Monday, January 19, 2015

Defeat Stephen Harper

Our neighbors to the north are gearing up to defeat Stephen Harper:

There's a Canadian Labour Congress (CLC) election strategy meeting this weekend in Winnipeg, Manitoba.

The CLC is making a point of inviting community organizations to work together.

Register! Attend!! Participate!!!

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Date: Wed, 14 Jan 2015

From: "Cindy Murdoch"


Subject: Register Now - Election Planing Conference!


As you’re aware a Federal election will be held in 2015. The exact dates for the election is another question with some suggesting late spring while others are suggesting Prime Minister Harper will wait until the last possible moment which would put an election in October of 2015.

The Canadian Labour Congress, with support from affiliates, Federations of Labour and Labour Councils, and community partners is holding Election Preparation Conferences in many communities across the country during the first few months of 2015.

In Manitoba this important Conference is being held on Friday January 23rd and Saturday January 24th at the Fairmont Hotel located at 2 Lombard Place in Winnipeg. So please mark your calendars and attend and encourage other members in your local to attend.

It is anticipated that over 100 union will join us to participate in the Winnipeg Conference. Friday evening will see keynote speakers while Saturday will be an opportunity to attend the many workshops scheduled.

As have the desire, passion and strength of our movement and others to come together and make change in the next federal election. The information below will help get you registered.

Election Preparation Conference Winnipeg
January 23 & 24, 2015 at the Fairmont Hotel, 2 Lombard Place

Sign up now. Registration is free! To Register Go to

In the upper right hand corner click ‘Member Login’

If you have ever registered for an event with the CLC before you can use your initial info.

If not create a new user log on and REGISTER!

Problems? Call the CLC Prairie Regional Office at: (306) 525-6137

Cindy Murdoch
Regional Representative, Manitoba
Canadian Labour Congress
207-275 Broadway, Winnipeg, R3C 4M6
Office: 204-947-9494
Cell: 204-930-4829