Friday, November 9, 2012

Where do we go from here?

I'm not as disheartened by the election results as many people are.

Jill Stein, Rocky Anderson and Stewart Alexander didn't get as many votes as we hoped they would but they have set something in motion--- political independence from the two parties--- for which all liberals, progressives and leftists should be appreciative.

Never before, since 1948 and the onslaught of McCarthyism have progressive alternatives had their voices heard as in this election. This has been an important victory we can build on--- if we seize the initiative in a united way.

The American people were faced with two "choices" both with the same Wall Street agenda wrapped in different words.

I think these alternative campaigns will have impact far beyond the votes these candidates (Rocky Anderson, Jill Stein and Stewart Alexander) received.

What would be disheartening is if Stein, Anderson and Alexander were to withdraw from their next responsibility--- helping to build movements to fight Obama and the Democrats and Republicans explaining that Wall Street is our enemy. I don't think they intend to shirk their responsibility.

New Progressive Alliance (NPA) should ask Stein, Anderson and Alexander to announce they are coming together to put people to work through pressuring Obama to re-establish the WPA and CCC to assist the victims of Hurricane Sandy. 

This could have the potential of forging the kind of people's unity capable of bringing together a grassroots response and alternative to Wall Street's agenda. Finance it all through a special temporary emergency "tax on the rich."

As part of this letter supporting this initiative we could ask the backers of these three parties to sign on to the letter, too. The candidates and their backers working together. A short, concise statement should conclude the appeal explaining why this special temporary tax on the rich is needed because the Democrats and Republicans continue to squander the wealth of our Nation on wars in the same destructive way to our country as Hurricane Sandy.

Poor people are the hardest hit victims of Hurricane Sandy; people without jobs are going to be poor. Doesn't it make sense to employ the poorest victims of Hurricane Sandy in the rebuilding of their lives and communities?

I still think we can't afford the luxury of multiple progressive/left parties until we break free from the two-party trap. Would the vote had been much better for these alternative parties had they joined efforts and put forward one progressive alternative?

If we built committees in every congressional district to back an initiative to bring back the WPA and CCC we would have a good base to work from in future elections, too.

Press conferences, petitions, letters, demonstrations... kick it off with a letter jointly signed by Rocky Anderson, Jill Stein, Stewart Alexander.and their running mates.

A big part of the problem we face is all the confusion being spun through the mainstream media by the over-paid political hacks and Obama apologists.

Keep it simple: re-establish WPA/CCC to help the victims of Hurricane Sandy financed with a special temporary tax on the rich.

Ask everyone who signs the letter to host meetings of a few people in their homes using a conference call with Rocky, Jill and Stewart as the catalyst to discuss how we move forward.

All this crap about how we are weak and feeble is not true. It is just as bad to put forward the view that we are weak and feeble as those who used their liberal, progressive and left views to promote Obama.
Now is no time to withdraw from struggle... now is the time to kick it up a notch.

Alan L. Maki
Director of Organizing,
Midwest Casino Workers Organizing Council
58891 County Road 13
Warroad, Minnesota 56763

Phone: 218-386-2432
Cell: 651-587-5541

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