Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Another false nuclear alert... this time in Japan; coincidental or planned with sinister intent to get us prepared for a nuclear war?

Japanese media outlet NHK has apologized for issuing a false report of a North Korean missile launch Tuesday evening local time.

An apology was issued on the Japanese language version of NHK’s website and later shared on its social media platforms.

"Around 6:55pm earlier we reported on the NHK's news site and NHK's news disaster prevention application ‘Pattern of North Korean missile launch’ but this was incorrectly issued. J alert has not appeared. I must sincerely apologize,” the news outlet wrote.

The incident comes just four days after a public warning was issued to residents in Hawaii to “seek immediate shelter” from an alleged incoming ballistic missile which had been launched.

That alert was issued in error by the Hawaii Civil Defense, which apologized profusely and sparked debate online about US President Donald Trump’s rhetoric regarding his country’s nuclear capabilities and the threat posed by the North Korean regime.

Racism has been running rampant in this country long before Trump's racist comments but Trump is making racism acceptable in formulating public policy.

Trump has made racist public officials all across this country think they can get away with racist discrimination in formulating public policy in education, housing, health care and employment.

Proof of racism in housing policies can be seen in the establishment of very segregated suburbs and gated communities which leads to segregated public schools and racist discrimination in health care and employment.

We can look at any number of hundreds of suburbs and gated communities in this country and then look at what is happening in urban inner city areas to prove that racism is part and parcel of a planned public policy.

In fact, one would be extremely hard-pressed to find any community in this country which is intentionally being planned with diversity and integration in mind.

While most politicians are trying to cover up the racism involved in public policy and planning, Trump is unique in giving approval from the highest office in this country to racism in public policy and planning.

What do you know about the billionaires running this country and what they intend to do?

Too many people fail to research what is going on in this country.

The influence of even the most influential political strategists is inextricably linked to the donors behind them and the politicians in front of them.

Just look at this Mercer family and their links to Trump and Bannon and how their front groups work the media.

The billionaire Mercers have stated their intent:

“... attempting to build a "radical free-market, small-government, home-schooling, antiliberal, gold-standard, pro-death penalty, anti-Muslim, pro-Christian, monetarist, anti-civil-rights political movement in the United States."

How could anyone be more specific?

Yet, would you know from the reports in the mainstream media this was their intent even though we often hear these people are Trump’s big financial backers and bankrolled Steve Bannon.
The Mercer’s run a huge stable of internet trolls and sock-puppets who are constantly trying to disrupt anti-Trump activity.

Make no mistake, the Democrats have their own billionaires engaged in equally as dirty shenanigans.
So, we have these billionaires working out of sight through the political strategists they employ to carry out their agendas making sure the politicians they are backing stay true to their right wing agendas.

Do your own research. Find out more about parasitical hedge fund billionaire Robert Mercer and his evil daughter Rebekah who operates an array of Front groups and think tanks which the media calls upon to authenticate their stories and analysis with lies passed off as facts.

If you think it can’t happen here you had better check out this Mercer family and what they are doing to this country along with the other billionaires like George Soros, the Koch brothers, Warren Buffett, Bill Gates and the rest of these Wall Street parasites because they have something planned for you that you probably know very little about.

These evil-doers are not limited to just Republicans and in many instances these reactionary Republicans are working hand-in-hand with the Democrats where we can't see what is going on.

How much do you really know about the billionaire ruling class and their millionaire management class and the over-paid pundits they hire to frame their message with the intent to deceive?

Check out these articles...




Have you read the book, "It Can't Happen Here" by Sinclair Lewis?

We had better start to think about the very dangerous fascist direction our country is headed in and what we can do to reverse this direction.