Thursday, November 12, 2020

Tell Biden: Don't bailout Wall Street, again; bailout the people this time. Join our campaign for an emergency action agenda.

Members of the Socialist Connection Action Network (Socialist C.A.N.) propose an emergency action agenda for all people’s unity around these very minimal and basic demands; we seek to work with all individuals and organizations to attain these goals:

1. A Basic Income Guarantee of $2000.00 a month for every adult over 18 and $200.00 for each child in the family.

2. A $650.00 increase for everyone receiving Social Security.

3. Cancel ALL student debt.

4. Increase the Federal Minimum Wage to $16.00.

The money can come from a hefty tax on the rich and a Peace Dividend along with a tax on all Wall Street transactions.

We intend to launch a campaign involving petitioning and letter writing to get this movement underway and to put pressure on Congress and the President to enact this as legislation.

We need your help.

Please share, copy, post and distribute.


Alan Maki


For twelve years Democrats and Republicans have been using the financial resources and levers of government to assist and bailout Wall Street from this mess we as working people have had no voice in, nor part in creating.

Now it’s time to bailout working class families.

We are not asking for a handout; we create the wealth.

Demand a Peace Dividend now!

Peace activists shouldn’t get caught up in any debates about what weapons and weapon systems are “obsolete.”

I find it ironic Trump likes to bash Obama for weakening the U.S. military but Trump continues to implement Obama’s (and Bush’s, and Clinton’s and Bush’s and Reagan’s and Carter’s and Ford’s and Nixon’s and Johnson’s, and Kennedy’s and Eisenhower’s and Truman’s) military build up... all at the expense of world peace and financing human needs.

I don’t think it helps to get involved in arguments concerning what weapons/weapon systems are “obsolete.”

We need to focus on ending militarism and wars along with demanding a sane foreign policy based on getting along with the rest of the world.

We should be pushing for a huge “Peace Dividend” as the way to properly and adequately finance health care, housing, infrastructure and public education, etc.

Capitalism in its “advanced” barbaric stage of imperialism is what is “obsolete” especially given the consequences of nuclear war/nuclear winter.

Marx pointed out long ago that when a Nation uses its wealth to finance militarism and wars that Nation might just as well take the wealth and dump it into the deepest depths of the oceans for all the good it does.

Talking about which weapons systems are obsolete is a trap.

Our concern as socialists should be with mobilizing the people against militarism and wars not trying to determine what weapons are obsolete. 

Every single weapon in the arsenal of the imperialists is a weapon that is not needed.

Capitalism is the system of the warmongers who profit from militarism and wars while saddling the people with the horrible costs of militarism and wars.

Socialism is a system of peace, social and economic justice. Socialism requires an end to militarism and wars.

Capitalism breeds wars.

Socialism flourishes with peace.

Just compare the foreign policy objectives and goals of the United States and China to understand this. Jimmy Carter understands the problem; why don’t the rest of the politicians?

Read for yourself what Jimmy Carter has to say:

All of this China bashing has now turned into Trump’s provocations that could very likely lead to nuclear war as he sends out three aircraft carrier strike groups as Trump continues with Obama’s plan to build ten more thirty-billion dollar plus aircraft carriers to try to dominate the world and bring an end to China’s peaceful progress.

Joe Biden is also bashing China.

More than ever, we need a huge anti-imperialist peace movement determined to find a new foreign policy which will enable us to live in peace and cooperation with the rest of the world while reordering the priorities of our country away from militarism and wars and towards meeting the needs of the people.

From the socialist Karl Marx to the liberal economist John Kenneth Galbraith... there is unanimous agreement among economists that you can’t have “guns and butter.” Any economists saying otherwise are nothing but frauds and scam artists- apologists for the Wall Street merchants of death and destruction.

Bob Herbert who worked as a columnist for the New York Times finally got it right (and when he did they canned his ass):

The issue of war and peace will be decided in the streets of this country when the American people finally decide once and for all to shut down this horrible and terribly costly war machine. 

We obviously can’t rely on the politicians in this country to promote peace because they are being bribed by the Wall Street merchants of death and destruction who profit from militarism and wars.

Long ago, as World War II was ending and the United States government began developing a thoroughly reactionary foreign policy in relation to the Soviet Union, the emerging new socialist China and those peoples struggling to free themselves from colonialism and imperialism, far-sighted thinkers and politicians like the progressive Henry Wallace and his liberal friend Democratic Senator Claude Pepper formulated an alternative agenda with the thinking that if the United States government would focus on creating a better life for our own people it would not have the will, nor the capacity, to wage wars and meddle and intervene in the affairs of other countries... thus, the United States would become a voice for peace and mutual cooperation with the rest of the world.

This was good advice back then and such thinking is what we need in this country now more than ever before.

It is with this in mind that I have joined with others in bringing forward this very minimal and basic set of four urgently required demands intended to help working class families through this capitalist economic collapse exacerbated by this coronavirus pandemic:

Members of the Socialist Connection Action Network (Socialist C.A.N.) propose an emergency action agenda for all people’s unity around these very minimal and basic demands; we seek to work with all individuals and organizations to attain these goals:

1. A Basic Income Guarantee of $2000.00 a month for every adult over 18 and $200.00 for each child in the family.

2. A $650.00 increase for everyone receiving Social Security.

3. Cancel ALL student debt.

4. Increase the Federal Minimum Wage to $16.00.

The money can come from a hefty tax on the rich and a Peace Dividend along with a tax on all Wall Street transactions.

We intend to launch a campaign involving petitioning and letter writing to get this movement underway and to put pressure on Congress and the President to enact this as legislation.

We need your help.

Please share, copy, post and distribute.


Alan Maki


For twelve years Democrats and Republicans have been using the financial resources and levers of government to assist and bailout Wall Street from this mess we as working people have had no voice in, nor part in creating.

Now it’s time to bailout working class families.

We are not asking for a handout; we create the wealth.

No one on Social Security should be less than $2,700.00 a month.

No one on Social Security should be less than $2,700.00 a month.

Right now Social Security is structured to enforce poverty.

Workers who received poverty wages during their working lives are forced into even more extreme poverty when they can no longer work and there is no justification for this kind of legislatively enforced poverty... this is an injustice Social Security was never meant to enforce and there must be legislation forthcoming now to correct this injustice.

And this injustice is made even worse by forcing pensioners to pay $144.00 a month for Medicare Part B which still requires very high-priced supplemental insurance which still doesn’t cover many medical procedures.

Medicare should cover 100% of all medical including dental, vision and hearing. 

We have paid enough into the Social Security and Medicare systems during our working years to more than cover our health care and provide for real living incomes in our retirement years.

That Democrats and the advocates of Medicare for All refuse to address the need for these reforms shows they are merely using our problems as campaign gimmicks with no intent to bring about real change...

Perhaps these politicians in Washington would take us seniors more seriously if we joined the youth out in the streets... apparently taking to the streets gets you more than the vote does.

What we need is a National Public Health Care System to replace this hideous free-market profit-driven health care system.

Publicly funded.

Publicly administered.

Publicly delivered.

Based on the model of public education; nothing controversial at all...

The most cost effective way to provide the highest quality health care and it would cost less than what is collected in the present payroll tax for Medicare.

Sign our petition to improve Social Security and Medicare...

Make sure you confirm your signature in the e-mail you receive:

We need these parasitical Wall Street monopolists about as much as our cats and dogs need fleas and ticks.

 What is capitalism all about?

The parasitical Wall Street monopolists have spun this huge complex web with a maze of debt and exploitation.

Before you ever get a job working for these parasitical Wall Street exploiters you are stuck in a web of student debt.

Then you get a job working for these parasitical Wall Street monopolists and they exploit you for the rest of your life.

And then these vultures come after you for medical bills and all kinds of consumer debt buying stuff on credit because these greedy bastards refuse to pay a living wage.

The scam works out pretty good for the Wall Street bankers and employers... 

Not so well if you have to work for a living creating their wealth.

We need these parasitical Wall Street monopolists about as much as our cats and dogs need fleas and ticks.

The glue that holds this web together is made from a concoction of racism and anti-Communism.

Together, WE can break free....

Sign our petition to improve Social Security and Medicare...

 What we need is a National Public Health Care System to replace this hideous free-market profit-driven health care system.

Publicly funded.

Publicly administered.

Publicly delivered.

Based on the model of public education; nothing controversial at all...

The most cost effective way to provide the highest quality health care and it would cost less than what is collected in the present payroll tax for Medicare.

Sign our petition to improve Social Security and Medicare...

Make sure you confirm your signature in the e-mail you receive:

Trump gets the kind of socialized health care he denies to us.

Trump is getting the best socialized health care our tax dollars can provide for him but he denies the same health care to the rest of us under the guise of opposing socialism.

He will have no deductions and no co-pays and he doesn’t even have to pay for any over-priced supplemental insurance.

Trump’s health care is being:

Publicly funded.

Publicly administered.

Publicly delivered.

It’s amazing how Trump boasts that this socialized health care is providing him with “the best quality health care available in the entire world.”

Once again, socialism is good for the rich, who can better afford to pay their own way (remember how they lecture us about how there are no “free lunches”) but the rest of us have to pay through the nose for health insurance or file for medical bankruptcies... I guess Trump never considered using bankruptcy to take care of his health care costs like he has conveniently done when he doesn’t want to pay employees for the work they have done.

So, socialized health care works great for Trump but the rest of us are supposed to settle for the capitalist market-driven for-profit health care system from which Trump and his Wall Street buddies reap huge profits.

Doesn’t this sound like... well, you know; like a bit of hypocrisy?

And Biden, with all of his obvious health problems, if elected will receive this same highest quality health care in the world... the very socialized health care he opposes, too.

I wonder if Trump even pays for Medicare Part B?

Are these politicians making fools of us, or what?

It should be obvious to everyone by now we are all entitled to health care provided through a National Public Health Care System based on the model of public education... the kind of health care available at Walter Reed Medical Center.

Instead of over 850 military based dotting the globe protecting Wall Street’s interests... why not have 850 community health care centers around the country providing every American with the same kind of health care Trump says is the best health care in the world... this would be a welcome Peace Dividend which we are all entitled to.

And, check this out...

Every single one of the doctors, nurses and health care professionals treating Trump are on the public pay-roll just like public school teachers and university professors along with the police and firefighters... and I have never heard any complaints.

We need a National Public Health Care System:

Publicly funded…

Publicly administered…

Publicly delivered…

Just like public education. 

Our demands and a Biden supporter responds

 Our demands and a Biden supporter responds

Good riddance, Trump is gone; but our problems remain.

We need help circulating this and recruiting people to get involved:

Members of the Socialist Connection Action Network (Socialist C.A.N.) propose an emergency action agenda for all people’s unity around these very minimal and basic demands; we seek to work with all individuals and organizations to attain these goals:

1. A Basic Income Guarantee of $2000.00 a month for every adult over 18 and $200.00 for each child in the family.

2. A $650.00 increase for everyone receiving Social Security.

3. Cancel ALL student debt.

4. Increase the Federal Minimum Wage to $16.00.

The money can come from a hefty tax on the rich and a Peace Dividend.

We intend to launch a campaign involving petitioning and letter writing to get this movement underway and to put pressure on Congress and the President to enact this as legislation.

We need your help.

Please copy, post and distribute.


Alan Maki


Biden supporter Adam Bram responds:

I appreciate the intent, but this isn't something I can support. I consider myself to be Progressive, but I think there is a simpler, much more doable way to solve the problems you wish to solve. That said, I strongly support your first point: Universal Basic Income. However, it's the other points I do not.

Instead of canceling all student debt, fund a UBI. If you have college debt, you can use the UBI to pay off the debt. You can use the UBI to save for college if you wish. The Democrats lost seats because non-college-educated voters feel ignored, and I get it. If someone didn't go to college or if someone already paid off their college debt, it will anger them to see others who have their debt erased. UBI is a way of avoiding that mistrust while still helping everyone with whatever their respective economic troubles are. 

Additionally, UBI avoids the need to increase the minimum wage, which can be hard on small businesses. A UBI gives enough income to make the minimum wage increase unnecessary. It creates a situation where some people might not need to work, freeing up jobs for those who do. That naturally drives wages up without mandating a minimum wage increase.

Lastly, if we have a UBI, an additional social security increase is not needed.

I may get pushback on this, and that is fine. But if we want real change in this country, it has to be pragmatic.

And I answer him:

Adam Bram I suggest you organize a separate national effort for UBI. I’m curious though, in your lengthy comment, you don’t say if you support our specific demand what UBI should be; why not?

Obviously you aren’t “living” on these miserly monthly Social Security checks.

Do you work for a living? I ask this since you seem to put yourself arrogantly aloof from the problems being experienced by most working class families in claiming your opposition is based on “pragmatism.”

This entire four point program would cost would cost only a very small fraction of what the United States government has spent over the last twelve years bailing out Wall Street’s filthy rich who just happen to be the employers of most of us.

You talk about “pragmatism” but ignore the simple fact the working class has created this tremendous wealth while being pushed into poverty.

Working people are ENTITLED to what we are advocating here.

This isn’t about “pragmatism” or political expediency... for most of us in this country these four demands are about our survival.

Message to Biden... bail out the people not Wall Street.

Our message to Biden and his Bush Republican backers should be:

This time bail out the people not Wall Street!

We should say it and mean it; we mean it by organizing for the bailout that will help all of us; not just a few with the understanding that:

“An injury to one is an injury to all.”

This is the bailout we, the people, need:

Good riddance, Trump is gone; but our problems remain.

We need help circulating this and recruiting people to get involved:

Members of the Socialist Connection Action Network (Socialist C.A.N.) propose an emergency action agenda for all people’s unity around these very minimal and basic demands; we seek to work with all individuals and organizations to attain these goals:

1. A Basic Income Guarantee of $2000.00 a month for every adult over 18 and $200.00 for each child in the family.

2. A $650.00 increase for everyone receiving Social Security.

3. Cancel ALL student debt.

4. Increase the Federal Minimum Wage to $16.00.

The money can come from a hefty tax on the rich and a Peace Dividend.

We intend to launch a campaign involving petitioning and letter writing to get this movement underway and to put pressure on Congress and the President to enact this as legislation.

We need your help.

Please copy, post and distribute.


Alan Maki


Bailout the working class not Wall Street.

Long ago, as World War II was ending and the United States government began developing a thoroughly reactionary foreign policy in relation to the Soviet Union, the emerging new socialist China and those peoples struggling to free themselves from colonialism and imperialism, far-sighted thinkers and politicians like the progressive Henry Wallace and his liberal friend Democratic Senator Claude Pepper formulated an alternative agenda with the thinking that if the United States government would focus on creating a better life for our own people it would not have the will, nor the capacity, to wage wars and meddle and intervene in the affairs of other countries... thus, the United States would become a voice for peace and mutual cooperation with the rest of the world.

This was good advice back then and such thinking is what we need in this country now more than ever before.

It is with this in mind that I have joined with others in bringing forward this very minimal and basic set of four urgently required demands intended to help working class families through this capitalist economic collapse exacerbated by this coronavirus pandemic:

Members of the Socialist Connection Action Network (Socialist C.A.N.) propose an emergency action agenda for all people’s unity around these very minimal and basic demands; we seek to work with all individuals and organizations to attain these goals:

1. A Basic Income Guarantee of $2000.00 a month for every adult over 18 and $200.00 for each child in the family.

2. A $650.00 increase for everyone receiving Social Security.

3. Cancel ALL student debt.

4. Increase the Federal Minimum Wage to $16.00.

The money can come from a hefty tax on the rich and a Peace Dividend.

We intend to launch a campaign involving petitioning and letter writing to get this movement underway and to put pressure on Congress and the President to enact this as legislation.

We need your help.

Please copy, post and distribute.


Alan Maki


For twelve years Democrats and Republicans have been using the financial resources and levers of government to assist and bailout Wall Street from this mess we as working people have had no voice in, nor part in creating.

Now it’s time to bailout working class families.

We are not asking for a handout; we create the wealth.