Thursday, November 15, 2018

Demand an increase in Social Security now!

I need your help getting this out.

We have begun making waves... let’s stay on this. I have included several of your suggestions.

Can you send this to your Representative and Senators now?

Let us know how they respond.

You can contact me at:

Get this out at your local senior center, union hall, community association, church group and especially retiree organizations. Spread the word through Facebook and other social media.

So; it seems Congress has been caught stealing from the Social Security Trust Fund once again; while pensioners receive a miserly 2.8% increase the theft from the Social Security Trust Fund is now 2.8, too- $2.8 trillion dollars!

And these politicians go around telling the big fat lie that Social Security is part of the federal budget, when it is not since employer and employee contributions pay for everything that is part of Social Security.

The one thing that really is the biggest part of the federal budget none of these worthless Wall Street bribed politicians or their party hacks and the media’s talking heads want to talk about which is nothing but more theft from the people is the expenditure on militarism and these dirty imperialist wars.

It took a fight to win Social Security and it is going to take an even bigger struggle to save it. Get prepared for the battle ahead.

No one on Social Security should receive less than $2,000.00 a month.

Everyone on Social Security should receive an immediate $500.00 a month increase.

The Federal government hasn’t been kicking anything into Social Security and it should... it should get this money from what is now being spent on militarism and wars... a $500.00 a month Peace Dividend for seniors.

And Social Security benefits and payments should not be subject to income tax.

Pensions and 401K plans must be protected and other retirement plans must be protected from shady Wall Street investment “advisors.”

Employers must not be allowed to get out of pension plans through bankruptcy schemes.

Should the Social Security Trust Fund be used by the government as a source of cheap loans to fight its dirty wars?

So, we see this line of thinking that the government is justified using the Social Security Trust Fund as a source of cheap loans.

Democratic Party hacks have argued this for years while failing to insist Social Security provides people a real living income.

This argument might be plausible if we had a national public banking system and a government focused on spending for human needs instead of squandering the wealth of the Nation on militarism and wars.

But, money paid into Social Security is intended for Social Security programs and not as a cheap loan for this rotten Wall Street government to fight their dirty imperialist wars.

I find it interesting these people don't support using these Social Security funds to provide seniors with a real living monthly income.

We are slaves to the debt Wall Street bankers profit from

We have become slaves to debt trying to maintain a decent standard-of-living on high-interest credit cards as we try to cope with an ever growing cost-of-living while working poverty wage jobs and living on miserly monthly Social Security payments.

The bankers profit from this debt for which we are forced to pay ever higher interest rates which further reduces our standard-of-living; thus making the struggle to survive even more difficult.

We need Social Security to be a real living income now!

Here is a good one.

I just got a private message telling me I should stop riling people up over Social Security because a radical like me associated with pushing for a Social Security increase makes it hard for the Democrats to associate themselves with legislation required to bring this about.

I am told to be patient; that the Democrats will get to this as soon as other pressing concerns are dealt with.

What a crock of shit!

We have been waiting for Social Security to become a real living income as FDR, Frances Perkins and the Democrat’s Committee on Economic Security promised way back in 1935!

If you keep your mouth shut you will get nothing.

We are entitled to a living income on Social Security... see Article 22...and it’s time for the United States government to live up to this beginning with a $500.00 a month increase for everyone right now. The United States government has never contributed one single penny towards Social Security but has robbed the Social Security Trust Fund blind to pay for its dirty imperialist wars:

We need to hound the Blue Wave until we get a raise...

We need to begin pestering these politicians in the same persistent way they begged for our votes with what we expect them to deliver.

Did any politicians get specific about what they intend to do with Social Security? No.

But we should:

So; it seems Congress has been caught stealing from the Social Security Trust Fund once again; while pensioners receive a miserly 2.8% increase the theft from the Social Security Trust Fund is now 2.8, too- $2.8 trillion dollars!

And these politicians go around telling the big fat lie that Social Security is part of the federal budget, when it is not since employer and employee contributions pay for everything that is part of Social Security.

The one thing that really is the biggest part of the federal budget none of these worthless Wall Street bribed politicians or their party hacks and the media’s talking heads want to talk about which is nothing but more theft from the people is the expenditure on militarism and these dirty imperialist wars.

It took a fight to win Social Security and it is going to take an even bigger struggle to save it. Get prepared for the battle ahead.

No one on Social Security should receive less than $2,000.00 a month.

Everyone on Social Security should receive an immediate $500.00 a month increase.

The Federal government hasn’t been kicking anything into Social Security and it should... it should get this money from what is now being spent on militarism and wars... a $500.00 a month Peace Dividend for seniors.

And Social Security benefits and payments should not be subject to income tax.

Forest fires and nuclear war

Paradise, California has been destroyed by a forest fire...

Just imagine the destruction that would result from nuclear war.

Was Barack Obama a peace president?

Barack Obama, the politician who campaigned for the presidency on a promise of peace, dropped over 26,000 bombs during his presidency; why are we only finding this out now?

Someone made a whole lot of money from this... and how much death and destruction resulted?

We need a cooperative socialist common wealth

In Baltimore, 75% voted to forbid privatizing the city’s water supply. Our water is too vital to let private profit-driven companies control it. What about our food, our land, our jobs and incomes?

Same logic applies: democratize the economy through public ownership and socialism.

Defense strategy report warns of grave erosion in US military superiority

Defense strategy report warns of grave erosion in US military superiority

Why is anyone so insane they are planning a “strategy” for war with Russia and China when neither of those countries wants war with anyone, least if all war with the United States?

Where are the sane voices guiding us to a strategy based on peace, mutual respect and understanding working towards improving the lives of people and the environment and ending this insane militarism that is squandering the tremendous wealth created by the working classes of these countries?

What kind of organization is this that is given any credibility at all by Wall Street, the mainstream media and politicians?

No one wants to plan for war with Russia or China which are no threat at all to peaceful development.

It is insanity anyone would give an outfit creating this kind of report any credibility at all.

By the way, when was the last time you saw an article from any of the mainstream media from a think-tank promoting peace and cooperation between the United States, Russia and China and the other two-hundred or so countries making up this planet?

Anyone who thinks there is any sanity in Washington had better read this report paid for with our tax dollars for themselves:

Providing for the Common Defense

The Assessments and Recommendations of the National Defense Strategy Commission
Tuesday, November 13, 2018 / By: National Defense Strategy Commission

Are you prepared to let these warmongers do your thinking for you as they “prepare” us for World War III?

More money squandered for militarism when we need to be beating swords into plowshares.

Total insanity.

Demand a Peace Dividend now!

Class consciosness and class struggle

What working people need to learn more about is the relationship between wages and Social Security income and cost-of-living and standard-of-living and the actual existing wealth we have created.

When will we as a class, the working class, decide the time has come to use the wealth we have created with our labor- the only real wealth creator- for the benefit of our own well-being rather than allowing a bunch of millionaire and billionaire Wall Street oligarchs hoard this wealth that should be ours in the first place in the form of higher wages and for improved Social Security benefits along with many other socially necessary requirements for us to live decent lives... like child care, health care, housing, pre-school and higher education?

Hillary Clinton for president?

Hillary Clinton is being touted as the best candidate to beat Trump.

I would say she has a better chance of being elected president of Libya.