Friday, December 22, 2017

Tax the rich, end the wars and cut the military budget--- tax problem solved

The Democrats and all of these phony liberals, progressives and leftists will now start talking about "taxing the rich" as the 2018 Election draws near. They have no intent of doing this even if they had a veto-proof majority.

They don't want to talk about how militarism and these dirty imperialist wars along with corruption deprive society of needed revenues to finance real health care reform.

They don't want to talk about how a National Public Health Care System would save billions of dollars while providing everyone with free health care.

In Minnesota Democrat Mark Dayton campaigned on the pledge to "tax the rich." He had a veto-proof House and Senate Democrat majority. He reneged on his promise and raised property taxes and other regressive taxes hurting the working class the most.

We need a new working class based party advocating real tax reforms which must include reordering priorities and legislating full employment with real living wages along with lowering the retirement age while increasing Social Security.

Real tax reform will require an anti-monopoly/anti-imperialist struggle which challenges Wall Street for political and economic power while focusing on the needs of workers and working class families.

In Minnesota, the Democrats dumped their own governor Rudy Perpich with a vicious red-baiting campaign calling him "Red Rudy" because he advanced legislation that would have taxed the hell out of the mining and forestry industries to pay for education which would have provided the people of Minnesota property and sales tax relief. Corporate Democrats pushed Perpich out and saddled Minnesotans with years of Republican tyranny where Democrats often supported, when they didn't acquiesce, to Republicans increasing every single regressive tax.