Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Demand no attack on North Korea... speak up now! We are headed towards World War III, nuclear war and nuclear winter.

This might be one of those times when the only real immediate "action" we can take is to bombard our U.S. Senators and members of the House with phone calls demanding no military actions against North Korea.

Also demand the United States open up full diplomatic relations with North Korea.

Follow up your phone call with a written letter to both Senators and your member of Congress so there is a paper trail..

And let them know you intend to be involved in protests demanding an end to militarism and wars and you expect a Peace Dividend in the form of a National Public Health Care System.

In addition to making the calls and writing letters as follow-up, write a letter to the editor of your local newspaper... and join with, or if need be initiate, protests... protest. protest, protest because out of sight is out of mind.

We are in very dangerous times with Trump together with the Republicans and Democrats pushing us into World War III and a nuclear winter and such times demand swift and vigorous citizen-activists.

If ever there was a time for citizen-activism that time is NOW!

Don't procrastinate; don't delay... make your voice heard loud and clear...TODAY!