Monday, January 30, 2017

Who represents the American people with government in chaos?

A lot has been made of Donald Trump being an "illegitimate president."

One would be hard pressed to disagree with this given the chaos now sweeping the country where millions of people in this country now recognize the only way they are going to stop Trump and make any headway when it comes to anything is by taking to the streets in mass numbers... and this is correct as we see the Democrats even only respond once confronted with millions in the streets.

When we look at the circus being passed off as government, this government as a whole and the entire corrupt political process hypocritically being passed off to the world as democracy, don't we have to acknowledge the the entire government is thoroughly corrupt and so rotten to the core this whole Wall Street bribed government is illegitimate?

Given the situation we are in with wars most people don't want and such screwed up priorities with spending on militarism and wars instead of meeting the needs of the people when it comes to jobs, a living Minimum Wage, defense of Social Security and pensions, the defense of public education, the need for a National Public Child Care System and the need for a National Public Health Care System... how are we going to achieve peace and establish a new set of priorities unless people in the streets establish some kind of powerful people's organizations capable of asserting the power of the people?

Perhaps we need to be thinking of creating some kind of "people's assembly" that could replace the current government which is unable, and unwilling, to deliver government of the people, by the people and for the people?

Otherwise how do we defend and expand democracy which has been under constant curtailment for so long as we now approach what can only be described as a "Constitutional crisis" with Trump thumbing his nose at the people and running roughshod over the most basic and fundamental Constitutional rights protected by the Bill of Rights?

Anyone bothered to read the Constitution and Bill of Rights lately? Obviously Trump has not; and the American Legislative Exchange Council is preparing to push for a Constitutional Convention which will enshrine the "rights" of corporations over people and the environment.

Without some kind of people's assemblies being created to represent the demands of the millions of people in the streets we won't be able to stop Trump and win the kind of real reforms required to solve our problems.