Friday, April 10, 2020

Does anyone see the hypocrisy in all of this?

Does anyone remember what the Venezuelans did that so upset Trump?

They changed their Constitution to better enable the kind of change they were looking for in order to create a system that better serves the needs of the majority of the people who work for a living.

Now, here comes Trump and his Wall Street serving Attorney General intending to suspend the United States Constitution and Bill of Rights under the guise of fighting the coronavirus.

Does anyone see the hypocrisy in all of this that I see?

If we bail out a company we should own it.

Trump is going to bailout the airlines; these airlines should be nationalized and brought under public ownership and democratic control. When we bailout a company or industry we should own it.

Why is anyone still ignoring the supremacy of socialized health care?

Only a National Public Health Care System based on the model of public education can provide every single person in this country with health care.

The present system didn’t work.

A single-payer system won’t work under these circumstances.

It is dishonest to engage in a discussion of health care reform without bringing forward socialized health care.

Should we panic over the coronavirus?

I think there is something drastically wrong with all of these politicians fostering a panic towards coronavirus even though none of them are pushing for nationalization of the health care system nor are they supporting a National Public Health Care System based on the model of public education even though it is very obvious the present for-profit driven free market health care system centered around the scam of health insurance doesn’t work.

What is motivating this panic? Certainly not a sincere consideration for the health and well-being of the American people; these are politicians who don’t give two hoots about the well-being of the American people any other time and they had no concern for Trump severing ties with the Chinese health care system.

What is motivating these politicians to foster this panic mode? I simply don’t think it’s a consideration of our well-being and health.

Why would these politicians push this panic mode of thinking while failing to bring the health care system up to snuff in order to cope with something they claim is so serious?

No doubt the coronavirus is a serious health problem but to these politicians it is a means to push the country into a more reactionary path and prepare people to accept further attacks on our democratic rights.

And perhaps the worst of what these politicians are doing is using this health crisis to further enrich the wealthy Wall Street parasites with “bailouts.” These corporations are getting there money; do you know of anyone who has received their $1,200.00 check? Again, this demonstrates a lack of caring and concern for those of of us suffering.

Then we have these politicians using this to drum up hatred against China which fits right in with these politicians’ agendas.

All of this sensationalizing and panic is an excuse for not bringing about the kind of health care reforms we need and the failure to implement legislation providing people with paid sick leave and a real living income... again, when it comes to income, millions of people can’t even get the unemployment compensation they are entitled in a timely manner because these politicians conveniently have systems in place that aren’t capable of handling the applications.