As working people we need to be more focused on coming together in movements supporting solutions to our problems.
Something is real out of kilter in politics today where politicians think they have the right to trick us out of our votes using nice sounding properly framed progressive policy directives created by over-paid party hacks with the intent of making fools out of us by tricking us out of our votes when they have no intent of giving us anything in return for our votes.
This is all a part of the rigged corrupt political process being passed off as democracy.
Do these politicians work for us or do we work for these politicians...
Look at your paycheck and see how much is being deducted and then consider what you are getting in return and you will figure out that we are being played for fools.
Do these politicians work for us or do we work for these politicians...
Look at your paycheck and see how much is being deducted and then consider what you are getting in return and you will figure out that we are being played for fools.