Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Tune in, call in; a discussion on the Minimum Wage on Stewart Alexander's "Socialist Insight" program.

6 p.m. Central---14 April---Monday---

Alan L. Maki,, political analyst and social activist is back. 

Our discussion: Interpreting the Minimum Wage Debate; What does it all mean? 

Stewart and Alan will show how the working class in the United States has been reduced to a labor force working for poverty wages. 

They will also explain how that minimum wage guarantees poverty. 

A living wage should be the standard for all working people. If you are earning less than $23.00 an hour for a 40 hour work week, don’t miss this program. Every week, same time---More things we all need to know and be talking about!!

Alan L. Maki
Director of Organizing,
Midwest Casino Workers Organizing Council
58891 County Road 13
Warroad, Minnesota 56763

Phone: 218-386-2432
Cell: 651-587-5541

Primary E-mail: