- Dee Ives likes this.
Kelley Dee Albrecht your comments are not factual - "Native American tribal casinos sometimes get excluded from federal laws because the casinos fall under Indian Tribal Government laws. But most federal labor laws do apply to casinos run by the tribes.
Read more: Federal Labor Laws That Apply to Native Casinos | eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/list_6603181_federal-laws-apply-native-casinos.html#ixzz2MbzkksNp"
Native American tribal casinos sometimes get excluded from federal laws because the casinos fall under Indian Tribal Government laws. But most federal labor laws do apply to casinos run by the tribes. To keep up to date, tribal employers should carefully review these laws and ensure that all policie...- Alan Maki No; you are wrong. Don't give me articles, give me cases. You just go work in a casino and try to get the United States Department of Labor to enforce any law.
In fact, the State of Minnesota was recently cited, as a result of a complaint filed with the United States Department of Labor, for violation of the Family Leave and Medical Act--- the Department of Labor found in their investigation the employer--- the State of Minnesota--- flagrantly not only violated the FMLA but punished workers for availing themselves of the Act. What was done? The United States Department of Labor said they were out of funds and for the workers to hire their own attorney.
I am well aware of how these casinos operate maybe you should go to work in one of these casinos to learn what really goes on instead of running for public office so you know what life is really like for working people.
What is on paper and what is done with what is on paper is two different things.
Try working in one of these hideous casino operations and file a complaint against management with the US Department of Labor and see how long you have a job.
Kelley Dee Albrecht Alan you are generalizing and stereotyping as usual. You stated that there are no laws covering casino employees - I gave you the laws.- Alan Maki Show me where such laws have ever been enforced. Yes, on paper the United States Constitution and Bill of Rights apply, too. In practice it is another matter.
In fact, the mobsters who own the slot machines and the corrupt tribal politicians who have been bought off just like all the other state and federal politicians who created these "Compacts" creating this hideous "Indian Gaming Industry" from which everyone except Indians profit (oh, yes, you are going to say I am generalizing here, too, because for a few very small tribes every member is a millionaire).
The reason there are NO state or federal laws no matter what is being claimed in the article you posted which cites no enforcement of such laws, is because the Indian Gaming Industry is protected just like the mining, power generating and forestry industries by the "Doctrine of Discovery" backed by the United States Supreme Court ruling of "Johnson versus M'Intosh" which assure and protects the stealing of wealth from Indian Nations--- like all wealth, only labor with quite a little help from Mother Nature, the wealth is created by the labor of those employed in the Indian Gaming Industry.
As such, the "Doctrine of Discovery" enforced by "Johnson versus M'Intosh" renders any and all laws regarding protection of workers in this hideous industry null and void and this is why if you ask the United States Department of Labor to see their records relating to their enforcement of federal laws in the Indian Gaming Industry they can't show you one single enforcement on their part of their own laws, rules and regulations.
You picked up an article on the Internet written and published by someone who, like you, has not an inkling of the situation.
Of course, there is a reason why you and so many Democratic politicians try to distort the truth on this issue: you, personally, like other Democrats and more and more Republicans are receiving campaign contributions from this hideously racist, anti-labor industry.
Why don't you come forward showing all the campaign contributions you and other politicians receive in return for defending and promoting the Indian Gaming Industry?
By the way, if the few laws you brought forward were in fact being enforced, why wouldn't all state and federal labor laws be enforced?
And, since you claim you have found several laws supposedly protecting casino workers, why do you turn your back in indifference knowing none of the other laws are being enforced?
Even if I were to be "generalizing and stereotyping as usual" (quite a generalization in and of itself by you), the fact remains that the injustices in this hideously racist and anti-labor industry remain the norm--- something you are intent on denying; again, why would you do this if you are not gaining something from these injustices you are so intent on covering up that you will pick an article off the Internet without even checking to find out if it is factual and true?
I do hope a real progressive, which you are not, with the courage to stand up against racism and for workers' rights is found to run against Vos.
By the way, what is your position on smoking in these casinos? You don't care about the health of casino workers or casino patrons. Where was your voice when Wisconsin politicians were EXCLUDING the Indian Gaming Industry in banning smoking from workplaces?
Don't show me articles from the Internet you haven't even bothered to check if they are factually correct; just state what you did when you had a chance to make a real difference.
Are you aware the majority of casino employees are young women of child-bearing age? Who suffers the worst consequences from second-hand smoke?
Facts and workers' health don't matter to you; not when your campaign contributions are at stake... another one of my generalizations--- but, very true.
- Kelley Dee Albrecht You are not going to bully me into silence Alan. You said there were no laws, I simply corrected that, I said nothing about whether they were enforced or not, again generalizing and stereotyping.
- Alan Maki There are NO laws that are enforceable--- that means as far as workers are concerned there are NO laws.
- Alan Maki I'm curious, Kelley; why haven't you raised your voice to help assure the rights of casino workers are fully protected under state and federal labor laws and this new casino will be smoke-free with the noise levels in accordance with the legal requirements?
- Kelley Dee Albrecht Alan, as you have made clear in your attacks on me, you have no idea who I am and what I have "raised my voice" on at all.
- Alan Maki I know you have defended the Indian Gaming Industry and have NEVER raised your voice in support of casino workers.
If you have stated any support for casino workers post that support right here.
If you have called for the rights of casino workers under state and federal labor laws and that you are for it to be mandatory that this casino be smoke-free with sound levels in compliance with state and federal labor laws post your positions (and those of any other Democratic politicians in Wisconsin) right here for all to see.
Quite frankly, at this point in time, I am not real concerned about anything else you have said other than what you have to say on this specific subject.
And, let me make this very clear; I would not, and have no intent to try to "bully" you into silence. Quite the contrary; I would encourage you to state your position full and completely on the record right here so I can show it to voters should you run again.
You aren't opposed to accountability, are you?
But, whether or not you choose to run for public office, again, you claim to be a progressive public citizen and I am challenging whether or not you are a progressive when it comes to working class concerns, issues and problems since being for worker's rights is the touchstone of progressivism.a few seconds ago · Like
- Kelley Dee Albrecht I did not defend anything Alan, I merely posted a link refuting your claim that casino workers had no rights under state and federal laws. While you live in Minnesota and that may be the case - in Wisconsin Tribal-state compacts recognize the right of tribal casino employees to be represented by a union as their collective bargaining agent.
People in Wisconsin know full well that I fight every day for progressive issues, which includes workers rights, women's rights, the right to affordable health care, and every other battle we have going on here in Wisconsin. I also stand 100% with the Natives and their sovereign treaty rights. - Kelley Dee Albrecht http://www.doa.state.wi.us/section_detail.asp?linkcatid=694&linkid=117&locid=7
The State of Wisconsin has entered into gaming compact agreements with all eleve...See More - Alan Maki I am not concerned at this point with what you do every single day.
Where do you find this in the "Compacts:"
While you live in Minnesota and that may be the case - in Wisconsin Tribal-state compacts recognize the right of tribal casino employees to be represented by a union as their collective bargaining agent.
Begin with the Bad River "Compact."
For now I am concerned with what you do about defending the rights of casino workers in Wisconsin. What was your position when these casinos were allowed to remain full of second-hand smoke while other places of employment were designated as "smoke-free?"
As you are well aware there are no unions representing any casino workers in Wisconsin and I can assure you none of the casino managements in Wisconsin allow or tolerate union organizing.
Bring one single casino manager to this discussion stating they will allow casino workers to organize under the laws, rules and regulations of the National Labor Relations Act and agree to engage in collective bargaining should workers vote for union representation.5 minutes ago · Like
- Sara Johann Alan, honestly, your Podunk commentary about Kelley Albrecht is nothing but a personal attack and such attacks are not appropriate in a forum like this! I personally know that Kelley Albrecht is a VERY STRONG supporter of workers' rights so your claims are absurd!
- Alan Maki Sara; you may think my claims are "absurd" but the fact remains, Kelley Albrecht has INTENTIONALLY brought forward misinformation and outright lies in defense of this hideous Indian Gaming Industry.
I made a post and asked a very simple question.
Kelley Albrecht CHOSE to answer my question with deceit and lies all of her own volition.
For all I know, you may be correct that Kelley Albrecht supports the rights of SOME workers. She definitely does not support the rights of casino workers.
I would note that I can no longer see Kelley Albrecht's comments on here; did she delete her comments or did she block me.
This is not the first time Kelley Albrecht has come forward with this kind of misinformation, deceit and outright lies concerning the injustices casino workers are being subjected to in the Indian Gaming Industry.
As anyone can see and read for themselves, Kelley Albrecht made the claim the right of casino workers to organize is protected by the "Compacts" in Wisconsin--- I am waiting for someone to show me where this is stated; perhaps you, Sara, would like to point this out?
Someone show me where there is such protection.
I have made no personal attack on Kelley Albrecht; I have responded to her misinformation, deceit and outright lies.
Quite frankly, I see no difference between where Wisconsin Democrats stand in relation to the rights of casino workers than where Scott Walker and the Republicans stand in relation to casino workers and all other workers.
That you and Kelley Albrecht do not like me bringing this forward publicly has no bearing on the facts. The facts are what they are; just as I have stated.
I see no one coming forward to answer my original question nor bringing forward any facts to prove my statements wrong.
This is not the first time Kelley Albrecht has chosen to play this kind of dirty and mean game at the expense of the injustices casino workers are suffering which Wisconsin Democrats have done nothing to correct.
Alan L. Maki
Director of Organizing,
Midwest Casino Workers Organizing Councila few seconds ago · Edited · Like
- Richard Schwalb Alan, you and Kelley have a difference of opinion on interpreting laws and policies relevant to the very valid issue that you have raised. That is fine. Please refrain from personal attacks on this page, accusing individuals of lying, etc. Individuals may be misinformed and posting accordingly, or may believe correctly or incorrectly that others on this page are misinformed, and post accordingly. However, everyone active in this group clearly has progressive values at heart, and works in one way or another to promote those values. I don't believe that anyone active in this group is intentionally lying. If you disagree about that, please keep those comments to yourselves. Freely debate the facts and the issues, but please do not impugn each other's honesty or personal character. Many of us are passionate about our progressive activism, but personal attacks and accusations of lying only inflame emotions and divide us. We are attacked more than enough by the enemies of progressivism, and when we go beyond vigorous debate to personal attacks, we help them and hurt ourselves. The 1st amendment protects free speech from interference by government, but these Facebook pages may be moderated in order to keep discussions reasonably civil. As founder of this group, repeated personal attacks will not be tolerated, but I am hopeful that from now on the debate can remain vigorous without such attacks. Please remember, the people united will never be defeated. Solidarity!
- Alan Maki Ok; I am told Kelley Albrecht has blocked me since several other people tell me they can see her posts. I will leave it to others to judge Kelley Albrecht's very cowardly and intellectually dishonest behavior.
My original question stands as asked:
Is there a reason not one single progressive in Wisconsin has not raised their voices objecting to another 3,000 casino workers being forced to work in loud, noisy, smoke-filled casinos at poverty wages and without any rights under state and federal labor laws as a bunch of corrupt tribal politicians conspire with a bunch of mobsters who own all the slot machines and table games run off with the profits as most Native Americans are forced further into the abyss of racist, genocidal poverty?
Richard; we have been through this previously with Kelley Albrecht and many other Wisconsin Democrats.
Kelley's intent is to deceive. It was Kelley who made the claim that the "Compacts" protect the rights of casino workers to organize.
When I asked her to provide the proof of her statement she plunked down a link to the "Compacts;" for what purpose? Is there any mention of anything to do with the rights of casino workers to organize in any of these "Compacts?" NO there is not; and she knows it but plunked down the link to these "Compacts" anyways hoping people would believe her, and not me, while hoping they would not bother to read hundreds of pages. Do you call this kind of deceit when trying to get at the facts honest?
This kind of trickery might be fine in a high school debate class but in this debate people's lives are the issue.
Please don't suggest there is any basis for unity with those who support these casino managements because this makes a mockery of a very sacred progressive tradition.
As for your suggestion that the "First Amendment doesn't apply here on FaceBook" according to you, I think this is a very sad commentary on your part especially since it was Kelley who started feeding the misinformation and you made no attempt to challenge her.
Where is your responsibility as a moderator who wants to maintain civility when you don't step in to suggest people provide facts?
Where is your warning to Kelley asking her to now provide a reason why she plunked down the link to the "Compacts" knowing the question I asked was not answered in these "Compacts?"
Casino workers are walked all over and treated like crap every single day; to think that a person can't ask the original question that I did without being subjected to this kind of abuse is pathetic.
This is NOT about a "difference of opinion;" this about justice versus injustice.