in an old pamphlet with pages yellowing from age.
As Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. repeatedly pointed out, health care is one of the most basic and fundamental human rights... just like public education, the right to a job with living wages and freedom from war.
"Of all the forms of inequality, injustice in health care is the most shocking and inhumane."
–Martin Luther King, Jr.
The United Nations' Universal Declaration of Human Rights sets out clearly and definitively that we are entitled to health care. Eleanor Roosevelt helped to make sure this was included:
Gather a few friends around the kitchen table and let's get moving.
We are like a little raindrop... alone we don't amount to much... but let it pour!
We need to steal the thunder from Trump and the Republicans on this health care issue.
We are going to need a new working class based peoples' party that can articulate and advance our needs. This party must be anti-monopoly and anti-imperialist with the stated and declared purpose of challenging Wall Street for political and economic power
To set the tone for the kind of debate we now need in this country, I suggest reading this commentary from Bob Herbert, his last column published in the New York Times, "Losing Our Way:"
here we are pouring shiploads of cash into yet another war, this time
in Libya, while simultaneously demolishing school budgets, closing
libraries, laying off teachers and police officers, and generally
letting the bottom fall out of the quality of life here at home.
to America in the second decade of the 21st century. An army of
long-term unemployed workers is spread across the land, the human
fallout from the Great Recession and long years of misguided economic
policies. Optimism is in short supply. The few jobs now being created
too often pay a pittance, not nearly enough to pry open the doors to a
middle-class standard of living.
Miller, echoing the poet Archibald MacLeish, liked to say that the
essence of America was its promises. That was a long time ago. Limitless
greed, unrestrained corporate power and a ferocious addiction to
foreign oil have led us to an era of perpetual war and economic decline.
Young people today are staring at a future in which they will be less
well off than their elders, a reversal of fortune that should send a
shudder through everyone.
U.S. has not just misplaced its priorities. When the most powerful
country ever to inhabit the earth finds it so easy to plunge into the
horror of warfare but almost impossible to find adequate work for its
people or to properly educate its young, it has lost its way entirely.
14 million Americans are jobless and the outlook for many of them is
grim. Since there is just one job available for every five individuals
looking for work, four of the five are out of luck. Instead of a land of
opportunity, the U.S. is increasingly becoming a place of limited
expectations. A college professor in Washington told me this week that
graduates from his program were finding jobs, but they were not making
very much money, certainly not enough to think about raising a family.
is plenty of economic activity in the U.S., and plenty of wealth. But
like greedy children, the folks at the top are seizing virtually all the
marbles. Income and wealth inequality in the U.S. have reached stages
that would make the third world blush. As the Economic Policy Institute
has reported, the richest 10 percent of Americans received an
unconscionable 100 percent of the average income growth in the years
2000 to 2007, the most recent extended period of economic expansion.
Bob HerbertCredit
Damon Winter/The New York Times
behave as if this is somehow normal or acceptable. It shouldn’t be, and
didn’t used to be. Through much of the post-World War II era, income
distribution was far more equitable, with the top 10 percent of families
accounting for just a third of average income growth, and the bottom 90
percent receiving two-thirds. That seems like ancient history now.
current maldistribution of wealth is also scandalous. In 2009, the
richest 5 percent claimed 63.5 percent of the nation’s wealth. The
overwhelming majority, the bottom 80 percent, collectively held just
12.8 percent.
inequality, in which an enormous segment of the population struggles
while the fortunate few ride the gravy train, is a world-class recipe
for social unrest. Downward mobility is an ever-shortening fuse leading
to profound consequences.
stark example of the fundamental unfairness that is now so widespread
was in The New York Times on Friday under the headline: “G.E.’s
Strategies Let It Avoid Taxes Altogether.” Despite profits of $14.2
billion — $5.1 billion from its operations in the United States —
General Electric did not have to pay any U.S. taxes last year.
The Times’s David Kocieniewski reported, “Its extraordinary success is
based on an aggressive strategy that mixes fierce lobbying for tax
breaks and innovative accounting that enables it to concentrate its
profits offshore.”
is the nation’s largest corporation. Its chief executive, Jeffrey
Immelt, is the leader of President Obama’s Council on Jobs and
Competitiveness. You can understand how ordinary workers might look at
this cozy corporate-government arrangement and conclude that it is not
fully committed to the best interests of working people.
imbalances in wealth and income inevitably result in enormous
imbalances of political power. So the corporations and the very wealthy
continue to do well. The employment crisis never gets addressed. The
wars never end. And nation-building never gets a foothold here at home.
New ideas and new leadership have seldom been more urgently needed.
is my last column for The New York Times after an exhilarating, nearly
18-year run. I’m off to write a book and expand my efforts on behalf of
working people, the poor and others who are struggling in our society.
My thanks to all the readers who have been so kind to me over the years.
I can be reached going forward at bobherbert88@gmail.com.
From Franklin D. Roosevelt, Henry Wallace and Frances Perkins pushed, prodded and backed by the Farmer-Labor Party and a huge popular front movement of the people we got the New Deal....
From Donald Trump and his cabal of morons we will get a Raw and Rotten Deal... unless we act in unity for what we need to live healthy and decent lives...
A number of people have asked me to expand my thoughts about "Letters to the Editor" and how to use them more effectively... do you have additional ideas?
Write, and write often.
Be sure to include your name, address and phone number where you can be reached for verification that you wrote the letter.
If one newspaper won't publish your letter send it on to the next newspaper.
At a recent forum in Thief River Falls, Minnesota where I was on a panel discussing Minnesota's financial woes, I was asked what I would do if I was governor.
This is a fair question.
This was my answer:
Please keep in mind as I proceed with my thoughts that there is a "fare" and a "fair." One is spelled "f-a-r-e" and means something completely different from "fair" spelled "f-a-i-r."
If I were elected governor of Minnesota the very first reforms I would implement to solve the state's budget problems would be:
1. A hefty tax on the rich like Mark Dayton promised as he campaigned for election but reneged on once elected.
2. Substantially increase the taconite tax; the mining companies are robbing us blind leaving us with poverty and pits filled with pollution while they abscond with the profits. This has to end.
3. Place a really hefty tax on the forestry industry in the form of stumpage fees; cut down any tree and you pay what the tree is really worth.
4. I would place toll booths at the entrances to each and every casino in Minnesota charging the exact same fee Minnesotans are charged to enter our State Parks. Anyone who can afford to gamble can afford such a fee. I would also initiate a "gambling license" on all gamblers. Just like a fishing license
Like most of you, I am fed up with this "circus in the Cities." Democrats and Republicans don't know the difference between the words "f-a-r-e" and "f-a-i-r;" we should give them all a dictionary not our votes.
I think most Minnesotans would agree with these four solutions. So, what kind of democracy do we have where politicians won't do what people want and expect?
It's just like the priorities at the national level... like they say in the Navy--- it's a SNAFU. If you don't know what a S-N-A-F-U stands for, look it up in the Urban Dictionary on your computer when you get home.
If the United States government would stop spending our tax dollars on this insane militarism and all these dirty imperialist wars we would have the money to put people to work solving the problems of the people.
I recently read this little book by former Democratic Vice-president under FDR, Henry Wallace, "Sixty Million Jobs." I would encourage everyone to read this book because it was in 1945 when this book was published to support the Full Employment Act of 1945 when Democrats and Republicans--- at Wall Street's insistence--- decided not to take Henry Wallace's advice provided in this book that our country began going way off track.
Henry Wallace pointed out that Peace will put everyone to work which will solve just about every major problem we have in this country.
Who gave their consent to make this a "two-party system" where only one class gets representation?
How capitalism works...
How capitalism works explained from a worker's perspective...
Abba Ramos, a veteran organizer in the International Longshore and Warehouse Union:
"If they can get a trained monkey to unload that boxcar tomorrow morning, rest assured, they'll have them over there and they'll have some bananas for lunch, and you'll be out on the street looking for work. Simple as that. You've got to remember, they follow only one rule of economic law, and that's that maximum production-minimum cost yields the greatest amount of profit. They don't deviate from that."
Helpful tip
Notice: You can make the picture or writing on my blog bigger or smaller on your monitor simply holding down your "Ctrl" key while hitting your "+" key to enlarge size or your "-" key to reduce size.
A new banner to promote my blog
My computer; a billboard for peace that travels with me
Howard managed a nice big fake smile after I asked him: As you travel around the country are you asking people how Barack Obama's Wall Street war economy is working out for them?
Keep True, a life in politics by Howard Pawley
A most important book for progressives
Check out what others are saying about "Keep True"
* Peace--- end the wars in Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya and shutdown the 800 U.S. military bases on foreign soil.
* A National Public Health Care System - ten million new jobs.
* A National Public Child Care System - three to five million new jobs.
* WPA - three million new jobs.
* CCC - two million new jobs.
* Tax the hell out of the rich and cut the military budget by ending the wars to pay for it all which will create full employment.
* Enforce Affirmative Action; end discrimination.
* Raise the minimum wage to a real living wage
* What tax-payers subsidize in the way of businesses, tax-payers should own and reap the profits from.
* Moratorium on home foreclosures and evictions.
* Defend democracy by defending workers' rights including the right to collective bargaining for improving the lives and livelihoods of working people.
* Roll-back and freeze the price of food, electricity, gas and heating fuels; not wages, benefits or pensions.
* Wall Street is our enemy.
Let's talk about the politics and economics of livelihood for a real change.
Search This Blog
Follow and support the important working class' victory at the polls in Canada
Canadian workers and their New Democratic Party are blazing the path of independence from the big-business controlled political parties. Manitoba will be having elections in the fall. Workers here in the United States should be paying attention to Canadian politics as there is a lot to learn. Ask your union to link its websites to the Canadian Labour Congress, New Democratic Party and Manitoba NDP.
Also, I would encourage you to paste this into your own personal blogs, web sites and FaceBook and other social netwoking sites.
I have been involved in the peace, labor, civil rights, and environmental movements for over 30 years, and I am a socialist. I would encourage everyone to get involved in promoting the United Nations' Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which came into existence on December 10, 1948; we should strive to use the yearly anniversary of this document to popularize it. We need to struggle to create a more progressive, socially just society where all working people receive real living wages and have a voice at work, and in their communities. I have worked with casino workers across Minnesota who are trying to organize a union. I have worked with people in northern Minnesota struggling to save the Big Bog, the primary freshwater aquifer--- this bog is being mined for peat. In my spare time during the spring and fall you can find me fly fishing on the Dark River, a pristine designated trout stream;in the winter ice fishing on Lake-of-the-Woods.
I look forward to hearing from you. Nothing human is alien to me.
Any lessons from this picture for liberals, progressives and leftists today?
My dog Fred...
My dog Fred understands the way the system works better than labor "leaders" like Leo Gerard or Richard Trumka... at least my dog knows to keep barking UNTIL he gets his bone.
Vote for Mark Dayton to "tax the rich" and enforce affirmative action
Unfortunately, Mark Dayton as Governor has renegged on both of these promises even though he has a Democratic super-majority here in Minnesota. So much for being able to trust the Democrats.
General McCrystal... please don't leave me alone like a Rolling Stone with no way home...
Good articles to read about the healthcare legislation
Barack Obama and the greedy Wall Street pigs he represents
A note from Governor Pawlenty
"Alan, ...active and thoughtful citizens like you make Minnesota a great state in which to live."
This blog is proud to be a part of the ever growing and expanding People Before Profit network.
Could Minnesota's debt be eliminated by modestly taxing the Indian Gaming Industry in Minnesota?
If, so, why haven't any of the Minnesota Democratic Farmer-Labor Party candidates for governor brought this idea forward as part of their campaigns?
Other businesses and industries are faced with a myriad of taxes... shouldn't there be a level playing field in taxation?
Wouldn't such a tax on gaming revenues amounting to tens of billions of dollars provide working people and small business owners and the middle class with a little much needed tax relief?
Ask this question at a "meet the candidates forum;" no one else will ask this question if you don't.
We have toll booths at the entrances to all Minnesota State Parks; put up toll booths on the public roads going into all casinos--- budget problems solved.
Real health care reform creates jobs
Our organization is distributing this in union circles and beyond in
preparation for the AFL-CIO's National Convention in September:
Sisters and Brothers, ...
Due to recent budget cuts and the cost of electricity, gas and oil, as well as current market conditions and the continued decline of the economy, The Light at the End of the Tunnel has been turned off.
Two views. Which way for organized labor and the working class.
Listen to this. Richard Trumka's main speech to the AFL-CIO's National
Convention: http://ww...
The United States has 800 military bases on foreign soil...What we need--- instead--- is 800 public health care centers spread out across the United States where people can universally access, for free, all their health care needs from pre-natal care, to general health care to eye, dental and mental care right through to burial.
Instead of moving in this progressive direction, President Barack Obama and the United States Congress are moving in a most reactionary direction towards establishing military bases in outer space as they seek to insure the profits of both the merchants of death and destruction and the profit-driven health care industries... talk about skewed priorities and your wacky ideas which will execerbate the problems surrounding the failing capitalist economy, and ideas devoid of common sense.
In addition to these 800 U.S. military bases on foreign soil, Barack Obama and the United States Congress continue funding--- with our tax-dollars--- the Israeli killing machine to the tune of tens of billions of dollars. Where is the "change?"
This is the change Americans want, and the change we need:
A network of 800 public health care centers spread out across the United States would create over four-million good-paying, decent jobs--- talk about your "economic stimulus" package!
We would be redistributing the wealth as we are planting the seeds of socialism while helping to eradicate poverty by keeping people healthy and getting them well when sick.
Think about this kind of solution in relation to what Barack Obama, the U.S. Congress and the Wall Street bankers and coupon clippers are offering the American people, and the peoples of the world... just what is the reason for bailing out the banks and AIG and maintaining more than 800 expensive U.S. military bases of foreign soil?
The Mt. Carmel Clinic in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada offers us a glimpse at what militarization and wars continue to rob us of.
The problems created by Wall Street will not be solved as long as the military-financial-industrial complex is allowed to squander human and natural resources on militarism and wars... we might just as well be dumping these resources out into the ocean... at least no one would die in wars.
These merchants of death and destruction must be stopped if humanity is to survive in a livable world.
The time has come to talk about working class Marxist politics and the economics of livelihood... capitalism has failed humanity miserably and left us a real mess to clean up.
Capitalism is on the skids to oblivion and unless we take a "left turn" we will continue down this road to perdition.
Something for working people to think about and discuss around the dinner table... the capitalist sooth-Sayers certainly are not going to broach such solutions to the problems of working people as they hide behind the skirt of Rosy Scenario as this global capitalist economic depression intensifies while wars rage on.
The times and conditions call for "building a new era of justice and peace;" this is one step in that direction; this is the change the American people voted for.
Alan L. Maki
Frank Marshall Davis Roundtable for Change
A gift returned...
Dear Mr. Ambassador,
Thank you for the 3 bottles of wine that you sent me as season’s greetings. I wish to you, your family and everybody in the Embassy a happy new year. Good health and progress to you all.
Unhappily, I noticed that the wine you have sent me has been produced in the Golan Heights. I have been taught since I was very young not to steal and not to accept products of theft. So I cannot possibly accept this gift and I must return it back to you.
As you know, your country occupies illegally the Golan Heights which belongs to Syria, according to the International Law and numerous decisions of the International Community.
I take the opportunity to express my hope that Israel will find security within its internationally recognized borders and the terrorist activities against Israel territory by Hamas or anybody else will be contained and made impossible, but I also hope that your government will cease practicing the policy of collective punishment which was applied on a mass scale by Hitler and his armies.
Actions such as those of these days of the Israel military in Gaza remind the Greek people of holocausts such as in Kalavrita or Doxato or Distomo and certainly in the ghetto of Warsaw.
With these thoughts allow me to express to you my best wishes for you, the Israeli people and all the people of our region of the world.
Athens, 30/12/2008
Theodoros Pangalos, Member of Parliament (Greece)
Auto workers fight for union recognition 1930's
This demonstration was organized by the Trade Union Unity League under the leadership of Phil Raymond who was an organizer of the auto workers
Coleman Young... a politician who brought forward real solutions to the problems of working people
Union organizer, civil rights activist, peace activist, working class politician, victim of "red squads" & McCarthyite political repression
Coleman Young testifies before House Un-American Activities Committee
1952: Coleman Young, center, testifies before the House Un-American Activities Committee. A future House member, George Crockett Jr., right, accompanied him.
A great YouTube video from Virginia Beach... Karl Rove on Trial
Everybody knows the boat is leaking. Everybody knows the captain lied.... Everybody knows the plague is coming. Everybody knows it’s moving fast. Everybody knows ...
— Leonard Cohen
Historic victory
Communist Elected President of Cyprus
AKEL anti-fascist, anti-imperialist elected
Congratulations to AKEL and Dimitris Christofias.... GC of AKEL and President of the House of Representatives comrade Dimitris Christofias and GC of KKE (Communist Party Of Greece) comrade Aleca Papariga at the rally against the war in Iraq a few hundred meters towards the USA Embassy in Nicosia
Michigan poet--- The poetry of Ann Holdreith merges the mystical with the everyday. A chapter of her work is included in "Beyond the Lines", an anthology of Michigan authors published by Plainview Press. Her publishing credits also include: Wayne State University, Gravity Presses, Dixie Phoenix, Poetry Motel, Free Fall, Snakeskin, Gravity Webzine, Stirring (Best Love Poems), Aether, Friction Magazine and a Pushcart Prize nomination. Ann has taught for the Detroit Writer's Voice and is a Magna Cum Laude graduate in Fine Art and Literature from the University of Detroit. She has featured at the Michigan Opera Theatre, The Detroit Festival for the Arts and Spring Fed Arts of Detroit. Her riveting performance style synthesizes her background as an actress, vocalist, dancer and performance artist. Ann has been teaching her Fire Seed workshop, designed to free the authentic self, since 1987. Her work is dedicated to the full expression and elevation of the human spirit.
Autumn Sky
By: Ann Holdreith
On the ride home from Toledo, from a worn out school resurrected for good honest men, for men with kids and grandkids, guys who eat sugar doughnuts and wink while they hammer-out fenders and hurl the carcasses of metal beasts, against autumn’s haunted sky, I wonder if they remember the grip of thighs around engine-less muscle and sweat, ragged dirty hair assaulting the wind, buttocks and back pounding with hooves that know exactly where they belong on this earth.
On the way from Toledo, a pulsing cloud of blackbirds hurls its wings against the dying blue; dark umbrellas opening to summer’s last ride.
Carlton, Minnesota
Help Stop Sulfide Mining in Michigan's Upper Peninsula... urgent action needed
Democratic majority in the Michigan House abandons casino workers...
Wednesday, August 8, 2007--- Lansing, Michigan. By a shameful vote of 63 to 41... not a single Michigan Legislator--- with the exception of one lone Republican--- would take a stand in defense of the rights of casino workers to be employed in a workplace free of second-hand smoke. Not one single Michigan Legislator would take a stand for casino workers being paid real living wages protected by state and federal labor laws along with the right to organize for collective bargaining. House Democratic Floor Leader Steve Tobacman and Democratic Representative Barbara Farrah did this dirty work for the Fertitta Family and the Kansas City mob which will "skim" the profits from the Gun Lake Casino like they have done in all the other casinos managed by the Fertitta Family. The United Auto Workers union leadership, fearing estrangement and being shunned by the Democratic Party, dropped its feeble opposition to this legislation giving a hint as to how they intend to abandon autoworkers in the present contract negotiations with the "Big Three."
Minnesotans give Bush a piece of their mind...
Lake Michigan
Northern shore in the Upper Peninsula
Michigan: Gun Lake Casino venture... workers' rights and health are the issues
Communist singers and songwriters in the struggle for peace and socialism
This Land Is Your Land
Words and Music by Woody Guthrie, one of America's outstanding working class Communists
This land is your land, this land is my land From California, to the New York Island From the redwood forest, to the gulf stream waters This land was made for you and me
As I was walking a ribbon of highway I saw above me an endless skyway I saw below me a golden valley This land was made for you and me
I've roamed and rambled and I've followed my footsteps To the sparkling sands of her diamond deserts And all around me a voice was sounding This land was made for you and me
The sun comes shining as I was strolling The wheat fields waving and the dust clouds rolling The fog was lifting a voice come chanting This land was made for you and me
As I was walkin' - I saw a sign there And that sign said - no tress passin' But on the other side .... it didn't say nothin! Now that side was made for you and me!
In the squares of the city - In the shadow of the steeple Near the relief office - I see my people And some are grumblin' and some are wonderin' If this land's still made for you and me.
Mitch Berg interviews Alan Maki, union organizer and socialist.
Length: 00:48:55
AM 1280 The Patriot; Right-wing talk radio with Mitch Berg
Maki calls for:
* health care not warfare
* smoke-free casinos to protect worker health
Super Profits and Crises; Modern U.S. Capitalism by Victor Perlo
This is a must read book for anyone wanting to fully understand the present economic crisis.
Victor Perlo was a noted researcher and economist in the Franklin D. Roosevelt and Truman Administrations.
Perlo has made economics easy to understand for everyone.
Did anyone notice former President Jimmy Carter did not address the Democratic National Convention?
Former President Jimmy Carter speaks about his controversial book 'Palestine Peace Not Apartheid' at Jewish-founded Brandeis University in Waltham, Massachusetts January 23, 2007. [Reuters]
Owl on cold winter day
near Jacobson, Minnesota
Minnesotans give United States Senator Norm Coleman a piece of their mind about the Iraq War...
The protest was organized by the Twin Cities Peace Campaign--Focus on Iraq and WAMM (Women Against Military Madness)
As these Minnesotans protested outside Coleman's office...
Others went inside to write their statements calling for an end to this dirty war in Iraq
These protests at Coleman's local office will continue as long as he continues to support the war
Among the concerned citizens opposed to the war in Iraq were members of many church groups, the Iraq Peace Action Coalition, Veterans for Peace, the Minneapolis Club of the Communist Party USA and members of the Minnesota Democratic Farmer-Labor Party, Military Families Speak Out... the diversity of the demonstrators reflected a broad cross-section of the Minnesota public.
He could get it fixed on Wall St. create real jobs on Main St. and select a better crew, He'd end blank checks to Israel and bring some peace to that hell -- if he only had a clue
He could make the Congress line up if he pressed them all to sign on but instead he tries to woo the right-wing crooks who hate him and will still block and berate him -- if he only had a clue
He could deal with all the Repugs imprisoning the worst thugs and save the constitution too but instead he will continue their imperialist venue, -- if he only had a clue
He could close down all our gulags and end so-called "renditions" but this he will not do-- He could bring the world together and address the changing weather -- if he only had a clue
posted by Jaded Prole
Destroying a people, their homeland, their right to survive...
I offer guided tours of Northern Minnesota that include visits to historic Mesaba Co-op Park, historic buildings and cemetaries on the Iron Range, the Wellstone Memorial, "Mine View," United States Steel's Minntac operation, the Big Bog, Red Lake.
A great opportunity for photographers.
Individual, family, small or large groups. Meals and overnight accomodations can be arranged.
Let's really explore Northern Minnesota.
Drive Easy... Conserve
For stickers and more info, contact: Fulton Hanson 320-384-9967; e-mail: fultonhanson@yahoo.com