Texas Longhorns with newborn calf in Bluebonnets

Texas Longhorns with newborn calf in Bluebonnets

Please note I have a new phone number...


Alan Maki

Alan Maki
Doing research at the LBJ Library in Austin, Texas

It's time to claim our Peace Dividend

It's time to claim our Peace Dividend

We need to beat swords into plowshares.

We need to beat swords into plowshares.

A program for real change...


What we need is a "21st Century Full Employment Act for Peace and Prosperity" which would make it a mandatory requirement that the president and Congress attain and maintain full employment.

"Voting is easy and marginally useful, but it is a poor substitute for democracy, which requires direct action by concerned citizens"

- Ben Franklin

Let's talk...

Let's talk...

Thursday, February 6, 2020

A profound thought from a Canadian worker about democracy...

Thoughts, very thoughtful and concise, on capitalist democracy from Glen Wreggitt...

'Democracy' is the shell hiding the game; the sheepskin clothing the wolf. If we look carefully, we can glimpse the teeth flashing beneath the costume. The teeth are stained with blood. Some pretend not to notice, perhaps believing that we must accept the wolf along with the sheep. However, the wolf, being a wolf, is insatiable and will wear the sheepskin only until he believes that it continues to benefit him. Some of us know about the wolf, some suspect, and others do not believe he exists.