Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Lloyd Axworthy solicited my opinion on the refugee crisis and then deleted my comment and banned me from posting on his FaceBook page

Lloyd Axworthy, the former Canadian Liberal government's Minister of Foreign Affairs who joined with members of the Reform/Conservative Party to deport me from Canada because of my political beliefs, sent me an invitation to share my views about how to solve the refugee crisis on the FaceBook page he set up:

Axworthy was also President of the University of Winnipeg until 2014. I can only guess what kind of academic freedom of expression Axworthy promoted and tolerated given the way he deleted my comment on his page after he sent me a request to "Like" his page. Apparently Axworthy wants a lot of "Likes" for his page but only welcomes the views from those who agree with him.

Anyways, I posted my comment and Axworthy proceeded to delete my comment.

I told Axworthy that peace is the solution to the refugee crisis. That people being bombed, shot, bombed from their homes, hospitals and schools being bombed and forced into poverty without access to food, water and health care are going to flee and become refugees.

I also pointed out to Lloyd Axworthy that it was his own promotion of "humanitarian intervention"--- a nice sounding term for imperialist war causing this refugee crisis.

So much for Axworthy pretending to be for an exchange of information and ideas... Axworthy is just one more imperialist hypocrite serving the neo-liberal interests of the multi-national corporations.

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