Monday, September 30, 2013

1945 was an important year for the working classes of Great Britain and the United States.

Some people want to forget that in Great Britain in 1945 the working class coming out of World War II, led by the Communist Party, was full determination to fight for its rights and was able to muster the strength and the power to complete much of the progressive agenda that the working class in this country was also seeking but here in this country the working class was confronted by a massive Wall Street assault of governmental repression resulting in a huge and prolonged setback that put an end to the expansion of New Deal reforms and with an unrelenting and vicious red-baiting attack chopped off labor's head while sowing greater division between the Communist and Socialist parties.

The New Left joined this attack on the working class as it tried to replace working class Marxist ideology with muddle-headed upper middle class interpretations of Marxism. and this goes on today with these super-revolutionary New Leftists having taken up with Obama and his Wall Street imperialist agenda trying to make people believe the Democratic Party and its politicians are the vehicle for change when nothing could be further from the truth.

We should look back at history to 1945 to figure out why the British working class won in 1945 what the U.S. working class did not. There are important lessons to be learned.

Our setbacks began with the defeat of the "Full Employment Act of 1945."

It is dishonest to deny this history. We don't learn this history to our own detriment.