Thursday, March 4, 2021

Biden's Wall Street agenda determines his foreign and domestic policy and neither is favorable to the working class.

For all intents and purposes, the majority of the American people are seeing no opposition to Biden’s Wall Street imperialist war agenda while his so-called liberal, progressive and left supporters claim he has some kind of progressive domestic economic agenda with a few saying behind closed doors they don’t support his imperialist foreign policy.

Opposition to war has to be out in the public square for it to be effective; not whispered in back rooms or published on websites most people will never read.

This is the most disgraceful and absurd characterization of Biden’s agenda; these people pretend Biden’s “properly framed progressive sounding policy objectives” reflect actual policy and legislation when nothing could be further from the truth...

Here is the way one outfit headlined an article:

“Mismatch: Biden bombs Syria while pushing progressive economic bill at home

February 26, 2021 2:02 PM CST  BY C.J. ATKINS”

There is no “mismatch” between Biden’s foreign and domestic policies and legislation... both are part of Wall Street’s agenda which can be described as imperialist wars abroad financed with austerity measures shoved down the throats of working people and the working class here at home.

Only a very stupid person or a very dishonest person could have written such an article and then very selectively chosen quotes to fit the headline... which the article does.

No wonder people in this country are so confused when a publication claiming to be a left wing working class voice publishes an article like this.

In fact, Biden’s foreign and domestic policies are perfectly matched, not mismatched, to serve Wall Street’s foreign and domestic agenda.

It is impossible for any politician or political party to simultaneously serve Wall Street’s imperialist agenda abroad while meeting the needs of the working class domestically- this is an impossible task... it has never been done because it can’t be done as economists from Karl Marx to the liberal Canadian economist John Kenneth Galbraith pointed out; Galbraith declared what every single honest economist knows: “you can’t have guns and butter.”

Lyndon Johnson found this out but only understood it towards the end of his life even though his dear progressive friend Alice Glass constantly tried to point out to him that his war in Vietnam sabotaged his “Great Society” goals and objectives... Johnson ended up disowning his entire foreign policy agenda when he endorsed George McGovern for president. That’s why this cartoon hangs so prominently on the wall in the Johnson Library and Museum in Austin, Texas... and his daughter in a audio tribute to her father in the main display says that her father searched for ways to end the war although she doesn’t explain how he sent a dishonest creep like Henry Kissinger to negotiate the peace when Kissinger was really working behind Johnson’s back to support Wall Street’s war machine to keep the war going.

How is it any newspaper claiming to be a working class voice could be so confused as to call Biden’s foreign and domestic policies a “mismatch?”

No president can muster support for a progressive domestic agenda while pushing a reactionary foreign policy agenda if for no other reason no politician can be found who supports a reactionary foreign policy will then turn around and support a progressive economic domestic policy... there is no such political creature so why this pretense that Biden is such a political creature?

And just as the mainstream media has to create big fat lies to muster public support for Wall Street’s imperialist agenda ( a reactionary foreign and domestic agenda ), these phony leftists backing Biden now make the most outrageous claim as the writer cited in the article above that Biden has brought forward legislation, “Widely hailed as one of most progressive economic bills ever considered by Congress...” another great big fat lie used to justify this publication’s previous support for electing Biden.
