Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Elliott Abrams should be first to be given the boot by Biden.

I wonder if Biden intends to get rid of the odious warmongering liar Elliott Abrams since all the Bush backers who supported Biden are urging him to keep Abrams on?

Abrams has to go. 

Is the worst of this mess behind us?

Those who would have us believe the worst is behind us make a big mistake...

Or, they are intentionally trying to mislead us.

Where will we find solutions to our problems?

 I think the solutions to our problems will be found in more working people beginning- daring- to think out loud.

We simply can’t afford to allow the employer class to continue doing our thinking for us... their “thinking” is what got us into this mess.

Fortune and Fame will get you elected to public office

 Something you may want to mull over while the politicians are deciding what’s good for you...

“Democracy” is a word that gets bandied about in a very superficial and bastardized manner in this country by very well paid politicians, pundits and professors alike when it comes to politics.

Consider this, though... something these “smart people” hired to do our thinking for us don’t seem to want to ponder:

What are the only two qualifications which merit one being considered a legitimate candidate for any public office in this country in which it is a boast that “We the People” are in power because we “elect” people to represent us?

The only two qualifications required for public office are thus;

1. One must have accumulated great wealth in order to have reached...

2. Fame.

Isn’t there something very perverted when the only two qualifications one must have to compete for public office are FAME and FORTUNE... which, automatically rules out anyone honest person who works for a living becoming a candidate?

Fortune and Fame are the only two qualifications required to be considered a legitimate candidate for public office here in the United States, the world’s greatest bastion of democracy according to those whose job it is to make sure no “lowly” person whose ideas are the result of experience as a worker ever gets a public hearing... especially if those views articulate the collective thinking of the working class in which one expresses the dangerous idea that only labor, with no little amount of help from Mother Nature, creates all wealth; which challenges the very bedrock of what is passed off as democracy where only those who have gained great wealth by exploiting labor and raping Mother Nature have the qualifications for public office.

If this isn’t true that only those who have achieved a level of fame based on their accumulation of tremendous wealth are credible candidates for public office, how does one explain there are no working class candidates tolerated when it comes to electoral politics in this country?

Can it possibly be, that of the tens of millions of working people in this country who comprise the overwhelming majority of the people in this country, not one single person who works for wages has ideas worthy of being considered as part of the national political discourse?

How can it possibly be that of the tens of millions of workers in this country no worker has ideas worthy of consideration?

How is it that ONLY the voices of those who have reached a certain level of fame based on the fortunes they have accumulated have ideas worthy of consideration for “We the People” to “elect” to public office?

Or, is it more of a “selection process” for us instead rather than an “election process” based on real competing ideas?

How can this be a democracy when one must qualify for public office based on wealth and fame instead of real life experience and ideas gained honestly working for a living?

Capitalism is in deep trouble

 It should be obvious, if not becoming obvious, to most people that capitalism is in deep social and economic crisis.

In fact, we might say the politicians fiddle with the most irrelevant as the system crumbles leaving many people in poverty while a complete moron who is unpredictable because he is a psychotic is at the helm placing us all in grave danger as he has the power to launch nuclear war.

If you aren’t scared yet you probably aren’t paying attention to what is going on.