Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Save the St. Paul Ford Twin Cities Assembly Plant
Sisters and Brothers;
Unless we act together the Ford Plant will close soon and two thousand jobs will go down the drain and into the river with it.
It will take the initiative of community activists and rank and file activists from your plant working together to save the Ford Plant and two-thousand jobs. It will require activity on a variety of levels from a variety of partners working in coalition.
I would encourage you to ask the UAW leadership of your local (UAW Local 879) to push the MN DFL to reconsider the legislation Democratic Senator Metzen dropped the ball on after Representative Tom Rukavina successfully pushed it through his Committee in the House. It is important that this Plant and Dam remain intact as one unit.
As you know, the great “free market forces” of capitalism have not been able to keep this perfectly good plant in operation.
This leaves us but one option; the option of Public Ownership. Public Ownership has been used all over the world to save many plants and even entire industries. The New Flyer Bus Plant in Winnipeg, Manitoba is one such example.
To be quite frank, our primary concern has to be with saving these two-thousand jobs. The jobs of those presently employed and for generations to come.
No one is considering the tremendous struggle and sacrifice of Ford workers and your union in securing a good place to work as part of the investment. No one is talking about the huge investment taxpayers have made in this Plant and Hydro Dam… not to mention training employees. No one mentions that workers create all wealth and as such are entitled to participate as equals in the decision-making process. The Ford Motor Company never sat down and talked about the future of this plant with workers or tax-payers.
I ask you to take these resolutions to your party precinct caucus meetings in February. Ford workers are scattered all over, even in Wisconsin… we need to reach out for support in order to save this plant. Just clip one of these resolutions to the resolution form.
Resolution #1 (Short Version) 0n the St. Paul Ford Twin Cities Assembly Plant/Hydro Dam and 2,000 Union Jobs
Whereas Ford Motor Company has stated its intent to close the St. Paul Ford Twin Cities Assembly Plant, sell the hydro dam to a foreign corporation, and displace two-thousand workers in the near future without consultation from the workers, the community, or local and state governments;
Whereas this plant, its operations, and the hydro dam have received continued support from every level of government including tax-payer funding, tax-breaks and tax abatements under promises to maintain manufacturing operations and with assurances workers would have job security in St. Paul, Minnesota;
Therefore be it resolved public ownership should be used to save this plant, hydro dam, and two-thousand jobs.
Resolution #2 (Full version) 0n the St. Paul Ford Twin Cities Assembly Plant/Hydro Dam and 2,000 Union Jobs
Whereas Ford Motor Company has stated its intent to close the St. Paul Ford Twin Cities Assembly Plant, sell the hydro dam to a foreign corporation, and displace two-thousand workers in the near future without consultation with the workers, the community, or local and state governments;
Whereas this plant, its operations, and the hydro dam have received continued support from every level of government including tax-payer funding, tax-breaks and tax abatements under promises to maintain manufacturing operations and with assurances workers would have job security in St. Paul, Minnesota;
Whereas this Plant forms an important an integral component of Minnesota’s industrial base;
Whereas the closing of this Plant will cause very significant economic harm to the local community and the state including placing a strain on already overburdened social services which have already been drastically cut back;
Whereas all conciliatory efforts, as demanded, in favor of the management of Ford Motor Company have been granted by all levels of government under the promise Ford would maintain operations in St. Paul;
Whereas a similar threatened plant closing of the New Flyer Plant in Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada during the 1970’sresulted in all levels of government intervening on behalf of the members of the United Automobile Workers union resulting in the public takeover of the operation with continuing successful operation at present;
Whereas “the free market” has not resulted in a solution to save the St. Paul Ford Twin Cities Assembly Plant, the hydro dam which powers the plant along with two-thousand union jobs; (over please)
Be it resolved that the Minnesota Democratic Farmer-Labor Party instruct its State Legislative Caucus to bring forward the previous resolution in the form of legislation supported by the United Auto Workers Union and its members of Local 789 to save the plant and dam intact until a solution is found to continue operations and production;
Be it further resolved that the Minnesota Democratic Farmer-Labor Party instructs all of its federal, state, and local Twin Cities elected officials to convene a special conference to explore public ownership as the remedy to saving the St. Paul Ford Twin Cities Assembly Plant, the hydro dam, and two thousand union jobs;
Be it further resolved that the Minnesota Democratic Farmer-Labor Party support public ownership and democratic control of the St. Paul Ford Twin Cities Assembly Plant with production taking place in the best interests of the workers and the people of the State of Minnesota;
Be it further resolved that public ownership is the only viable means of saving the St. Paul Ford Twin Cities Assembly Plant as all other means have been tried and exhausted;
Be it further resolved that funding is not an issue since any country which can squander billions of dollars on the occupation of Iraq can find the resources for saving this Plant, dam, and jobs;
Be it further resolved that the very significant burden of health care costs for employees be resolved through the State of Minnesota enacting legislation implementing single-payer, universal health care.
Alan L. Maki
Member, Minnesota DFL State Central Committee
Director of Organizing,
Midwest Casino Workers Organizing Council
If you have friends working in casinos please have them get in touch with me.
Twenty-thousand Minnesotans go to work in smoke-filled casinos at poverty wages without any rights under tribal, state or federal labor laws.
58891 County Road 13
Warroad, Minnesota 56763
Phone: 218-386-2432
Cell phone: 651-587-5541
E-mail: amaki000@centurytel.net
Check out my blog; it’s where rank and file activists go for information:
Thoughts From Podunk:
Suggestions for how to use these resolutions:
• Take it to your precinct caucus meeting
• Get your union or community organization to support this resolution
• Write a letter to your state legislators supporting this resolution
• Copy and distribute this resolution widely
• Use this resolution as a petition, ask your friends to sign it
• Write a letter to the editor
• Blog this issue
• Post the resolution on web sites
• Discuss this resolution on Internet “list serves”
This leaflet made as a contribution in kind by the:
Iron Range Rank and File Labor Network… concerned and involved members of USW Locals 1938, 2705, 6860, 2660
All labor and materials for this leaflet have been contributed in solidarity with workers of the St. Paul Ford Twin Cities Assembly Plant… On the Iron Range we understand the future of our jobs hinge on the future of your jobs. We would like to take this opportunity to thank Alan Maki for taking up this struggle in his capacity as a member of the MN DFL State Central Committee. Without these kinds of community grassroots and rank and file outreach efforts we are all doomed as recent contract “negotiations” in our industries have demonstrated.
Please consider making a contribution to help us put this issue on the front burner where it belongs.
Out of sight… is out of mind.
Unless we act together the Ford Plant will close soon and two thousand jobs will go down the drain and into the river with it.
It will take the initiative of community activists and rank and file activists from your plant working together to save the Ford Plant and two-thousand jobs. It will require activity on a variety of levels from a variety of partners working in coalition.
I would encourage you to ask the UAW leadership of your local (UAW Local 879) to push the MN DFL to reconsider the legislation Democratic Senator Metzen dropped the ball on after Representative Tom Rukavina successfully pushed it through his Committee in the House. It is important that this Plant and Dam remain intact as one unit.
As you know, the great “free market forces” of capitalism have not been able to keep this perfectly good plant in operation.
This leaves us but one option; the option of Public Ownership. Public Ownership has been used all over the world to save many plants and even entire industries. The New Flyer Bus Plant in Winnipeg, Manitoba is one such example.
To be quite frank, our primary concern has to be with saving these two-thousand jobs. The jobs of those presently employed and for generations to come.
No one is considering the tremendous struggle and sacrifice of Ford workers and your union in securing a good place to work as part of the investment. No one is talking about the huge investment taxpayers have made in this Plant and Hydro Dam… not to mention training employees. No one mentions that workers create all wealth and as such are entitled to participate as equals in the decision-making process. The Ford Motor Company never sat down and talked about the future of this plant with workers or tax-payers.
I ask you to take these resolutions to your party precinct caucus meetings in February. Ford workers are scattered all over, even in Wisconsin… we need to reach out for support in order to save this plant. Just clip one of these resolutions to the resolution form.
Resolution #1 (Short Version) 0n the St. Paul Ford Twin Cities Assembly Plant/Hydro Dam and 2,000 Union Jobs
Whereas Ford Motor Company has stated its intent to close the St. Paul Ford Twin Cities Assembly Plant, sell the hydro dam to a foreign corporation, and displace two-thousand workers in the near future without consultation from the workers, the community, or local and state governments;
Whereas this plant, its operations, and the hydro dam have received continued support from every level of government including tax-payer funding, tax-breaks and tax abatements under promises to maintain manufacturing operations and with assurances workers would have job security in St. Paul, Minnesota;
Therefore be it resolved public ownership should be used to save this plant, hydro dam, and two-thousand jobs.
Resolution #2 (Full version) 0n the St. Paul Ford Twin Cities Assembly Plant/Hydro Dam and 2,000 Union Jobs
Whereas Ford Motor Company has stated its intent to close the St. Paul Ford Twin Cities Assembly Plant, sell the hydro dam to a foreign corporation, and displace two-thousand workers in the near future without consultation with the workers, the community, or local and state governments;
Whereas this plant, its operations, and the hydro dam have received continued support from every level of government including tax-payer funding, tax-breaks and tax abatements under promises to maintain manufacturing operations and with assurances workers would have job security in St. Paul, Minnesota;
Whereas this Plant forms an important an integral component of Minnesota’s industrial base;
Whereas the closing of this Plant will cause very significant economic harm to the local community and the state including placing a strain on already overburdened social services which have already been drastically cut back;
Whereas all conciliatory efforts, as demanded, in favor of the management of Ford Motor Company have been granted by all levels of government under the promise Ford would maintain operations in St. Paul;
Whereas a similar threatened plant closing of the New Flyer Plant in Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada during the 1970’sresulted in all levels of government intervening on behalf of the members of the United Automobile Workers union resulting in the public takeover of the operation with continuing successful operation at present;
Whereas “the free market” has not resulted in a solution to save the St. Paul Ford Twin Cities Assembly Plant, the hydro dam which powers the plant along with two-thousand union jobs; (over please)
Be it resolved that the Minnesota Democratic Farmer-Labor Party instruct its State Legislative Caucus to bring forward the previous resolution in the form of legislation supported by the United Auto Workers Union and its members of Local 789 to save the plant and dam intact until a solution is found to continue operations and production;
Be it further resolved that the Minnesota Democratic Farmer-Labor Party instructs all of its federal, state, and local Twin Cities elected officials to convene a special conference to explore public ownership as the remedy to saving the St. Paul Ford Twin Cities Assembly Plant, the hydro dam, and two thousand union jobs;
Be it further resolved that the Minnesota Democratic Farmer-Labor Party support public ownership and democratic control of the St. Paul Ford Twin Cities Assembly Plant with production taking place in the best interests of the workers and the people of the State of Minnesota;
Be it further resolved that public ownership is the only viable means of saving the St. Paul Ford Twin Cities Assembly Plant as all other means have been tried and exhausted;
Be it further resolved that funding is not an issue since any country which can squander billions of dollars on the occupation of Iraq can find the resources for saving this Plant, dam, and jobs;
Be it further resolved that the very significant burden of health care costs for employees be resolved through the State of Minnesota enacting legislation implementing single-payer, universal health care.
Alan L. Maki
Member, Minnesota DFL State Central Committee
Director of Organizing,
Midwest Casino Workers Organizing Council
If you have friends working in casinos please have them get in touch with me.
Twenty-thousand Minnesotans go to work in smoke-filled casinos at poverty wages without any rights under tribal, state or federal labor laws.
58891 County Road 13
Warroad, Minnesota 56763
Phone: 218-386-2432
Cell phone: 651-587-5541
E-mail: amaki000@centurytel.net
Check out my blog; it’s where rank and file activists go for information:
Thoughts From Podunk:
Suggestions for how to use these resolutions:
• Take it to your precinct caucus meeting
• Get your union or community organization to support this resolution
• Write a letter to your state legislators supporting this resolution
• Copy and distribute this resolution widely
• Use this resolution as a petition, ask your friends to sign it
• Write a letter to the editor
• Blog this issue
• Post the resolution on web sites
• Discuss this resolution on Internet “list serves”
This leaflet made as a contribution in kind by the:
Iron Range Rank and File Labor Network… concerned and involved members of USW Locals 1938, 2705, 6860, 2660
All labor and materials for this leaflet have been contributed in solidarity with workers of the St. Paul Ford Twin Cities Assembly Plant… On the Iron Range we understand the future of our jobs hinge on the future of your jobs. We would like to take this opportunity to thank Alan Maki for taking up this struggle in his capacity as a member of the MN DFL State Central Committee. Without these kinds of community grassroots and rank and file outreach efforts we are all doomed as recent contract “negotiations” in our industries have demonstrated.
Please consider making a contribution to help us put this issue on the front burner where it belongs.
Out of sight… is out of mind.
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Prez on the Rez Presidential Forum; Why I don't support Kucinich
I keep getting asked by "liberals" and "progressives" why I don't support Dennis Kucinich for President.
I can no longer remain silent on the issue of Dennis Kucinich.
"Progressives" and "liberals" keep asking me why I continue taking these little ridiculing pokes at Kucinich.
I don't support Kucinich for several reasons---
One, he is as phony as any of the other contenders for the Democratic Presidential nomination who is nothing more than a ringer thrown into the race as part of the scheme to keep the "left" in the two-party trap;
Two, he has a horrible record when it comes to the struggle against racism and for integration in his own Congressional District having refused to support busing for integration and open housing; Kucinich quite literally runs away from the struggle against racism even though racism is by far the most serious problem in our country;
Three, here you have Dennis Kucinich, the darling of the "left," participating in a Presidential Forum and refusing to address the issue of the rights of casino workers even though I spoke with several of his top staff people and informed them of the terrible conditions casino workers are forced to endure.
I was not opposed to Kucinich participating in this "Prez on the Rez Presidential Forum"; however, Kucinich had a responsibility as a self avowed "progressive," to take up the issues of importance to some two-million casino workers forced to work under the most Draconian conditions in this country since the days of slavery. And, Like racist chattel slavery, these Draconian conditions have been imposed by local, state, and federal legislation and "regulated" under statute.
Now, if Dennis Kucinich does not have the moral or political courage and common human decency to stand up on an issue like this which affects some two-million American workers--- many of whom are Native Americans and people of color, many of whom are young women of child-bearing age, many of whom are poverty stricken elderly workers, others who are among the millions of undocumented workers; but, all who are workers going to work in these "right-to-work colonies," where their workplaces are filled with second-hand smoke, where these workers have no rights what-so-ever there is something terribly wrong with this.
It is bad enough that both Hillary Clinton and Rudy Giuliani both have accepted enormous campaign contributions from the Fertitta family and the management of Station Casinos, one of the most "mobbed up" casino operations and promoters of these racist, anti-labor casino "Compacts" like the "Compact" now before the Michigan Legislature which would create one more "right-to-work colony" just south of Grand Rapids, Michigan--- the Gun Lake Tribal "Compact;" this is bad enough. But then to have the most "progressive" of the Democratic Party candidates refusing to address this issue of the most blatantly anti-labor and institutionalized form of racism is the epitome of obscene.
For my stand on this issue I am attacked on web sites and in blogs behind those who write anonymously attacking me... these attackers range the entire political gamut from the head of the Ku Klux Klan to the John Birch Society to leaders of the Green Party to the head of the Communist Party USA to those like Brian Melendez the cowardly Chair of the Minnesota Democratic farmer-Labor Party to the President of the Michigan AFL-CIO and the Floor Leader of the Michigan legislature, Democrat Steve Tobacman.
The United Steel Workers Union says they want to organize casino workers, yet the candidate they endorse, Dennis Kucinich, has the unmitigated gall to stand up and talk about "sovereignty" and "wounded knee" while refusing to address the issue of these racist and anti-labor "Compacts"--- in fact, Kucinich has run away from this issue just as he ran away from fighting for busing to achieve the integration of Parma's Public Schools and just as he ran away from the issue of racist covenants in Parma, Ohio... a "white city" with-in Cleveland where two-bit loan-sharks and bookies dominate the political landscape. As far as I know USW President Leo Girard never attempted to convince Kucinich to address the issues surrounding these "Compacts" which gives us a little hint about what kind of representation casino workers could expect to get for their dues money from the USW and AFL-CIO affiliated unions.
I would point out that for over twenty years the entire Democratic Party has been running away from the real issues surrounding these "Compacts:" racism and anti-labor bias. The Democrats are motivated by huge campaign contributions. Anyone just has to look at the campaign contributions the 2008 Democratic Presidential Candidate, Hillary Clinton, has received from the Fertitta's.
I can understand the attacks from the right I am subjected to; however, what explains the attacks from the "liberal," "left," and "progressive" communities I am being subjected to over this issue? Perhaps some kind of "shame" on the part of these people that they have lacked the moral or political courage to address this issue because they would not be able to justify their involvement in the Democratic Party without speaking up... and to speak up would mean being attacked by a bunch of two-bit mobsters and thugs who are profiting so heavily from the creation of these "right-to-work colonies" which now dot our national geographic and political landscape; and, if these mobsters have their way these "right-to-work colonies" will become part of our National Forests as the Department of Interior turns over the management of some of the most beautiful National Forests to Tribal "management"... the same Tribal interests who have served as a front for these mobsters to operate these highly profitable and lucrative casinos in "right-to-work colonies" with next to no regulation, no over-sight, nor any accountability with all kinds of scams and schemes in play producing crooked table games, skimming of casino profits, money laundering and tax-evasion.

Dennis appeared at the Morongo Reservation in the California Desert
August 23, 2007
Morongo Indian Reservation, Cabazon, California
Prez on the Rez - Presidential forum
In Background – Mark Trahant, Editor, Seattle Post-Intelligencer)
Mary Ann Andreas, Vice Chair, Morongo Band of Mission Indians
Robert Martin, Chair, Morongo Band of Mission Indians
Congressman Dennis Kucinich
Kalyn Free, President, INDN’s List Education Fund.
Not once in his talk during the "Prez on the Rez Forum" did Kucinich, the great "progressive," address the issue of "sovereignty" and the some 400 casino "Compacts" which have created "right-to-work colonies" and left over two-million workers employed in smoke-filled casinos at poverty wages without any rights under tribal, state or federal labor laws.
I find something really bizarre in a political process where a Presidential candidate feels at ease talking about his "UFO" experiences but can't address the problems of these racist, anti-labor casino "Compacts" which have created "right-to-work colonies" all over this country leaving two-million workers to be used as a "club over the heads" of all other workers to drive wages down while casino workers themselves are the targets of all kinds of health care insurance scams led by Wayne Newton and his quacking white duck promoting AFLACK.
If casino workers in Manitoba, Canada can work under union contract receiving real wages in smoke-free casinos which make so much money it pays for health care and education... there is something terribly wrong with Kucinich remaining silent on the issues surrounding these casino "Compacts;" "Compacts" which are an integral part of the racist campaign of genocide First Nations Peoples have been subjected to since the Pilgrims landed at Plymouth rock.
Something to think about this Thanksgiving Day as you are sitting around the dining room table and the topic of discussion turns to politics and issues of racism and labor.
I don't see any politicians sitting in smoke-filled legislative offices or chambers; why should casino workers be FORCED to endure such unhealthy, life-threatening working conditions.
I would, also, point out to Mr. Kucinich that workers employed without any rights in the workplace have no rights of any kind in the communities where they live.
I can no longer remain silent on the issue of Dennis Kucinich.
"Progressives" and "liberals" keep asking me why I continue taking these little ridiculing pokes at Kucinich.
I don't support Kucinich for several reasons---
One, he is as phony as any of the other contenders for the Democratic Presidential nomination who is nothing more than a ringer thrown into the race as part of the scheme to keep the "left" in the two-party trap;
Two, he has a horrible record when it comes to the struggle against racism and for integration in his own Congressional District having refused to support busing for integration and open housing; Kucinich quite literally runs away from the struggle against racism even though racism is by far the most serious problem in our country;
Three, here you have Dennis Kucinich, the darling of the "left," participating in a Presidential Forum and refusing to address the issue of the rights of casino workers even though I spoke with several of his top staff people and informed them of the terrible conditions casino workers are forced to endure.
I was not opposed to Kucinich participating in this "Prez on the Rez Presidential Forum"; however, Kucinich had a responsibility as a self avowed "progressive," to take up the issues of importance to some two-million casino workers forced to work under the most Draconian conditions in this country since the days of slavery. And, Like racist chattel slavery, these Draconian conditions have been imposed by local, state, and federal legislation and "regulated" under statute.
Now, if Dennis Kucinich does not have the moral or political courage and common human decency to stand up on an issue like this which affects some two-million American workers--- many of whom are Native Americans and people of color, many of whom are young women of child-bearing age, many of whom are poverty stricken elderly workers, others who are among the millions of undocumented workers; but, all who are workers going to work in these "right-to-work colonies," where their workplaces are filled with second-hand smoke, where these workers have no rights what-so-ever there is something terribly wrong with this.
It is bad enough that both Hillary Clinton and Rudy Giuliani both have accepted enormous campaign contributions from the Fertitta family and the management of Station Casinos, one of the most "mobbed up" casino operations and promoters of these racist, anti-labor casino "Compacts" like the "Compact" now before the Michigan Legislature which would create one more "right-to-work colony" just south of Grand Rapids, Michigan--- the Gun Lake Tribal "Compact;" this is bad enough. But then to have the most "progressive" of the Democratic Party candidates refusing to address this issue of the most blatantly anti-labor and institutionalized form of racism is the epitome of obscene.
For my stand on this issue I am attacked on web sites and in blogs behind those who write anonymously attacking me... these attackers range the entire political gamut from the head of the Ku Klux Klan to the John Birch Society to leaders of the Green Party to the head of the Communist Party USA to those like Brian Melendez the cowardly Chair of the Minnesota Democratic farmer-Labor Party to the President of the Michigan AFL-CIO and the Floor Leader of the Michigan legislature, Democrat Steve Tobacman.
The United Steel Workers Union says they want to organize casino workers, yet the candidate they endorse, Dennis Kucinich, has the unmitigated gall to stand up and talk about "sovereignty" and "wounded knee" while refusing to address the issue of these racist and anti-labor "Compacts"--- in fact, Kucinich has run away from this issue just as he ran away from fighting for busing to achieve the integration of Parma's Public Schools and just as he ran away from the issue of racist covenants in Parma, Ohio... a "white city" with-in Cleveland where two-bit loan-sharks and bookies dominate the political landscape. As far as I know USW President Leo Girard never attempted to convince Kucinich to address the issues surrounding these "Compacts" which gives us a little hint about what kind of representation casino workers could expect to get for their dues money from the USW and AFL-CIO affiliated unions.
I would point out that for over twenty years the entire Democratic Party has been running away from the real issues surrounding these "Compacts:" racism and anti-labor bias. The Democrats are motivated by huge campaign contributions. Anyone just has to look at the campaign contributions the 2008 Democratic Presidential Candidate, Hillary Clinton, has received from the Fertitta's.
I can understand the attacks from the right I am subjected to; however, what explains the attacks from the "liberal," "left," and "progressive" communities I am being subjected to over this issue? Perhaps some kind of "shame" on the part of these people that they have lacked the moral or political courage to address this issue because they would not be able to justify their involvement in the Democratic Party without speaking up... and to speak up would mean being attacked by a bunch of two-bit mobsters and thugs who are profiting so heavily from the creation of these "right-to-work colonies" which now dot our national geographic and political landscape; and, if these mobsters have their way these "right-to-work colonies" will become part of our National Forests as the Department of Interior turns over the management of some of the most beautiful National Forests to Tribal "management"... the same Tribal interests who have served as a front for these mobsters to operate these highly profitable and lucrative casinos in "right-to-work colonies" with next to no regulation, no over-sight, nor any accountability with all kinds of scams and schemes in play producing crooked table games, skimming of casino profits, money laundering and tax-evasion.

Dennis appeared at the Morongo Reservation in the California Desert
August 23, 2007
Morongo Indian Reservation, Cabazon, California
Prez on the Rez - Presidential forum
In Background – Mark Trahant, Editor, Seattle Post-Intelligencer)
Mary Ann Andreas, Vice Chair, Morongo Band of Mission Indians
Robert Martin, Chair, Morongo Band of Mission Indians
Congressman Dennis Kucinich
Kalyn Free, President, INDN’s List Education Fund.
Dennis Kucinich appeared at the Morongo Reservation in the California desert on August 23rd 2007 for Prez on the Rez. Talking to the leaders of 65 Indian nations, Kucinich received a standing ovation when he told the leaders to go back to the reservations and tell their people that there is someone running for president who understands their hearts. Kucinich talked about Indian sovereignty, gaming, and the hearts still buried at 'Wounded Knee'.
Not once in his talk during the "Prez on the Rez Forum" did Kucinich, the great "progressive," address the issue of "sovereignty" and the some 400 casino "Compacts" which have created "right-to-work colonies" and left over two-million workers employed in smoke-filled casinos at poverty wages without any rights under tribal, state or federal labor laws.
I find something really bizarre in a political process where a Presidential candidate feels at ease talking about his "UFO" experiences but can't address the problems of these racist, anti-labor casino "Compacts" which have created "right-to-work colonies" all over this country leaving two-million workers to be used as a "club over the heads" of all other workers to drive wages down while casino workers themselves are the targets of all kinds of health care insurance scams led by Wayne Newton and his quacking white duck promoting AFLACK.
If casino workers in Manitoba, Canada can work under union contract receiving real wages in smoke-free casinos which make so much money it pays for health care and education... there is something terribly wrong with Kucinich remaining silent on the issues surrounding these casino "Compacts;" "Compacts" which are an integral part of the racist campaign of genocide First Nations Peoples have been subjected to since the Pilgrims landed at Plymouth rock.
Something to think about this Thanksgiving Day as you are sitting around the dining room table and the topic of discussion turns to politics and issues of racism and labor.
I don't see any politicians sitting in smoke-filled legislative offices or chambers; why should casino workers be FORCED to endure such unhealthy, life-threatening working conditions.
I would, also, point out to Mr. Kucinich that workers employed without any rights in the workplace have no rights of any kind in the communities where they live.
Saturday, November 17, 2007
The $1.6 trillion dollar question...
The $1.6 trillion dollar question...
I bet someone really creative could come up with a nice set of posters, leaflets, buttons, sample letters to the editor, resolutions, and petitions for an effective tabling effort around these three sentences.
I am thinking if we combined a strategy focused on these three sentences while suggesting that this money could be better used to:
* Establish a national bank to take over home mortgages to provide working people with low interest mortgages to save their homes from foreclosures; and, finance the building of low rent public housing;
* Bring the St. Paul Ford Twin Cities Assembly Plant and Hydro Dam under public ownership in order to save 2,000 jobs; and
* Provide the start-up costs to finance a single-payer, universal health care system…
We can turn this country around.
This is just the ticket towards building our movement the way it really needs to be built--- person by person, neighborhood by neighborhood, school by school and workplace by workplace.
A very good place to begin this tabling effort would be at your local supermarket or food co-op while building up to local precinct caucus meetings… this is how you can meet a lot of concerned and politically active people who might be willing to help build this effort with you.
I am forwarding this idea around to activists with Minnesotans for Peace and Social Justice
Please join me in forwarding this e-mail to everyone on your e-lists.
This is the kind of activity that could take on the effect of a little snowball rolling down a steep, long hill on a warm spring day. If each and every person who participated in the demonstrations against the war on October 27 were to take up this kind of initiative we could put an end to this dirty war and change our country for the better.
Not one more penny, not one more vote for this dirty war.
Alan L. Maki
58891 County Road 13
Warroad, Minnesota 56763
Phone: 218-386-2432
Cell phone: 651-587-5541
E-mail: amaki000@centurytel.net
A new study by Democrats themselves puts the economic cost of the Iraq occupation at $1.6 TRILLION, or $21,000 per family. Every single penny has been wasted - not to mention the human cost to Americans and Iraqis and global hatred of the USA.
Why would Democrats want to give Bush one penny more?
I bet someone really creative could come up with a nice set of posters, leaflets, buttons, sample letters to the editor, resolutions, and petitions for an effective tabling effort around these three sentences.
I am thinking if we combined a strategy focused on these three sentences while suggesting that this money could be better used to:
* Establish a national bank to take over home mortgages to provide working people with low interest mortgages to save their homes from foreclosures; and, finance the building of low rent public housing;
* Bring the St. Paul Ford Twin Cities Assembly Plant and Hydro Dam under public ownership in order to save 2,000 jobs; and
* Provide the start-up costs to finance a single-payer, universal health care system…
We can turn this country around.
This is just the ticket towards building our movement the way it really needs to be built--- person by person, neighborhood by neighborhood, school by school and workplace by workplace.
A very good place to begin this tabling effort would be at your local supermarket or food co-op while building up to local precinct caucus meetings… this is how you can meet a lot of concerned and politically active people who might be willing to help build this effort with you.
I am forwarding this idea around to activists with Minnesotans for Peace and Social Justice
Please join me in forwarding this e-mail to everyone on your e-lists.
This is the kind of activity that could take on the effect of a little snowball rolling down a steep, long hill on a warm spring day. If each and every person who participated in the demonstrations against the war on October 27 were to take up this kind of initiative we could put an end to this dirty war and change our country for the better.
Not one more penny, not one more vote for this dirty war.
Alan L. Maki
58891 County Road 13
Warroad, Minnesota 56763
Phone: 218-386-2432
Cell phone: 651-587-5541
E-mail: amaki000@centurytel.net
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
A Request for Answers from the American Indian Caucus of the MN DFL

Note: This e-mail was sent to the MN DFL American Indian Caucus
From: Alan Maki [mailto:amaki000@centurytel.net]
Sent: Wednesday, November 14, 2007 1:59 PM
To: 'mnfirebuster@yahoo.com'; 'lwmpls@visi.com'
Cc: 'gdubovich@usw.org'; 'nnosal@uaw.net'
Subject: A few questions...
Chair Strong and Co-Chair Waterman-Wittstock;
Please note: The questions I would appreciate answers to are in Bold.
Could you provide me with a position paper, or the position of the Minnesota Democratic Farmer-Labor Party American Indian Caucus, on the situation with casino workers?
You are probably aware that more than 20,000 Minnesotans are going to work in these smoke-filled casinos at poverty wages without any rights under tribal, state or federal labor laws.
In the United States more than four hundred Native American owned (and growing) casinos have been created under the terms of these special “Compacts” employing over two-million workers.
Does the caucus have a position on how to correct this problem? If, in fact, you agree it is a problem?
I would note that one of your “missions” is to increase citizen/voter participation in the political process; as I am sure you are well aware, when workers are employed without any rights in the workplace they can not have the right to fully participate in the political process because they are always at the mercy of an employer who can fire them at will if the participation is deemed contrary to what is deemed in the best interest of management.
I have been describing these areas created by these “Compacts” as “racist, anti-woman, anti-labor, anti-union, right-to-work colonies;” Would you agree with me?
Also, could you tell me the position of the Minnesota Democratic Farmer-Labor Party’s American Indian Caucus concerning the proposal to turn much of the National Forests over to Tribal Management? Would you foresee this as a prelude to casino/resort complexes being established in our National Forests?
Minnesota Democratic Farmer-Labor Party American Indian Caucus
The mission of the American Indian Caucus is to:
• Elect Democrats and recruit American Indian candidates;
• Include, inform, empower, and educate all American Indian people in the political process;
• Increase voter participation;
• Provide resources, forums and information to Democratic and DFL-endorsed candidates in Minnesota;
• Provide services that enhance and support Tribal sovereignty in Minnesota.
Donovan Strong, interim chair
E-mail: mnfirebuster@yahoo.com
Laura Watermann-Wittstock, interim co-chair
E-mail: lwmpls@visi.com
Alan L. Maki
Director of Organizing,
Midwest Casino Workers Organizing Council
Member, Minnesota Democratic Farmer-Labor Party State Central Committee
58891 County Road 13
Warroad, Minnesota 56763
Phone: 218-386-2432
Cell phone: 651-587-5541
E-mail: amaki000@centurytel.net
Check out my blog:
Thoughts From Podunk
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Casino-resort pitched for Muskegon; workers' rights and environmental concerns ignored
I want to point out that not once has any news media explored the conditions which casino workers are forced to work under; Not once any place in the United States of America. Out of some 400 casinos, employing some two-million workers spread out across this country, one has to wonder why not one single politician nor a single reporter from print, radio, or television media has ventured to explore this question concerning the issues surrounding casino workers.
I posted this on the Great Lakes Town Hall Forum:

Casino/Resort on shoreline in Muskegon, Michigan
Alan Maki (Warroad, Minnesota)
On this site I have been reading about how concerned everyone is about saving our Great Lakes and protecting the shorelines yet there is never any mention of "projects" as they begin so people can have their say.
Here is a big casino resort going up in Muskegon, Michigan.
Casino-resort pitched for Muskegon
Updated: Oct 23, 2007 10:39 PM CDT
MUSKEGON -- Word is spreading for plans of a $2.5 billion tribal casino and resort in Muskegon.
The casino, if built, would sit on 70 acres along Lakeshore Boulevard.
The developer, Archimedes Group LLC, says the casino is the catalyst for the project. But the master plan entails an entire resort with a water park, hotels, restaurants and shops.
As a result, 5,000 jobs would be created.
The plan was unveiled Monday night in a closed meeting with community leaders. It has been in the works since 2003 when voters passed a non-binding ballot proposal supporting the concept of a casino.
Since then, developers have been waiting for the local Native-American tribe - the Grand River Band of Ottawa Indians - to get federal recognition.
The next step will be getting the land in trust, which could take years.
The end goal, they say, is to revitalize Muskegon and make it an attraction spot. It is an idea that sounds good to city leaders, too.
"We want people to come here and when they leave we want them to feel a sense of loss. We want them to come back," Dick Anderson of Archimedes Group LLC told 24 Hour News 8.
"When you look at a project like this that is brining in how many thousands of people...those visitors can turn into be investors," said Muskegon Mayor Steve Warmington. "I think you need to take a look at those types of things."
He adds investment in the downtown area can be a great thing, keeping the community around and bringing in tourism.
Developers say a prime example is the Lake Express Ferry that travels across Lake Michigan from Muskegon to Milwaukee.
They say travelers land in Michigan and disperse, and they would like to give them reason to stay.
"The potentiality along the shoreline is unbelievable. We want to put Muskegon on the map in the right way. Simple," said Anderson.
Now, here we go again. Shorelines destroyed by development with the sole motive being profit.
Here we go again with another "Compact" where Native Americans are fronting for mobsters and big-business.
Here we go again with 5,000 more workers being forced to work in a smoke-filled casino at poverty wages without any rights under state or federal labor laws without any voice at work or in their communities.
Here we go again with everyone looking the other way because here comes a company promising 5,000 jobs but not telling us exactly what these jobs will pay.
Here we go again with a bunch of politicians working for big-business and the mobsters who control the one-armed bandits.
Here we go again with people sitting in silence.
I suppose we will be hearing from those who have posted on this list that this is all going to be done in an environmentally friendly, green manner.
Here we go again, a Native American tribe only now seeking "recognition" after big-business and mobsters need them for a front for their environmentally destructive, profit generating scam.
No body invests 2.5 BILLION DOLLARS without anticipating huge, huge, profits.
That this entire scheme began with this company financing the local election is shameful and disgusting. Let an independent party try to gain ballot access and the Democrats and Republicans scream bloody murder. Here we have a corporation buying an election that includes making sure nobody knew about the real plans. So much for democracy.
Re: Casino/Resort on shoreline in Muskegon, Michigan
Is the media telling the full story?
Alan Maki (Warroad, Minnesota)
In response to this news story referenced above, I sent the following and there has been no response from the media. None; Zilch.
My response to the News 8 story:
Here we go again. Another casino where big business has set out to find a group of Native Americans to front for another casino operation where 5,000 workers will be employed in a smoke-filled casino at poverty wages without any rights under state or federal labor laws without any voice at work or in the communities where they live.
No one from the media even asks how much these jobs will really pay. No one from the media questions the effects of human beings being forced to work in a smoke-filled casino in spite of all the billboards and public service announcements from the American Cancer Society and the Health and Lung Foundation.
Dangle 5,000 jobs in front of a poverty stricken community without telling people all the facts and call this "democracy" and "freedom."
Oh, what about all the talk of protecting our beaches and shorelines? Yes, protect them until corporate profits can be made.
Where does a corporation come up with $2.5 billion dollars for a casino anyways when this government refuses to fund single-payer, universal health care?
If a corporation has this kind of investment funds available to build another casino, maybe this says something about the need to tax corporate profits to create real jobs and provide things people really need.
"Freedom of the press;" give me a break.
Alan L. Maki
Director of Organizing,
Midwest Casino Workers Organizing Council
I posted this on the Great Lakes Town Hall Forum:

Casino/Resort on shoreline in Muskegon, Michigan
Alan Maki (Warroad, Minnesota)
On this site I have been reading about how concerned everyone is about saving our Great Lakes and protecting the shorelines yet there is never any mention of "projects" as they begin so people can have their say.
Here is a big casino resort going up in Muskegon, Michigan.
Casino-resort pitched for Muskegon
Updated: Oct 23, 2007 10:39 PM CDT
MUSKEGON -- Word is spreading for plans of a $2.5 billion tribal casino and resort in Muskegon.
The casino, if built, would sit on 70 acres along Lakeshore Boulevard.
The developer, Archimedes Group LLC, says the casino is the catalyst for the project. But the master plan entails an entire resort with a water park, hotels, restaurants and shops.
As a result, 5,000 jobs would be created.
The plan was unveiled Monday night in a closed meeting with community leaders. It has been in the works since 2003 when voters passed a non-binding ballot proposal supporting the concept of a casino.
Since then, developers have been waiting for the local Native-American tribe - the Grand River Band of Ottawa Indians - to get federal recognition.
The next step will be getting the land in trust, which could take years.
The end goal, they say, is to revitalize Muskegon and make it an attraction spot. It is an idea that sounds good to city leaders, too.
"We want people to come here and when they leave we want them to feel a sense of loss. We want them to come back," Dick Anderson of Archimedes Group LLC told 24 Hour News 8.
"When you look at a project like this that is brining in how many thousands of people...those visitors can turn into be investors," said Muskegon Mayor Steve Warmington. "I think you need to take a look at those types of things."
He adds investment in the downtown area can be a great thing, keeping the community around and bringing in tourism.
Developers say a prime example is the Lake Express Ferry that travels across Lake Michigan from Muskegon to Milwaukee.
They say travelers land in Michigan and disperse, and they would like to give them reason to stay.
"The potentiality along the shoreline is unbelievable. We want to put Muskegon on the map in the right way. Simple," said Anderson.
Now, here we go again. Shorelines destroyed by development with the sole motive being profit.
Here we go again with another "Compact" where Native Americans are fronting for mobsters and big-business.
Here we go again with 5,000 more workers being forced to work in a smoke-filled casino at poverty wages without any rights under state or federal labor laws without any voice at work or in their communities.
Here we go again with everyone looking the other way because here comes a company promising 5,000 jobs but not telling us exactly what these jobs will pay.
Here we go again with a bunch of politicians working for big-business and the mobsters who control the one-armed bandits.
Here we go again with people sitting in silence.
I suppose we will be hearing from those who have posted on this list that this is all going to be done in an environmentally friendly, green manner.
Here we go again, a Native American tribe only now seeking "recognition" after big-business and mobsters need them for a front for their environmentally destructive, profit generating scam.
No body invests 2.5 BILLION DOLLARS without anticipating huge, huge, profits.
That this entire scheme began with this company financing the local election is shameful and disgusting. Let an independent party try to gain ballot access and the Democrats and Republicans scream bloody murder. Here we have a corporation buying an election that includes making sure nobody knew about the real plans. So much for democracy.
Re: Casino/Resort on shoreline in Muskegon, Michigan
Is the media telling the full story?
Alan Maki (Warroad, Minnesota)
In response to this news story referenced above, I sent the following and there has been no response from the media. None; Zilch.
My response to the News 8 story:
Here we go again. Another casino where big business has set out to find a group of Native Americans to front for another casino operation where 5,000 workers will be employed in a smoke-filled casino at poverty wages without any rights under state or federal labor laws without any voice at work or in the communities where they live.
No one from the media even asks how much these jobs will really pay. No one from the media questions the effects of human beings being forced to work in a smoke-filled casino in spite of all the billboards and public service announcements from the American Cancer Society and the Health and Lung Foundation.
Dangle 5,000 jobs in front of a poverty stricken community without telling people all the facts and call this "democracy" and "freedom."
Oh, what about all the talk of protecting our beaches and shorelines? Yes, protect them until corporate profits can be made.
Where does a corporation come up with $2.5 billion dollars for a casino anyways when this government refuses to fund single-payer, universal health care?
If a corporation has this kind of investment funds available to build another casino, maybe this says something about the need to tax corporate profits to create real jobs and provide things people really need.
"Freedom of the press;" give me a break.
Alan L. Maki
Director of Organizing,
Midwest Casino Workers Organizing Council
Monday, November 12, 2007
St. Paul Ford Twin Cities Assembly Plant... resolutions & a leaflet
I have distributed these two sample resolutions:
Resolution 0n the St. Paul Ford Twin Cities Assembly Plant/Hydro Dam and 2,000 Union Jobs
Where as Ford Motor Company has stated its intent to close the St. Paul Ford Twin Cities Assembly Plant, sell the hydro dam to a foreign corporation, and displace two-thousand workers in the near future without consultation from the workers, the community, or local and state governments;
Where as this plant, its operations, and the hydro dam have received continued support from every level of government including tax-payer funding, tax-breaks and tax abatements under promises to maintain manufacturing operations and with assurances workers would have job security in St. Paul, Minnesota;
Therefore be it resolved public ownership should be used to save this plant, hydro dam, and two-thousand jobs.
Resolution 0n the St. Paul Ford Twin Cities Assembly Plant/Hydro Dam and 2,000 Union Jobs
Where as Ford Motor Company has stated its intent to close the St. Paul Ford Twin Cities Assembly Plant, sell the hydro dam to a foreign corporation, and displace two-thousand workers in the near future without consultation with the workers, the community, or local and state governments;
Where as this plant, its operations, and the hydro dam have received continued support from every level of government including tax-payer funding, tax-breaks and tax abatements under promises to maintain manufacturing operations and with assurances workers would have job security in St. Paul, Minnesota;
Where as this Plant forms an important an integral component of Minnesota’s industrial base;
Where as the closing of this Plant will cause very significant economic harm to the local community and the state including placing a strain on already overburdened social services which have already been drastically cut back;
Where as all conciliatory efforts, as demanded, in favor of the management of Ford Motor Company have been granted by all levels of government under the promise Ford would maintain operations in St. Paul;
Where as a similar threatened plant closing of the New Flyer Plant in Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada during the 1970’sresulted in all levels of government intervening on behalf of the members of the United Automobile Workers union resulting in the public takeover of the operation with continuing successful operation at present;
Where as “the free market” has not resulted in a solution to save the St. Paul Ford Twin Cities Assembly Plant, the hydro dam which powers the plant along with two-thousand union jobs;
Be it resolved that the Minnesota Democratic Farmer-Labor Party instruct its State Legislative Caucus to bring forward the previous resolution in the form of legislation supported by the United Auto Workers Union and its members of Local 789 to save the plant and dam intact until a solution is found to continue operations and production;
Be it further resolved that the Minnesota Democratic Farmer-Labor Party instructs all of its federal, state, and local Twin Cities elected officials to convene a special conference to explore public ownership as the remedy to saving the St. Paul Ford Twin Cities Assembly Plant, the hydro dam, and two thousand union jobs;
Be it further resolved that the Minnesota Democratic Farmer-Labor Party support public ownership and democratic control of the St. Paul Ford Twin Cities Assembly Plant with production taking place in the best interests of the workers and the people of the State of Minnesota;
Be it further resolved that public ownership is the only viable means of saving the St. Paul Ford Twin Cities Assembly Plant as all other means have been tried and exhausted;
Be it further resolved that funding is not an issue since any country which can squander billions of dollars on the occupation of Iraq can find the resources for saving this Plant, dam, and jobs;
Be it further resolved that the very significant burden of health care costs for employees be resolved through the State of Minnesota enacting legislation implementing single-payer, universal health care.
Alan L. Maki
Member, Minnesota Democratic Farmer-Labor Party State Central Committee
A rank and file group from Ford UAW Local 879 distributed the following leaflet in the Plant last Thursday and Friday:
Why we should
on the new contract
Ford cries broke, but they have the highest paid executives. While we are being asked to tighten our belts because of their mistakes, they're still getting fat off our labor. While Ford was taking record losses last year, the top seven executives brought in well over $63 million in compensation. Before Ford makes any cuts to rank-and-file living standards or keeps full-time workers at TPT wages, they should first drastically cut executive pay and open their books for everyone to see.
Ford cries broke, but invests billions in new plants all over the world. Ford publicly announced in 2006 a 6-year project to invest $9.2 billion in Mexico and invested billions more to expand production in Romania, Thailand Brazil, etc. All these investments overseas came from profits made by our labor – but now they say we have to take historic concessions to save the company and save our jobs.
New hires will make $14 an hour with reduced benefits.
This contract condemns our children and grandchildren to have a worse life than we do, even if they never work in auto. What happens in auto sets the standard elsewhere. The rest of Corporate America will use these concessions to demand that their workers take pay cuts, while they laugh all the way to the bank.
Still no healthcare for Temporary Part-Timers
While the contract will keep the Ranger plant open until September 30, 2009, most of us will have to continue as temporary part-timers – with no health benefits and at lower wages, even though we do full-time work.
Retirees will lose guaranteed medical coverage and pay more for it. The VEBA retiree medical fund was given only 57% of what it needs and is NOT protected against bankruptcy. More than half is in Ford stock or notes, or promises to pay over the next 15 years. The VEBA's directors can decide to increase charges and reduce benefits.
Many more jobs will be lost.
Every promise of job security includes the language "based on market-related conditions," and Ford can still eliminate shifts and "temporarily" idle plants whenever it wants. Chrysler announced 12,000 job cuts a week after signing the contract. The contract says that TPTers and full-timers with seniority will get preferential hiring at jobs at other Ford plants – but where are we going to work if they're cutting thousands more jobs?
The UAW has a tradition of fighting heroically to make gains for its members (see pg 12 of local 879's "Autoworker," Oct/Nov 2007 < http://www.uaw879.org/documents/auto8-9-07.pdf >). Why has the UAW not done a thing to stand up to Ford and protect the gains made in the past? Why is the union making these historic concessions without even putting up a fight?
By voting no, we can send a message to Ford and the UAW leadership that we won't accept these concessions and that we reject this race-to-the-bottom! We can send a clear message that we want a fighting union that cares more about its members' bottom line than the Ford's.
In the face of the industry-wide crisis, the only way we can hold back wave after wave of attacks is to mount an all-out drive to unionize the un-organized, lower paid autoworkers, both in the U.S. and internationally.
However, our current leadership has shown no willingness to do this. In fact, their refusal to stand up for their own members jobs, wages, and benefits makes the union an un-attractive option to disgruntled workers at Toyota, Honda, or other non-union companies. Why pay union dues, struggle, sacrifice, and risk your job to form a union, if the leaders are going to turn around negotiate wage cuts and layoffs for you? We need to build a rank and file opposition movement to take our union back and rebuild the fighting traditions which birthed the United Auto Workers.
VOTE NO to layoffs!
VOTE NO to VEBA and attacks on our retirement benefits!
VOTE NO to two and three tiered wage schemes!
VOTE for full-time pay and benefits for all full-time workers! VOTE for full healthcare benefits for everyone! VOTE for workers needs before corporate greed!
Leaflet produced by the 879 Votes No Campaign
If you agree, help spread the word and get in touch!
Check out United Auto Workers Local 879 website:
"The Auto Worker" UAW Local 879 Newsletter:
Resolution 0n the St. Paul Ford Twin Cities Assembly Plant/Hydro Dam and 2,000 Union Jobs
Where as Ford Motor Company has stated its intent to close the St. Paul Ford Twin Cities Assembly Plant, sell the hydro dam to a foreign corporation, and displace two-thousand workers in the near future without consultation from the workers, the community, or local and state governments;
Where as this plant, its operations, and the hydro dam have received continued support from every level of government including tax-payer funding, tax-breaks and tax abatements under promises to maintain manufacturing operations and with assurances workers would have job security in St. Paul, Minnesota;
Therefore be it resolved public ownership should be used to save this plant, hydro dam, and two-thousand jobs.
Resolution 0n the St. Paul Ford Twin Cities Assembly Plant/Hydro Dam and 2,000 Union Jobs
Where as Ford Motor Company has stated its intent to close the St. Paul Ford Twin Cities Assembly Plant, sell the hydro dam to a foreign corporation, and displace two-thousand workers in the near future without consultation with the workers, the community, or local and state governments;
Where as this plant, its operations, and the hydro dam have received continued support from every level of government including tax-payer funding, tax-breaks and tax abatements under promises to maintain manufacturing operations and with assurances workers would have job security in St. Paul, Minnesota;
Where as this Plant forms an important an integral component of Minnesota’s industrial base;
Where as the closing of this Plant will cause very significant economic harm to the local community and the state including placing a strain on already overburdened social services which have already been drastically cut back;
Where as all conciliatory efforts, as demanded, in favor of the management of Ford Motor Company have been granted by all levels of government under the promise Ford would maintain operations in St. Paul;
Where as a similar threatened plant closing of the New Flyer Plant in Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada during the 1970’sresulted in all levels of government intervening on behalf of the members of the United Automobile Workers union resulting in the public takeover of the operation with continuing successful operation at present;
Where as “the free market” has not resulted in a solution to save the St. Paul Ford Twin Cities Assembly Plant, the hydro dam which powers the plant along with two-thousand union jobs;
Be it resolved that the Minnesota Democratic Farmer-Labor Party instruct its State Legislative Caucus to bring forward the previous resolution in the form of legislation supported by the United Auto Workers Union and its members of Local 789 to save the plant and dam intact until a solution is found to continue operations and production;
Be it further resolved that the Minnesota Democratic Farmer-Labor Party instructs all of its federal, state, and local Twin Cities elected officials to convene a special conference to explore public ownership as the remedy to saving the St. Paul Ford Twin Cities Assembly Plant, the hydro dam, and two thousand union jobs;
Be it further resolved that the Minnesota Democratic Farmer-Labor Party support public ownership and democratic control of the St. Paul Ford Twin Cities Assembly Plant with production taking place in the best interests of the workers and the people of the State of Minnesota;
Be it further resolved that public ownership is the only viable means of saving the St. Paul Ford Twin Cities Assembly Plant as all other means have been tried and exhausted;
Be it further resolved that funding is not an issue since any country which can squander billions of dollars on the occupation of Iraq can find the resources for saving this Plant, dam, and jobs;
Be it further resolved that the very significant burden of health care costs for employees be resolved through the State of Minnesota enacting legislation implementing single-payer, universal health care.
Suggestions for how to use this resolution:
* Take it to your precinct caucus meeting
* Get your union or community organization to support this resolution
* Write a letter to your state legislators supporting this resolution
* Copy and distribute this resolution widely
* Use this resolution as a petition, ask your friends to sign it
* Write a letter to the editor
* Blog this issue
* Post the resolution on web sites
* Discuss this resolution on list serves
Alan L. Maki
Member, Minnesota Democratic Farmer-Labor Party State Central Committee
A rank and file group from Ford UAW Local 879 distributed the following leaflet in the Plant last Thursday and Friday:
Why we should
on the new contract
Ford cries broke, but they have the highest paid executives. While we are being asked to tighten our belts because of their mistakes, they're still getting fat off our labor. While Ford was taking record losses last year, the top seven executives brought in well over $63 million in compensation. Before Ford makes any cuts to rank-and-file living standards or keeps full-time workers at TPT wages, they should first drastically cut executive pay and open their books for everyone to see.
Ford cries broke, but invests billions in new plants all over the world. Ford publicly announced in 2006 a 6-year project to invest $9.2 billion in Mexico and invested billions more to expand production in Romania, Thailand Brazil, etc. All these investments overseas came from profits made by our labor – but now they say we have to take historic concessions to save the company and save our jobs.
New hires will make $14 an hour with reduced benefits.
This contract condemns our children and grandchildren to have a worse life than we do, even if they never work in auto. What happens in auto sets the standard elsewhere. The rest of Corporate America will use these concessions to demand that their workers take pay cuts, while they laugh all the way to the bank.
Still no healthcare for Temporary Part-Timers
While the contract will keep the Ranger plant open until September 30, 2009, most of us will have to continue as temporary part-timers – with no health benefits and at lower wages, even though we do full-time work.
Retirees will lose guaranteed medical coverage and pay more for it. The VEBA retiree medical fund was given only 57% of what it needs and is NOT protected against bankruptcy. More than half is in Ford stock or notes, or promises to pay over the next 15 years. The VEBA's directors can decide to increase charges and reduce benefits.
Many more jobs will be lost.
Every promise of job security includes the language "based on market-related conditions," and Ford can still eliminate shifts and "temporarily" idle plants whenever it wants. Chrysler announced 12,000 job cuts a week after signing the contract. The contract says that TPTers and full-timers with seniority will get preferential hiring at jobs at other Ford plants – but where are we going to work if they're cutting thousands more jobs?
The UAW has a tradition of fighting heroically to make gains for its members (see pg 12 of local 879's "Autoworker," Oct/Nov 2007 < http://www.uaw879.org/documents/auto8-9-07.pdf >). Why has the UAW not done a thing to stand up to Ford and protect the gains made in the past? Why is the union making these historic concessions without even putting up a fight?
By voting no, we can send a message to Ford and the UAW leadership that we won't accept these concessions and that we reject this race-to-the-bottom! We can send a clear message that we want a fighting union that cares more about its members' bottom line than the Ford's.
In the face of the industry-wide crisis, the only way we can hold back wave after wave of attacks is to mount an all-out drive to unionize the un-organized, lower paid autoworkers, both in the U.S. and internationally.
However, our current leadership has shown no willingness to do this. In fact, their refusal to stand up for their own members jobs, wages, and benefits makes the union an un-attractive option to disgruntled workers at Toyota, Honda, or other non-union companies. Why pay union dues, struggle, sacrifice, and risk your job to form a union, if the leaders are going to turn around negotiate wage cuts and layoffs for you? We need to build a rank and file opposition movement to take our union back and rebuild the fighting traditions which birthed the United Auto Workers.
VOTE NO to layoffs!
VOTE NO to VEBA and attacks on our retirement benefits!
VOTE NO to two and three tiered wage schemes!
VOTE for full-time pay and benefits for all full-time workers! VOTE for full healthcare benefits for everyone! VOTE for workers needs before corporate greed!
Leaflet produced by the 879 Votes No Campaign
If you agree, help spread the word and get in touch!
Check out United Auto Workers Local 879 website:
"The Auto Worker" UAW Local 879 Newsletter:
Monday, November 5, 2007
Station Casinos
Mr. Todd R. Bice; Brownstein, Hyatt, Farber, Schreck: Attorney of Record for Station Casinos;
Mr. Bice, before I begin, please allow me to congratulate you on recently being chosen one of the finest attorneys in America; I am sure you, your distinguished law firm of Brownstein, Hyatt, Farber, Schreck along with your clients like Station Casinos and the very fine American--- Frank Fertitta who heads up Station Casinos, are very proud of your accomplishments. It is not every day such a shameful, ignoble and infamous figure like Frank Fertitta can land the defense of such a distinguished and respected attorney.
I am in receipt of a very ambiguous letter from you dated October 24, 2007. My response to you with this e-mail is based upon having received this threatening letter.
Because I have written so widely on this issue, I can not comment on the specific “posting” you are referring to since you do not provide the posting in its entirety. Therefore, I deny your allegations as unfounded.
As you, Station Casinos and Mr. Fertitta are aware, moderators often edit postings for length and other things; this is their prerogative--- just as any editor may “edit” a letter submitted for publication.
As far as I am aware, neither you, your law firm, the management of Station Casinos, nor Mr. Frank Fertitta have attempted to answer or respond to anything that I have said on any television or radio programs or written on the Internet, in newspapers or magazines. As you know, this is a fantastic country to live in where “freedom of the press” is very respected… in fact, as the political candidates financially supported by Mr. Fertitta often boast: America is the world’s greatest bastion of democracy.
Neither you nor Mr. Fertitta should be surprised to find inaccuracies in anything concerning the involvement of Station Casinos and the Fertitta Family in the gaming business. Mr. Fertitta has an obligation to truthfully write of his own involvement in the gaming business over the years if he wants to have his associations and activities accurately portrayed. I am sure you are well aware of investigations into Frank Fertitta’s relationship, and participation in, the gaming industry over the years--- including many allegations of illegal and inappropriate activities… or, has Mr. Fertitta not been quite so frank with you concerning his involvement in the gaming industry… your client has some obligation to set the record straight given all the information about him in the media and on the Internet and what people are saying about him… first person statements, etc. are just as factual as any newspaper story.
You seem to rely on “newspaper reports” in defending your client; and what has been published in newspaper reports. I guess I am not as fond as you that newspapers always provide us with all the facts.
Take the issue of the Gun Lake Tribe “Compact” in Michigan and the role of newspapers. These newspapers do not always tell us everything, do they? For instance, the Grand Rapids Press has covered this story of this “Compact” very extensively--- as I am sure you will agree. However, the Grand Rapids Press never asked your client who is partnered with the Gun Lake Tribe about the issue of casino workers being employed in a smoke-filled work environment at poverty wages without any rights under state or federal labor laws. Isn’t the impact of second hand smoke on the lives of the thousands of employees who will be employed in this casino a legitimate issue a newspaper the size of the Grand Rapids Press with a circulation in the immediate area from which employees will be hired significant enough that at least one little story on the obituary page should have been warranted given the high turn over of casino employees?
Oh, and your clients forgot to bring before the Michigan House Regulatory Committee a complete listing of all job categories along with the amount each specific job will pay and what the benefits will be. This is just one small indication of how newspapers do not always provide the complete picture for us. Just as the newspapers forgot to mention that Governor Granholm never considered the plight of casino workers in negotiating the “Compact” with the Gun Lake Tribe which is partnered with your client--- Station Casinos.
Then there is the little matter of the forty organizations supporting this Gun Lake Casino “Compact”… State Legislators never asked for the complete list, the Grand Rapids Press never questioned why they never asked for this list; I asked but didn’t receive. None of this was deemed “newsworthy” for the Grand Rapids Press or any other newspaper… so, when you rely on newspaper clippings not being available for me to support what I have said and written, I would just point out that more often than not there appears to be much more to most stories than what newspapers publish. For instance, what would you say to your clients allowing me to have access to all the files maintained on them by the “regulating agencies” you refer to and those maintained on them by the United States Department of Justice?
When you speak of these “regulating agencies” you really make me laugh. I have spoken at length to those responsible for “regulating” the gaming industry, including the past Attorney General for the State of Minnesota and the Commissioner of Public safety as well as State Representative Dave Olin who is the former Pennington County Prosecutor. I have also spoken extensively to those employed in these regulatory agencies” in Michigan. Come on, really, Mr. Bice, after receiving an award for being one of the best attorneys in America, do you really expect me to be impressed that these “regulatory agencies” are really protecting the integrity of the gaming industry and casino patrons? As you know, they do not protect casino workers.
Mr. Fertitta is a public figure. He has made himself a public figure. Mr. Fertitta has sought out media attention and the media has sought him out. It is not my concern that Mr. Fertitta has been less than forthcoming about his entire involvement in the gaming and casino industry… Mr. Fertitta seems to have an unusual and unique manner in projecting his public image; he would rather ignore that which many people might find offensive while promoting an image as a mere father looking to do the best by his children and leave them a nice little nest egg for the time when he passes through the pearly gates. As you are aware, Mr. Fertitta has another side to him and his involvement with the gaming industry over the years he prefers not to speak about and apparently Michigan’s Governor and State Legislators prefer not to question him about.
I am sure Meyer Lansky’s attorneys would have made the same arguments in defense of their client which you make for your client.
May I ask if you are representing any other parties in this matter other than the Fertittas and Station Casinos? Are you representing the Gun Lake Tribe? Are you representing the Kansas City Mob?
Your letter is very ambiguous and you fail to provide the complete transcript of the posting you refer to. I do not save these postings, nor do I view them. Like a press release, the moderator, like the newspaper editor, reserves the right to edit and the right to publish or not to publish. Have you addressed this problem with the moderator of the list serve in question? You definitely have not provided me with the complete posting so I can determine what your concerns might be.
Let me conclude by reminding you that neither you, nor your client/s have attempted to correct anything which you allude to that may be incorrect by way of posting a rebuttal. Plus, you ambiguously conclude your letter with threats against me. You state at the beginning of your letter you do not understand my concern in this matter; I think my concern is obvious. You further state that once I take certain steps, this will clear the way to resolving other problems; again, you are ambiguous--- do your clients want to negotiate a healthy working environment, just wages and decent benefits for those who will be employed in the new Gun Lake Casino?
I am forwarding this to Gary Garbarino who is the Legislative Assistant to State Representative Steve Tobachman, the Majority Floor Leader of the Michigan House. I assume, Mr. Tobachman will pass this e-mail on to Governor Granholm and the Michigan Senate Majority Leader so all can see just what kind of a heavy handed approach they can expect from their “partners” with this Gun Lake Casino “Compact.”
You may not like my characterization of all of this, but it is almost like a bunch of hoodlums and mobsters have hired an attorney working for a prestigious law firm, sporting fancy attire along with little plaques hanging on his wall boasting of legal reputation and prestige in trying to silence anyone who dares to speak out in defense of the rights of casino workers. I wonder what these mobsters and hoodlums might do next since this hasn’t worked.
Let me also remind you that your clients intentionally initiated a campaign based upon lies, deceit, omissions, and a complete obfuscation of the real facts concerning the Gun Lake Casino Compact. Station Casinos and Frank Fertitta could have come before the Michigan House Regulatory Committee with open hands, they chose not to; the assumption any thinking person would come to is that the decision not to come with open hands is because those hands are severely soiled--- if not completely dirty. I would be more than willing to question Mr. Fertitta before the appropriate Michigan Legislative Committees in order to resolve this matter; this would give Mr. Fertitta the opportunity to set the record straight. Seeing as how Mr. Fertitta feels he is so angelic in stature he will have no problem “passing through the eye of the needle” on his way to Heaven, I assume he will not need an attorney sitting by his side in order to help him answer my questions and respond to my concerns.
Please acknowledge receipt of this letter.
Alan L. Maki
Director of Organizing,
Midwest Casino Workers Organizing Council
58891 County Road 13
Warroad, Minnesota 56763
Phone: 218-386-2432
Cell phone: 651-587-5541
E-mail: amaki000@centurytel.net
Check out my blog:
Thoughts From Podunk
Mr. Bice, before I begin, please allow me to congratulate you on recently being chosen one of the finest attorneys in America; I am sure you, your distinguished law firm of Brownstein, Hyatt, Farber, Schreck along with your clients like Station Casinos and the very fine American--- Frank Fertitta who heads up Station Casinos, are very proud of your accomplishments. It is not every day such a shameful, ignoble and infamous figure like Frank Fertitta can land the defense of such a distinguished and respected attorney.
I am in receipt of a very ambiguous letter from you dated October 24, 2007. My response to you with this e-mail is based upon having received this threatening letter.
Because I have written so widely on this issue, I can not comment on the specific “posting” you are referring to since you do not provide the posting in its entirety. Therefore, I deny your allegations as unfounded.
As you, Station Casinos and Mr. Fertitta are aware, moderators often edit postings for length and other things; this is their prerogative--- just as any editor may “edit” a letter submitted for publication.
As far as I am aware, neither you, your law firm, the management of Station Casinos, nor Mr. Frank Fertitta have attempted to answer or respond to anything that I have said on any television or radio programs or written on the Internet, in newspapers or magazines. As you know, this is a fantastic country to live in where “freedom of the press” is very respected… in fact, as the political candidates financially supported by Mr. Fertitta often boast: America is the world’s greatest bastion of democracy.
Neither you nor Mr. Fertitta should be surprised to find inaccuracies in anything concerning the involvement of Station Casinos and the Fertitta Family in the gaming business. Mr. Fertitta has an obligation to truthfully write of his own involvement in the gaming business over the years if he wants to have his associations and activities accurately portrayed. I am sure you are well aware of investigations into Frank Fertitta’s relationship, and participation in, the gaming industry over the years--- including many allegations of illegal and inappropriate activities… or, has Mr. Fertitta not been quite so frank with you concerning his involvement in the gaming industry… your client has some obligation to set the record straight given all the information about him in the media and on the Internet and what people are saying about him… first person statements, etc. are just as factual as any newspaper story.
You seem to rely on “newspaper reports” in defending your client; and what has been published in newspaper reports. I guess I am not as fond as you that newspapers always provide us with all the facts.
Take the issue of the Gun Lake Tribe “Compact” in Michigan and the role of newspapers. These newspapers do not always tell us everything, do they? For instance, the Grand Rapids Press has covered this story of this “Compact” very extensively--- as I am sure you will agree. However, the Grand Rapids Press never asked your client who is partnered with the Gun Lake Tribe about the issue of casino workers being employed in a smoke-filled work environment at poverty wages without any rights under state or federal labor laws. Isn’t the impact of second hand smoke on the lives of the thousands of employees who will be employed in this casino a legitimate issue a newspaper the size of the Grand Rapids Press with a circulation in the immediate area from which employees will be hired significant enough that at least one little story on the obituary page should have been warranted given the high turn over of casino employees?
Oh, and your clients forgot to bring before the Michigan House Regulatory Committee a complete listing of all job categories along with the amount each specific job will pay and what the benefits will be. This is just one small indication of how newspapers do not always provide the complete picture for us. Just as the newspapers forgot to mention that Governor Granholm never considered the plight of casino workers in negotiating the “Compact” with the Gun Lake Tribe which is partnered with your client--- Station Casinos.
Then there is the little matter of the forty organizations supporting this Gun Lake Casino “Compact”… State Legislators never asked for the complete list, the Grand Rapids Press never questioned why they never asked for this list; I asked but didn’t receive. None of this was deemed “newsworthy” for the Grand Rapids Press or any other newspaper… so, when you rely on newspaper clippings not being available for me to support what I have said and written, I would just point out that more often than not there appears to be much more to most stories than what newspapers publish. For instance, what would you say to your clients allowing me to have access to all the files maintained on them by the “regulating agencies” you refer to and those maintained on them by the United States Department of Justice?
When you speak of these “regulating agencies” you really make me laugh. I have spoken at length to those responsible for “regulating” the gaming industry, including the past Attorney General for the State of Minnesota and the Commissioner of Public safety as well as State Representative Dave Olin who is the former Pennington County Prosecutor. I have also spoken extensively to those employed in these regulatory agencies” in Michigan. Come on, really, Mr. Bice, after receiving an award for being one of the best attorneys in America, do you really expect me to be impressed that these “regulatory agencies” are really protecting the integrity of the gaming industry and casino patrons? As you know, they do not protect casino workers.
Mr. Fertitta is a public figure. He has made himself a public figure. Mr. Fertitta has sought out media attention and the media has sought him out. It is not my concern that Mr. Fertitta has been less than forthcoming about his entire involvement in the gaming and casino industry… Mr. Fertitta seems to have an unusual and unique manner in projecting his public image; he would rather ignore that which many people might find offensive while promoting an image as a mere father looking to do the best by his children and leave them a nice little nest egg for the time when he passes through the pearly gates. As you are aware, Mr. Fertitta has another side to him and his involvement with the gaming industry over the years he prefers not to speak about and apparently Michigan’s Governor and State Legislators prefer not to question him about.
I am sure Meyer Lansky’s attorneys would have made the same arguments in defense of their client which you make for your client.
May I ask if you are representing any other parties in this matter other than the Fertittas and Station Casinos? Are you representing the Gun Lake Tribe? Are you representing the Kansas City Mob?
Your letter is very ambiguous and you fail to provide the complete transcript of the posting you refer to. I do not save these postings, nor do I view them. Like a press release, the moderator, like the newspaper editor, reserves the right to edit and the right to publish or not to publish. Have you addressed this problem with the moderator of the list serve in question? You definitely have not provided me with the complete posting so I can determine what your concerns might be.
Let me conclude by reminding you that neither you, nor your client/s have attempted to correct anything which you allude to that may be incorrect by way of posting a rebuttal. Plus, you ambiguously conclude your letter with threats against me. You state at the beginning of your letter you do not understand my concern in this matter; I think my concern is obvious. You further state that once I take certain steps, this will clear the way to resolving other problems; again, you are ambiguous--- do your clients want to negotiate a healthy working environment, just wages and decent benefits for those who will be employed in the new Gun Lake Casino?
I am forwarding this to Gary Garbarino who is the Legislative Assistant to State Representative Steve Tobachman, the Majority Floor Leader of the Michigan House. I assume, Mr. Tobachman will pass this e-mail on to Governor Granholm and the Michigan Senate Majority Leader so all can see just what kind of a heavy handed approach they can expect from their “partners” with this Gun Lake Casino “Compact.”
You may not like my characterization of all of this, but it is almost like a bunch of hoodlums and mobsters have hired an attorney working for a prestigious law firm, sporting fancy attire along with little plaques hanging on his wall boasting of legal reputation and prestige in trying to silence anyone who dares to speak out in defense of the rights of casino workers. I wonder what these mobsters and hoodlums might do next since this hasn’t worked.
Let me also remind you that your clients intentionally initiated a campaign based upon lies, deceit, omissions, and a complete obfuscation of the real facts concerning the Gun Lake Casino Compact. Station Casinos and Frank Fertitta could have come before the Michigan House Regulatory Committee with open hands, they chose not to; the assumption any thinking person would come to is that the decision not to come with open hands is because those hands are severely soiled--- if not completely dirty. I would be more than willing to question Mr. Fertitta before the appropriate Michigan Legislative Committees in order to resolve this matter; this would give Mr. Fertitta the opportunity to set the record straight. Seeing as how Mr. Fertitta feels he is so angelic in stature he will have no problem “passing through the eye of the needle” on his way to Heaven, I assume he will not need an attorney sitting by his side in order to help him answer my questions and respond to my concerns.
Please acknowledge receipt of this letter.
Alan L. Maki
Director of Organizing,
Midwest Casino Workers Organizing Council
58891 County Road 13
Warroad, Minnesota 56763
Phone: 218-386-2432
Cell phone: 651-587-5541
E-mail: amaki000@centurytel.net
Check out my blog:
Thoughts From Podunk
Thursday, November 1, 2007
North American Labor History Conference
From: Alan Maki [mailto:amaki000@centurytel.net]
Sent: Thursday, November 01, 2007 9:38 AM
To: 'ao1605@wayne.edu'
Cc: 'gdubovich@usw.org'; 'DLONG@uaw.net'; 'nnosal@uaw.net'; 'miaflcio@voyager.net'; 'Gary Garbarino'; 'Michael Johnston'
Subject: Re: North American Labor History Conference at Wayne State University: proposal for panel and paper
Professor Janine Lanza, Coordinator, North American Labor History Conference;
I would like to suggest you have a panel on organizing casino workers employed at the some 400 Indian owned casinos strung out across the United States which are managed by mobsters; some twenty of these casinos are located in Michigan.
You couldn’t find a better panel to fit your theme:
My suggestion would be that you invite Governor Granholm and her legal counsel on Indian gaming to participate on the panel since the Governor could explain why she negotiated away the rights of casino workers in the present “Compact” with the Gun Lake Band which will send another 1,800 workers, along with some two-million at present employed in smoke-filled casinos and related “hospitality” industries strung out across the United States--- all working for poverty wages without any rights under state or federal labor laws who work under the most Draconian and atrocious working conditions completely at the mercy of management; all employed with out a voice at work. These casino managements have engaged the services of United States Information Services (USIS) the largest union busting outfit in the world employing former FBI and CIA agents; these managements are now employing the thugs from Blackwater Security Agency to enforce their work-rules and terrorize casino workers having gained on-the-job experience in Iran… whoops, I mean Iraq.
You may also want to notify the unions which have worked on trying to organize Station Casinos which is partnered with the Gun Lake Band in Southwest Michigan with whom Governor Jennifer Granholm negotiated this “Compact” signing away workers’ rights so they can share their experiences.
Nadine Nosal, the UAW’s Legislative Lobbyist in Michigan may also want to be a presenter on this topic.
I will be submitting a proposal for a paper, the theme of my paper will be: The United Nations’ Universal Declaration of Human Rights: The Hype and the Reality.
As the most abused casino workers are young Native American single mothers together with women of all races of child-bearing age forced to work in these smoke-filled casinos at poverty wages without any rights, this proposed panel should fit in well with your format.
Many of these casino operations employ undocumented workers. Imagine, if you will, you are a worker from another country working in this country--- “illegally”--- side-by-side with other workers who have no rights under state or federal labor laws… talk about your management control of the workplace.
Imagine, again, you are Native American, and you rely on the management of your workplace for everything from health care to housing on the reservation.
“Labor, Law and Justice” is a great theme for the North American Labor History Conference; hopefully your Conference will not ignore the plight of casino workers in your own back-yard. As far as I know, this topic has never been broached by such a conference anyplace in North America. Why academia has been so slow in taking up this issue might be the topic of some learned professor for the panel.
Alan L. Maki
Director of Organizing,
Midwest Casino Workers Organizing Council
Sent: Thursday, November 01, 2007 9:38 AM
To: 'ao1605@wayne.edu'
Cc: 'gdubovich@usw.org'; 'DLONG@uaw.net'; 'nnosal@uaw.net'; 'miaflcio@voyager.net'; 'Gary Garbarino'; 'Michael Johnston'
Subject: Re: North American Labor History Conference at Wayne State University: proposal for panel and paper
Professor Janine Lanza, Coordinator, North American Labor History Conference;
I would like to suggest you have a panel on organizing casino workers employed at the some 400 Indian owned casinos strung out across the United States which are managed by mobsters; some twenty of these casinos are located in Michigan.
You couldn’t find a better panel to fit your theme:
Labor, Law, and Justice
My suggestion would be that you invite Governor Granholm and her legal counsel on Indian gaming to participate on the panel since the Governor could explain why she negotiated away the rights of casino workers in the present “Compact” with the Gun Lake Band which will send another 1,800 workers, along with some two-million at present employed in smoke-filled casinos and related “hospitality” industries strung out across the United States--- all working for poverty wages without any rights under state or federal labor laws who work under the most Draconian and atrocious working conditions completely at the mercy of management; all employed with out a voice at work. These casino managements have engaged the services of United States Information Services (USIS) the largest union busting outfit in the world employing former FBI and CIA agents; these managements are now employing the thugs from Blackwater Security Agency to enforce their work-rules and terrorize casino workers having gained on-the-job experience in Iran… whoops, I mean Iraq.
You may also want to notify the unions which have worked on trying to organize Station Casinos which is partnered with the Gun Lake Band in Southwest Michigan with whom Governor Jennifer Granholm negotiated this “Compact” signing away workers’ rights so they can share their experiences.
Nadine Nosal, the UAW’s Legislative Lobbyist in Michigan may also want to be a presenter on this topic.
I will be submitting a proposal for a paper, the theme of my paper will be: The United Nations’ Universal Declaration of Human Rights: The Hype and the Reality.
As the most abused casino workers are young Native American single mothers together with women of all races of child-bearing age forced to work in these smoke-filled casinos at poverty wages without any rights, this proposed panel should fit in well with your format.
Many of these casino operations employ undocumented workers. Imagine, if you will, you are a worker from another country working in this country--- “illegally”--- side-by-side with other workers who have no rights under state or federal labor laws… talk about your management control of the workplace.
Imagine, again, you are Native American, and you rely on the management of your workplace for everything from health care to housing on the reservation.
“Labor, Law and Justice” is a great theme for the North American Labor History Conference; hopefully your Conference will not ignore the plight of casino workers in your own back-yard. As far as I know, this topic has never been broached by such a conference anyplace in North America. Why academia has been so slow in taking up this issue might be the topic of some learned professor for the panel.
Alan L. Maki
Director of Organizing,
Midwest Casino Workers Organizing Council
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