Wednesday, November 14, 2018

A discussion about Social Security and those opposing a real increase

I don’t mind that people take issue with my call for Social Security to be a real living income for everyone beginning with a $500.00 a month across the board increase for everyone.

What really bothers me is people who insist that Social Security was never meant to be a real living income in retirement years because, first of all, these people do not understand that Social Security was not a gift from government but was fought for long and hard to attain through militant mass struggles of the American people.

And second, these people go on to suggest everyone should be putting money into some kind of personal retirement account or investments when the fact of the matter is, for most working class families they do all they can to try to just make ends meet from pay-check to pay-check.

The sheer hypocrisy of these people came out in a conversation I was having with a person who is employed by the Social Security Administration who stated she made $68,000.00 a year and then refused to tell us how much her pension was going to be while she derided our efforts to get a substantial increase in our present miserly meager monthly Social Security checks.

And third, we have the complete hypocrisy from politicians who have increased their own pay with the increase alone being more than they give us in a year while turning around saying the government can’t afford to kick in $500.00 a month to everyone on Social Security even though they have, without public debate, mired our country deeply in debt for many generations to come to pay for their dirty imperialist wars and senseless unbridled militarism. These same politicians vote to give tax breaks to the richest of the rich.

We now have an entire oligarchy of wealthy capitalists living off the wealth we have created and these fabulously wealthy Wall Street parasites are hoarding the wealth we are rightly entitled to in the form of real living wages and real living Social Security incomes... and then these wealthy capitalist oligarchs have the unmitigated gall to use this wealth against us.