Sunday, March 23, 2014

A conversation about the Minimum Wage

Last night a member of the Warroad Area Chamber of Commerce approached me while I was shopping at Doug's Supermarket.

She came up to me very belligerently and said, "You do know with all your talk about raising the Minimum Wage you are going to kill off most of the businesses in northern Minnesota, don't you? Then there will be no jobs."

I politely told her to:

"Look at the prices in this store. Do you see the price of hamburger? Do you see the price of bread? Do you see the price of bacon? Do you see the price of eggs? Do you see the price of mac and cheese and soup and tuna fish? You have steak in your cart there that is $12.00 a pound. Have you heard about the price of propane? Have you paid an electric bill recently? Have you paid for house, auto or car insurance? Have you paid for college tuition? Mary, you come back and talk to me about wages after you go tell all your business friends to lower their prices and make do with less profits."

Her response:

"You are an idiot. No one can reason with you. Have a nice evening, Mr. Maki."