Thursday, April 9, 2020

Should users have a say in who owns and controls the Internet?

The Wall Street technology companies are complaining that China is quickly becoming a leading country when it comes to the Internet and these companies are trying to prevent China from having a say in the decision-making process when it comes to the Internet.

We should be cooperating with China and the rest of the world when it comes to the Internet not trying to selfishly control the Internet to serve Wall Street’s interests.

Trump is personally responsible for this mess we are in with this coronavirus and economic recession.

Trump is personally responsible for this mess we are in with this coronavirus and economic recession.

Trump was playing golf and holding racist hate-filled campaign rallies all the while China battled the coronavirus. He should have been building up medical supplies during this time.

There is no reason other than sheer incompetency that an industrialized country like this should have a shortage of rubber gloves, face masks and ventilators.

It was obvious to any thinking person our for-profit free market health care system wasn’t going to be able to cope with this crisis just by observing what was going on in China.

There had been plenty of time to nationalize the entire health care industry to bring it up to snuff but Trump chose not to do this because his friends would have had to sacrifice profits... as a result people now are needlessly dying.

We must never forget that Democrats, including Joe Biden, Elizabeth Warren, Corey Booker, Andrew Yang, Amy Klobuchar, Chick Schumer and Nancy Pelosi all joined the China haters- Trump, Bannon, Pompeo, Bolton and Elliot Abrams- instead of promoting mutual cooperation so these Democrats share the blame for this mess, too.

Common sense should tell us that a National Public Health Care System should have been put in place to take care of our health care needs and served as a job creating program creating well over twelve- million jobs: you put people to work solving the problems of the people.

Where does this end?

As deaths from the coronavirus mount and the economy is collapsing, does anyone want to venture a guess how this ends?

Let’s get this straight...

The economy was already collapsing long before the appearance of the coronavirus.

The coronavirus did not cause the economy to collapse; it exacerbated the collapse already in progress: the recession.

Trump lies when he says the economy was doing great before the coronavirus hit; in fact, Trump could lessened to impact from the coronavirus pandemic had he properly prepared for this hit... he chose to play golf and stir up racist hate instead.

Another big lie from Trump and his gaggle of capitalist South-Sayers: The economy will recover quickly once the coronavirus pandemic subsides.

Any recovery will be very slow and prolonged. The reason for this is very simple: Trump is using this crisis to drive down the standard of living of the working class... the very people who need money in their pockets to purchase basic necessities, goods and services.

A very simple economy truth:

If people don’t have money to spend, manufacturing and production isn’t going to resume.

Why would any capitalist whose only concern is profits, hire workers and step up production to produce goods and services that can’t be sold because people don’t have the money to purchase what they produce?

The best way to get the economy going would be to tax the hell out of the rich until they cry like a bunch of babies and provide every adult in this country with $2,000.00 a month along with giving people $100.00 a month for every child.

By subsidizing businesses with these non-repayable loans, Trump is assuring the recession will deepen and take longer for a recovery.

Trillions of dollars, the wealth created by workers, are being traded on Wall Street when this wealth belongs in the hands of working class families so they can spend this money to meet their needs... and this would stimulate production, get people back to work... this stimulating the economy- which all these capitalist Sooth-Sayers claim they want to do.

I challenge anyone to dispute anything I have stated here.

And, as I have repeatedly pointed out, by shifting from a for-profit market driven health care system to a National Public Health Cade System providing the American people with free health care would result in working people having trillions of dollars to spend.

In addition, by cancelling student debt, more trillions of dollars are available for consumers to spend... more economic stimulation.

We could switch to fare-free public transportation and this would free up more trillions of dollars for consumer spending plus contribute to ending global warming... this would be another huge boost to the economy.

All this squandering of the wealth created by the working class to the tune of trillions of dollars on militarism and wars is a huge brake on the economy.

We have seen the capitalist economy will never be a thriving economy with production being planned for human needs.

The sooner we have a socialist revolution putting the working class in power and control the better because the greedy selfish Wall Street in-breeders aren’t capable of thinking about doing what is best for everyone and the well-being of the planet.

Working class education

About education:

Most workers could learn more about life spending a few days studying the Communist Manifesto with a small group of friends than wasting time listening to all of these over-paid muddle-headed upper-middle class professors and pundits who don’t have a clue about what is involved in having to work for a living in an attempt to try to make ends meet from pay-check to pay-check.
For working people, the Communist Manifesto will clarify everything.

Image may contain: 2 people, including Jan Langrod, text