Texas Longhorns with newborn calf in Bluebonnets

Texas Longhorns with newborn calf in Bluebonnets

Please note I have a new phone number...


Alan Maki

Alan Maki
Doing research at the LBJ Library in Austin, Texas

It's time to claim our Peace Dividend

It's time to claim our Peace Dividend

We need to beat swords into plowshares.

We need to beat swords into plowshares.

A program for real change...


What we need is a "21st Century Full Employment Act for Peace and Prosperity" which would make it a mandatory requirement that the president and Congress attain and maintain full employment.

"Voting is easy and marginally useful, but it is a poor substitute for democracy, which requires direct action by concerned citizens"

- Ben Franklin

Let's talk...

Let's talk...

Wednesday, January 13, 2021

National Security

 The “security of our country” is in the hands of the FBI and other law enforcement agencies who haven’t even been able to find and arrest the guy carrying a huge Confederate flag into our Nation’s Capitol leading the charge of these fascist thugs.

How secure do you feel?

Come on, really; how is it these law enforcement agencies are taking so long to apprehend and arrest this guy?

Trillions of dollars and the enactment of the most undemocratic and Draconian laws we are told will protect us and these law enforcement agencies can’t protect us from fascist thugs in our midst?

Does anyone really believe the FBI needs our help identifying these fascist thugs after all the time and money they have wasted watching people like me and you whose major “crime” is that we write letters to the editors for peace, against racism and for social and economic justice- this police spying and harassment has been going on over many decades?

How is it that out of the thousands of fascist thugs responsible for murder and mayhem inside our Nation’s Capitol, so few have been arrested?

How is it Trump, his son, Ted Cruz and Rudy Giuliani have managed to escape being arrested for inciting this fascist rioting and insurrection?