Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Let's build a movement

The Democratic Party hacks try to hoodwink us into thinking, and accepting, their version of what they expect us to consider to be “movement building.”

Movement building is very important because it is through big rank-and-file and grassroots working class movements we win the kind of reforms required to solve our problems and get us onto a path leading to better and improved lives and livelihoods... creating the kind of socially just society we envision.

This false notion of what movement building consists of amounts to building support for this or that politician who adheres to the idea that political campaigns revolve around promoting “properly framed progressive sounding policy directives” with the intent of tricking us out of our votes while not having to advance real solutions to our problems based on what we consider solutions... all the while leading us to believe they know what is best for us... and, more often than not, these charlatans are willing to endure us suffering while advising we must “give their favorite politician a chance” while we must accept “baby steps” and “incremental reforms” enduring hardships and suffering they would never consider enduring for themselves and their families and their class.

Those who are willing to play this con game on us can quickly find themselves going, quite literally, from rags to riches if they have the gift for gab and are good at pretending they are our friends when they are really our class adversaries.

And, as you work your way up the ladder, you might even land yourself a plum position with a very nice salary as a “talking head” on one of the mainstream media networks... pretending to represent us.

You might even be able to carve out a niche for yourself doing a popular “podcast” that brings in thousands of dollars sparing you the life of having to work for a living.

For the users, and this is what these selfish people are, this system seems to work out well.

For the rest of us there is real movement building...

We define and articulate our problems...

While working together with those we share these problems in common...

We build organizations which will enable us to become powerful advocates for real solutions to our problems rather than merely accepting nice sounding campaign promises from a bunch of Dumb Donkeys who have no intent to deliver after the votes are counted... even when they win.

If you are looking for a life on easy street you will join the chorus of those calling on us to “give Biden a chance.”

If you are content with a life of work but expect this to be a decent life provided by the wealth our working class creates, together, then come participate in the kind of real movement building that will improve the lives of our entire class while recognizing that an injury to one is an injury to all and we achieve victories through our solidarity derived from movement building campaigns using:

Education which empowers working people to take the kind of united militant action which results in victories which are defined as real solutions to our problems.

One of the first things we must understand is that in Wall Street we have a common enemy... working people have no friends among the Wall Street employers, industrialists, bankers and financiers; these are the parasites who live off of our labor.

Society needs these parasites about as much as our cats and dogs need ticks and fleas.

It’s time to flex some working class muscle; worker’s power... the united power of our working class in coalition with all people seeking peace and an economically and socially just society... these are the primary points of unity that should guide us in coming together in movement building.

Join us...

Read over our petition.

If you agree add your signature to give you a stronger voice at work and in your community.

Ask your friends, neighbors and fellow workers to sign our petition.

Ask those who sign to share this petition with others.

In this way we begin to build a real movement for the kind of real change we seek... one by one our movement grows. Like one little raindrop we don’t amount to much... but, let it pour!


Please sign our petition.

Millions of people are suffering.

Action is required now.

Politicians will not respond unless pressured to do what is right.

You can help by signing and then circulating this petition.

Feel free to copy and print this petition, collect signatures and return the petitions to us. 

We are organizing a campaign that with broad support will become a powerful movement.

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