Friday, February 17, 2017

Health care--- Another big lie

We are constantly being fed the big lie by the corporate media that when it comes to health care we have but two choices...

Just like we have been force fed the big lie we should be content having to choose between Republicans and Democrats.

With health care we are bombarded with two choices---

Obamacare, the "Health Insurance and Pharmaceutical Industry Bailout and Profit Maximization Act of 2010;" sometimes, but not often referred to as the "Affordable Care Act" which is anything but "affordable."

And the Republican wet dream of the "free enterprise"--- private, for-profit--- solution to this health care mess.

Mentioned occasionally is a third alternative still mired in the for-profit system: single-payer universal health care which would make the government the collector of premiums which would be administered by a quasi-governmental body made up of insurance company managers and health care "professionals" like doctors setting their own fees for their services which would continue the private, for-profit delivery of health care.

But, what our great free media is not willing to bring into the public square for discussion, dialog and debate is the idea of a National Public Health Care System based on the model of public education:

Public funding.

Public administration.

Public delivery. 

Instead of paying for over 800 U.S. military bases dotting the globe protecting Wall Street's interests we could have a vast network of neighborhood and community health care centers stretching out all across the United States providing free health care for everyone which would create over twelve-million good paying jobs.

Health care just as Frances Perkins envisioned: pre-natal through burial; everyone in, nobody out; general medical, eyes, ears, dental, family planning and mental.

After over one-hundred years of dirty imperialist wars, isn't it time for the Peace Dividend?

It is bad enough we had to pick from among two choices shoved down our throats for president--- Clinton or Trump.

We shouldn't have to pick between two similar rotten choices nobody wants when it comes to health care.

A National Public Health Care System is the only real solution to this health care mess.

Quite frankly, I'm more concerned with having the right to health care than I am worried about losing my right to walk around with a gun.

Fake News

There is a lot of talk about "fake news."

Well, according to the files I have that the FBI has been maintaining on me for over five decades, the FBI has intentionally created the most malicious, libelous and defaming "news" about working class activists like myself in an attempt to "neutralize" us.

In my own case, the FBI worked with the two-bit, half-assed fascist billionaire wife-beater Richard Mellon-Scaife to put out all kinds of false information through right-wing networks like those operated by the likes of Cliff Kincaid and the pedophile Trevor Loudon.

All of the lies were spread through the mainstream media, too, and by the right-wing preachers like Pat Robertson and his ilk with the "Christian" broadcasters.

All of these dirty deeds were carried out under the guise of "national security."

So, these people became very skilled at mastering the "art" and "science" of peddling lies using the media to shape public opinion to the point where today the lies and misinformation have become so overwhelming it is just about impossible to get at the truth.

And then these lying hypocrites have the unmitigated gall to try to pass all of this off to the rest of the world as if this reflects the doings of a great democracy...

And what has the rest of the world been doing?

Laughing at this circus...

But now they are beginning to cringe as they see all these lies being pumped out turning into a ghastly nightmare---

The laughing has stopped as people begin to realize this isn't a Charlie Chaplin production of the "Great Dictator"...

That it really is happening here.

And everyone has begun to realize that this lying, rotten, crooked and corrupt Wall Street government presided over by this fascist buffoon Trump is on the verge of dragging the entire world down the road to hell with no stopping in perdition.

Don't look for a bunch of cowardly worthless Democrats in Congress who have boasted, like Wisconsin's Tammy Baldwin, they have opposed "half of Trump's cabinet appointments" and this great "free media" which thrives on peddling lies wrapped around little itty-bitty kernels of truth to save you.

Probably the only thing that is going to save us now from this insanity is a working class led socialist revolution.