Monday, May 1, 2017

Trump, the Democrats and North Korea

Trump says he would like to meet face to face with North Korean leaders.

But, the Democrats don't like that idea; they would rather "isolate" North Korea and destroy its socialist society and economy.

The corporate controlled mainstream news media is doing everything it can to demonize Kim Jong-un; but why when they have so many fascist dictators being propped up by the United States to go after?

But, then Trump gets attacked by the Democrats and right away he calls for "isolating" North Korea.

All the while Wall Street is exploiting cheap South Korean labor as Trump and his hypocrites call for a "non-nuclear North Korea" all the while building the Jeju Naval Base that will host nuclear armed U.S. Naval vessels.

Back in 1982 millions of people marched and demonstrated for nuclear disarmament... its time to get this movement going in full swing again in order to prevent World War III which will be a nuclear war where there will be a long, horrible nuclear winter not even the Wall Street billionaires with their ten year bunkers can survive even though they are dumb enough to think they can.

There is only one way to win peace and nuclear disarmament and that is by taking to the streets since we have been left with no other solutions.

We need a sane and just foreign policy and this is too much to expect from Trump or the Democrats who are beholden to the Wall Street merchants of death and destruction who reap super-profits from militarism and wars.