Thursday, April 6, 2017

Trump meets with the Chinese today and our intellectually challenged moron President is going to talk to the Chinese about North Korea.

Much is being made today about North Korea and Trump's meetings with the Chinese by these over-paid media pundits whose primary job it is to whip people into frenzies to support Wall Street's very profitable dirty imperialist wars.

I make a lot of notes when I'm reading things and often forget to write down who says what and where I got it from so I don't share it.

But, in this case, I'm sharing because there is so much truth involved:

"It’s easy to dismiss Kim Jong-un as a madman. But there’s a long history of US aggression against the North, which we forget at our peril."

Quite frankly, the real madman is sitting in the White House when he isn't promoting his resort and golfing at Mar-a-Lago.