Thursday, November 29, 2018

We need a "people's lobby" if we are going to impeach Trump and remove him from office and secure any reforms from this "Blue Wave" and the newly elected "Democratic socialists."

This is the platform Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez ran on:
Now, in order for her and her fellow “Democratic socialists” to follow through on this a massive people’s front type movement will be required... some kind of a “people’s lobby.” Is there any evidence such a “people’s lobby” is being considered or created? Has there been any willingness to discuss this?

The concept of a “people’s lobby” must be taken up immediately by grassroots and rank-and-file activists or we will not be able to move forward once this new “Blue Wave” is seated?

I have a little different view from these “Democratic socialists” but there is plenty that is close enough to begin a discussion of what kind of solutions to our problems are required:
Trump’s impeachment and removal from office needs to be a top priority.I would encourage all liberals, progressives and leftists to read, study and discuss what Minnesota's most popular socialist governor elected on the socialist Minnesota Farmer-Labor Party ticket who went on to become the campaign manager for Henry Wallac'e Progressive Party campaign in 1948 had to say about politics since he very successfully organized against very powerful corporate opposition, a "people's lobby," to get much of his very progressive legislation enacted: 

I also think Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and the other newly elected "Democratic socialists" are going to have to give some deeper thought about climate change and global warming along these lines:

I am interested in what others have to say.

A "people's lobby" needs to be organized now.