Not once do either of you confront the issue of militarism and wars which are squandering the wealth of our Nation which has been created by the working class; wealth which should be earmarked for national universal social programs that would create tens of millions of decent, good-paying real living wage jobs providing people with the quality of life and standard of living every single working class family is entitled to according to the United Nations' Universal Declaration of Human Rights--- neither of you mention that:
* A National Public Health Care System would put twelve to fifteen Americans to work providing people with free health care... publicly financed, publicly administered and publicly delivered just like public education.
* A National Public Child Care System which would employ three to five million workers providing working class families and everyone else with quality and safe free child care... again, like a National Public Health Care System, all publicly financed, publicly administered and publicly delivered just like public education.
The American people give up these two much needed universal social programs--- and for what in return? Wall Street's continued militarism and wars and to pay additional billions for Israel's genocidal pogroms against the Palestinian people forced to live on a small strip of land like so many Native Americans living on Indian Reservations?
Are those who will make $9.50 going to be part of your "middle class?"
You want us to fantasize along with you and "socialist" Joseph Stiglitz in memory of the great "liberal" Hubert Humphrey about a great "middle class America" while you sit in silence as workers experience very specific problems ranging from poverty wages to unjust firings to government spending on militarism and wars to this Cost-of-Living Crisis... all the result of a class divided capitalist society now at its imperialist apex which has spun a powerful web trapping working class families; a web spun by Wall Street that is held together by racism, anti-Communism and corruption protecting Wall Street's quest for maximum profits no matter the harm that results to humans and Mother Nature--- labor is exploited, Mother Nature is raped.
I have a link I hope you will read. This is an article written by the former socialist Governor of Minnesota, Elmer Benson, because it explains a type of politics you are trying to foist upon us without dialog, discussion or debate:
You want us to perceive your fairy-tale of a "middle class society" as something that is achievable when it is not simply because Wall Street and its capitalist system will not permit it; and, even if it were permissible, it would still leave tens of millions of working class families languishing in poverty because, as you yourselves state, poverty amidst such tremendous wealth would still remain; and since you offer no programs that include the enforcement of Affirmative Action--- the only known specific remedy to racist employment practices--- racism would continue to plague our country along with discrimination against women and the handicapped when it comes to employment--- jobs for everyone at real living wages in line with cost-of-living which is the key to ending poverty which goes along with racism and these dirty wars all of which are the most prominent features of capitalism in its imperialist stage.
As far as suggesting, as you do Mr. Smith, that we have to find common ground with conservative Republicans in order to get any kind of change, this is one more fallacy.
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Dear Friends,
As the summer heats up with political debate, Growth & Justice is playing a constructive role, making the case that big breakthroughs in public policy can reduce racial and economic inequality, build human capital, and promote business growth. Here are some highlights.
Dane Smith appeared on WDSE-TV’s Almanac North to discuss how smart public investments help boost business growth. This appearance followed our recent commentary, For business, grass is greener — here, which was picked up by statewide media outlets. The column cites a new report praising Minnesota’s outstanding rankings in both economic competitiveness and improving socioeconomic conditions.
- Minneapolis will soon host The National Conference of State Legislatures’ annual Legislative Summit, where legislators and staff from across the country will “tackle critical problems and find solutions that work.” As a preview to the event our latest Capitol Report op-ed, Finding the framework for restoring the middle-class dream, discusses the mounting interest in developing a more coherent middle-class policy agenda.
- Our July 11 Capitol Report column, The wisdom of Stiglitz: Widening inequality is not inevitable, builds on a powerful op-ed by Nobel laureate Joseph E. Stiglitz about how policy choices over the last 30 years created much of our growing inequality crisis. We urge Minnesotan’s not to accept widening racial and income inequality as inevitable.
- A recent Harvard Business School paper headlined Reinventing the local education ecosystem analyzes the Strive Together network, which aims to improve educational and economic outcomes through community collaborations. Take a look at our June 12 Capitol Report column to learn more about how communities in Minnesota are reinventing their own education “ecosystems” to close attainment gaps by income and race.
Growth & Justice | 2324 University Ave. West, Ste 120A | Saint Paul, MN 55114 | 651-917-6037 |