Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Now it's "outside agitators."

Capitalism requires racism and corruption. Police departments across this country are breeding grounds for racism. I don't think there is any other public agency or private organization that breeds and seethes racism like these police departments--- from one end of the country to the other the police departments are all the same. Hate organizations like the KKK and John Birch Society recruit from within the police departments.

Look what happens when a racist cop murders a young black kid... all the cops, the media, the politicians try to make the cop look like the victim.

Every time police departments are accused of being racists they act like they are being victimized.

Then when public anger against this police racism grows to the point where it can't be ignored the U.S. Department of Justice steps in and says they will provide the police with sensitivity and diversity training when the solution is to fire, arrest and jail these racist cops.

Now Obama comes along and feigns ignorance as if he was not aware these police departments full of racists and fascists have been militarized just like any common ordinary army only instead of carrying out Wall Street's wars abroad they are carrying out a war on the American people.

We are dangerously on the road to fascism and racism is an integral part of all of this.

None of this "just happened." This has all been done with intent, a great deal of thought and especially a whole lot of financing. An entire system of racist and anti-working class oppression and repression has been put in place.

All these die-hard Obama supporters and Democrats want the American people to continue to look on in indifference.

The people of Ferguson, Missouri are establishing the kind of fightback model that needs to be undertaken all over this country.

At one time we had powerful anti-racist, anti-repression movements all across this country which understood how to wage court battles that were carried over into the streets.

How pathetic that we have "leaders" of organizations like the National Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression backing Obama when they should be mobilizing people in opposition to Obama and his support for these racist police departments. This isn't a problem of racist and anti-democratic police departments just here or there... this is a national problem that has been nurtured and financed in a way with the support from the politicians that these racist and brutal cops think they can get away with their dirty deeds--- including outright cold-blooded murder.

One only needs to read the Red Squad files being maintained by the FBI, state and local police over many decades to understand that racism is part of the fascist agenda of these police departments.

There isn't just a "whiff of fascism" emanating from these police departments--- there are outright fascists in control at every level inside of police departments all over this country. We are talking about cops that could easily become just like the Nazi gestapo... this is no exaggeration. Anyone who doesn't believe this has never had an encounter with this fascist apparatus that has been functioning under the guise of "serving and protecting" decked out in blue uniforms until they are told to dress up in their riot gear whether or not there are riots. We saw hundreds of these fascist bastards decked out in their riot gear here in Minnesota during the Republican National Convention even though the only ones advocating riots were a bunch of FBI informants.

I was marching next to Minneapolis Mayor R.T. Rybak and his wife blurted out to the Mayor in fright--- "My god; what kind of monsters have you brought here."

"Monsters;" this is just what these racist, fascist bastards are--- "Monsters."

Now these politicians want us to believe the people of Ferguson, Missouri are being
"led afoul of the law" by "outside agitators." Since when are people coming together in solidarity against racism and repression "outside agitators?"

It is sheer racism and a display of fascist arrogance combined with the brutal and barbaric murder by the police still backed by these worthless corrupt politicians without any morals or ethics and taunted on by the media every single step of the way which has "agitated" the people of Ferguson and this entire Nation.

Decent minded people find it unbelievable this cop hasn't been arrested for murder.

Decent minded people loathe the fact that CNN played only a small portion of a video claiming it was a video of Michael Brown carrying out a strong-armed robbery when had the entire video been played anyone could have seen for themselves no robbery had taken place. And they played this carefully edited video over and over and over again... all day and all night long. One more lie in a long string of lies we are subjected to on a daily basis. If it isn't a lie to get us into another war its a goddamn lie to cover-up the cold-blooded racist murder of a young black kid who did nothing wrong except maybe have the courage to "lip-off" to an arrogant racist cop. Everyone is supposed to bend and bow to these fascist bastards.

Anything goes to protect a cold-blooded murderer decked out in blue and to these ends the police have put on the black boots and black gloves fascists the world over are noted for.

The entire situation is sickening and morally repugnant.

Again... we are dealing with "monsters."