Texas Longhorns with newborn calf in Bluebonnets

Texas Longhorns with newborn calf in Bluebonnets

Please note I have a new phone number...


Alan Maki

Alan Maki
Doing research at the LBJ Library in Austin, Texas

It's time to claim our Peace Dividend

It's time to claim our Peace Dividend

We need to beat swords into plowshares.

We need to beat swords into plowshares.

A program for real change...


What we need is a "21st Century Full Employment Act for Peace and Prosperity" which would make it a mandatory requirement that the president and Congress attain and maintain full employment.

"Voting is easy and marginally useful, but it is a poor substitute for democracy, which requires direct action by concerned citizens"

- Ben Franklin

Let's talk...

Let's talk...

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Only in America... tears of joy over the election of a con-artist and flim-flam man...

... while there are no tears of sorrow from Obama's merry-makers for the children of Gaza being slaughtered by Israeli butchers as Barack Obama remains shamefully silent and the United States Congress encourages and cheers this Israeli genocidal killing spree in Gaza on.

We really are on the road to perdition with capitalism on the skids to oblivion... the only question now remaining is how long will the American working class allow this barbarity to continue.

Like Obama, his supporters in organized labor have been shamefully silent, too, as they think their silence is a requirement for securing the Employee Free Choice Act.

It will take much more than organizing more unions with class collaborationist union leaders like John Sweeney and Andy Stearn to turn this country around as they seek to manipulate and control the unions to be in complicity and support for this imperialist barbarity.

All of this takes place under the guise of the "politics of pragmatism" which turns its ugly head in indifference to human suffering in places like Gaza hoping to get a little "piece of the action"... this is a one-way, dead-end alley for working people.

The merchants of death and destruction have spun a powerful web of corruption and destruction... as the military-financial-industrial complex amasses great profits from war, misery and poverty.

The time has come for working people to bury this rotten system; not the children of Gaza... capitalism has become a cannibalistic, barbaric imperialist beast through which the Wall Street coupon clippers survive and thrive... no other face can be put to the problem other than that of the dead children of Gaza no matter how hard the capitalist soothsayers try.

Instead of cheering Obama on he should be met with the most militant outcry of protests when he is inaugurated.

Throw your shoes at Bush as he finally leaves office...

... shove pictures of the dead and wounded children of Gaza in Obama's face to let him see that while he arrogantly stuck his nose in the air as people plead with him to vigorously speak up and speak out along with the rest of the world in condemnation of this bestial and barbaric Israeli killing spree the children of Gaza died largely as a result of his disgraceful and shameful silence as he continues to embrace these Israeli butchers.

Alan L. Maki

Shame on Obama; shame on those who will celebrate his election with tears of joy as the children of Gaza die...


Across U.S., parties, viewings set for inauguration

(Reuters) – Cincinnati is hosting a viewing party in the city's central square, Kansas City will open its civic center and churches across America have chartered buses so supporters can watch the inauguration of President-elect Barack Obama in person.

In towns and cities far from Washington, Americans are gearing up to watch the swearing-in on Tuesday of the first black U.S. president at events both public and private, eager to mark the historic moment with more than the usual fanfare.

"I remember when the first man walked on the moon, watching it on television, and this is like that," said Caren Burger, a Cincinnati business owner. "I'll be glued to the TV."

While Burger plans to watch the event at home -- she said she'll be crying in joy at the inauguration of Democrat Obama and shunned by Republican friends -- others said they want to share the moment.

In Mission, Kansas, Lucky Brewgrille restaurant owner Greg Fuciu said he expected a packed house on inauguration day and planned to have several televisions showing the events.

"I think it is change we need," said Fuciu, who does not consider himself a Democrat but did vote for Obama. "The last eight years I don't think the Republican Party has led us in a great direction."

Newspapers are filled with reports of viewing parties at Starbucks shops, movie theaters, black churches, sports bars, schools and museums.

The official swearing-in ceremony on the steps of the Capitol will be followed by a parade to the White House and numerous inaugural balls -- amounting to hours of television coverage.


Barbara Ikerd is helping organize an inauguration party at a civic center in downtown Kansas City, where at least 1,000 people were expected to turn out on Tuesday.

"We worked hard during the campaign and now it is time to celebrate," said 57-year-old Ikerd. Ikerd, who was laid off from General Motors, said she has high hopes the Obama can repair the economy.

"I'm unemployed, I have family that have been laid off, jobs are just disappearing," she said. "So I'm in tune to that message of hope."

In Texas, Sharon Johnson is organizing a bus trip from Houston to Washington so 55 people can join the crowds in the nation's capital for the inauguration. Johnson, 52, said the event had special resonance for her because she is the great-granddaughter of a slave.

"He still managed to send all of his grandchildren to college. So for us we had to get an education and vote," she told Reuters by phone, her voice cracking with emotion. She expects the bus trip to take about 26 hours.

Others will watch the events in private.

"I'm looking forward to it," retiree Karen von Herrmann told Reuters while walking her dog in a suburb of Fort Worth, Texas. "I'm interested in seeing how different it is from the last one, to see if there are any protesters."


Across the country, schools, churches, radio stations and congressional offices have launched contests to distribute coveted tickets to the inauguration, and overflow crowds are expected in Washington for the ceremony and parade.

Organizers of a special inauguration rail excursion from Chicago to Washington said they sold out and could have filled a second train if they had the cars to do it. Forty-four people paid $2,599 each for the trip in three 1950s-era restored sleeper cars and a vintage diner.

"We've turned a lot of people away and we're still getting calls," said Frank Corley, marketing manager for American Rail Excursions in Dearborn, Mich.

Others in Chicago, Obama's adopted hometown, said they may miss viewing the event on Tuesday because they have to work, but expect the city to stand still to mark the moment.

"I have a feeling when it happens I'm going to stop in my tracks -- the existential moment, is that what they call it?" said Gershon Mayer, 68, who operates a car service out of Hyde Park, Obama's home neighborhood.

In San Francisco, Filipina immigrant Vicky Refurzo said she will tune in to watch history.

"I'm just so excited -- I want to watch. I live here 48 years, 49. I arrived when it was President Kennedy -- it might be similar," said Refurzo, 79.

For many black Americans, the inauguration of Obama, the son of a white mother and a black Kenyan father, holds particular resonance.

"I honestly never thought I'd see that day that this would happen," said Ron Busby, the president of the Phoenix Black Chamber of Commerce. Busby said he considered going to Washington to see the event for himself, but has instead arranged an after-work party at a downtown sports bar.

"We are going to celebrate with a happy-hour party," Busby said. "I'll be elated."

(Additional reporting by Carey Gillam in Kansas City, Ed Stoddard in Fort Worth, Tim Gaynor in Phoenix, Peter Henderson in San Francisco, Mike Conlon and Andrew Stern in Chicago; Editing by Cynthia Osterman)