Thursday, March 4, 2021

A fundamental question ignored

 The Rasmussen polling agency recently asked people this question:

“Who’s setting the agenda in Washington, DC these days – President Biden, the Republican opposition, Congress or the national media?”

Then the results get picked up by subscribers who include the media and their “talking heads,” the pundits; and this big discussion begins with those who really set the agenda missing from the conversation.

Why didn’t Rasmussen include in the question a fifth option?

What would that fifth option be?

Wall Street.

Wall Street sets the agenda in Washington with its lobbyists bribing every single politician.

Workers have no say in setting the agenda in Washington.

I wonder why no polling agency has ever asked the question:

Do Wall Street employers or the workers they employ set the agenda in Washington?

Doesn’t democracy require this kind of discussion?

Who is afraid to hear what people think should a question like this be posed to the American people?

Those wealthy Wall Street oligarchs who are our employers are afraid of how this kind of question would be discussed and answered in the public square because their stranglehold on power would face a challenge from the working class... a power they fear more than anything... this is why they spend so much money making sure a question like this never gets asked, let alone answered.