Thursday, April 27, 2017

Twitler Trump was selected; not elected.

When we look at the political developments taking place around the world in the G-7 (and in Russia) I think we have to conclude that Wall Street and its junior partners have decided that their requirements are such that only extremely right-wing and even fascist governments are required to head off the people taking political and economic power away from them.

There is no doubt in my mind that Donald Trump, Twitler, was selected by Wall Street and not elected by the people.

These Wall Street overlords knew full well this would leave us in a quandary not knowing what to do to stop Twitler Trump.

And they are right.

The only thing people seem to be able to do is shake their heads and wring their hands wondering how we ever got stuck in such a mess.

These Wall Street merchants of death and destruction who aren't satisfied with their "normal profits" derived from the exploitation and rape of Mother Nature seek the fabulous super-profits derived from militarism and wars.

These Wall Street parasites fully understood people were reaching the point of being fully fed up considering the socialist alternative to their rotten capitalist system and they have made the decision to put Twitler in charge operating out of Mar-A-Lago instead of the White House... Hitler did the exact same thing operating out of the Berghof which was Adolf Hitler's home in the Obersalzberg of the Bavarian Alps near Berchtesgaden, Bavaria, Germany.

We are now left with but two choices and we had better exercise both options:

1. Exert extreme pressure on the Democrats to resist the drive to war (and I wouldn't count on the Democrats stopping Trump).

2. Figure out how we are going to organize for socialist revolution.

Organizing to pressure the Democrats and their partners to throw their full resources into fighting Trump will prepare us for socialism by strengthening a mass movement to resist this sharp turn towards fascism we are now facing.

Our only other option is to sit wringing our hands wondering how we got into this mess... and anyone who has any understanding of history knows where this will leave us.

Trump is no fluke; he was selected by Wall Street to do their dirty work... he was not elected by the people.

An elected president would be conducting the business from the White House not his own personal resort--- Mar-A-Lago. Twitler Trump does this to show he is in power and he is going to do what he wants to do irrespective of anything Congress does or what the American people want.

We are in a very precarious and dangerous situation which will take a very powerful mass movement of the people to restore democracy... waiting for the next election is not an option because we can't even rely on the Democrats to prevent war/s.

We have never been is such a dangerous situation in this country... the last time humanity experienced anything like this was when Hitler, Mussolini, Franco and Tojo tried to dictate people had to live under their terms and we know the result of not stopping these fascist bastards in their tracks.

It is no coincidence that we see others like Twitler Trump coming to power in places like France--- Marine Le Pen is a fascist just like Twitler Trump. The big money people are pulling the strings... the time has come for working people to flex their muscles and say "No" to this drive towards fascism and World War III.

Let us face reality; we have been had: Twitler Trump was selected not elected.

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Demand no attack on North Korea... speak up now! We are headed towards World War III, nuclear war and nuclear winter.

This might be one of those times when the only real immediate "action" we can take is to bombard our U.S. Senators and members of the House with phone calls demanding no military actions against North Korea.

Also demand the United States open up full diplomatic relations with North Korea.

Follow up your phone call with a written letter to both Senators and your member of Congress so there is a paper trail..

And let them know you intend to be involved in protests demanding an end to militarism and wars and you expect a Peace Dividend in the form of a National Public Health Care System.

In addition to making the calls and writing letters as follow-up, write a letter to the editor of your local newspaper... and join with, or if need be initiate, protests... protest. protest, protest because out of sight is out of mind.

We are in very dangerous times with Trump together with the Republicans and Democrats pushing us into World War III and a nuclear winter and such times demand swift and vigorous citizen-activists.

If ever there was a time for citizen-activism that time is NOW!

Don't procrastinate; don't delay... make your voice heard loud and clear...TODAY!

Monday, April 24, 2017

Where were the voices for peace, social and economic justice and in defense of public education at the Science Marches?

I'm wondering where the voices like those of Einstein, Oppenheimer, Steinmetz, Pauling are who would have opened up their speeches condemning science being used for war and not for peace, people and the planet; science used to improve the lives of the people instead of to maximize corporate profits.

Quite frankly, I don't think most of these professors give two-hoots about how science has been used to create so much misery for working people in the workplace by pushing workers through speed-up to keep up with the pace of highly automated equipment and machinery.... the result of modern science and technology being used against the people.

You know, I couldn't find one single professor in the sciences to side with casino workers trying to win smoke-free workplaces.

And furthermore, where have these millions who marched on Science Day been in the struggle over defending the integrity of public education by insisting that the core of public education is centered around modern scientific materialism?

In my opinion, once again we see a huge march that will be used by the Democrats to pick up votes rather than advance peace, a defense of public education, a defense of workers' rights and livelihoods.

We are on the verge of World War III which we all know will result in nuclear war followed by nuclear winter and this point isn't even front and center at any of these Science Marches? Really; what the heck is going on?

And what about science and Monsanto?

We need science for peace, the people and the planet... not for Wall Street profits.

Yes; science must be defended but not as some kind of classless undertaking.

Confusion on the "left" over Syria

There is a lot of confusion as to what is going on in Syria.

I am sharing here what I posted on another Facebook page in response to some leftists supporting the U.S. backed Syrian "rebels:"

When we end this Wall Street tyranny with its imperialist agenda right here in our own country people everywhere will be able to achieve liberty, justice and democracy and all the two-bit half-assed fascist dictators all over the world will come tumbling down.

The Syrian people never asked for the United States to meddle in their affairs and throw their country into violence.

The Syrians had large and very influential Marxist parties. I don't see any of the Syrian Communist Parties supporting these so-called "rebels" intent on doing the same thing in Syria the SPLA has done in Sudan; are you even aware of what has happened in Sudan?

You conveniently ignore the influence of the United Arab Republic which included Syria--- which the Wall Street imperialists opposed. There is a lot more to history than just Assad. I never see any of you supporters of the "rebels" who are concerned about history mention the anti-imperialist Nasser years.

I'm wondering if you don't fear that Assad may be moving in the direction Nasser was moving?

We do know from history that it is possible for those like Assad to move with the people in opposition to U.S. imperialism... more so than these so-called "rebels" financed, armed and provided military support by U.S. imperialism.

General Wesley Clark long ago exposed the fact that the U.S. generals and politicians were itching for wars in seven countries and Syria is one of those countries, as is the Sudan; and Iraq, Iran, etc.

Isn't our goal and objective to stop U.S. imperialist intervention in these countries so the people of these countries can determine their own destinies?

I really don't think those of you who support these "rebels" have given full thought to what is going on.

If you support the U.S. backed Syrian "rebels" do you also back the SPLA and the violence and mayhem George Bush instigated which led, very conveniently, to oil rich South Sudan breaking away from Sudan and now Exxon-Mobil just signed "agreements" for oil with South Sudan--- the oil Sudan wanted to nationalize for the benefit of the people of all Sudan?

And don't you feel kind of strange supporting the same "rebels" Donald Trump is supporting?

When and where has U.S. imperialism ever supported the legitimate democratic will of any people? Wall Street does not even acknowledge such for our own people.

Sunday, April 23, 2017

Why does Trump support the fascist Marine Le Pen?

Why does Trump support Marine Le Pen and all of these other two-bit, half-assed fascist bastards around the world?

The answer is very simple:

Trump wants to establish the same kind of right-wing alliance Hitler, Franco, Mannerheim, Mussolini and Tojo had in order to destroy their working class opposition and impose rule over the entire world to make the world "free" for Wall Street and its junior partners to rape Mother Nature and exploit labor in quest of maximum profits. Wall Street brought Trump to power to do this.

We should remember that it was the Democrats who refuse to support the anti-fascists in Spain which led to World War II as Hitler brought his fascist coalition together.

We are going to pay a very heavy price, most probably nuclear war and the entailing nuclear winter, if we don't unite to stop this right wing cabal Wall Street is assembling.

I would recommend reading "The People's Front" written by the primary architect, organizer and leader of this most important coalition of liberals, progressives and leftists ever assembled in this country which won the New Deal and tried to prevent World War II... Earl Browder. You can get the book through your local public library or purchase a copy on line. Anyone interested in building a huge coalition to defeat Trump and drive him and his fascist cabal out of the White House should give this book a thorough study. Even if you don't agree with all of Browder's ideas, there is much to learn about coalition building. Reading a book can't hurt you; what you don't learn might hurt all of us. I don't think anyone disputes the fact that "The People's Front" of the 1930's was the most powerful coalition ever built to oppose our common enemy: Wall Street... and many reforms were won in the process of trying to challenge Wall Street for political and economic power. Browder, in his book, identified Wall Street as "our common enemy."

Bernie Sanders is promoting voting for Democrats; voting for Democrats is not the basis of unity.

I think most of Bernie Sanders' supporters now feel the same way I do after watching Bernie Sanders take to the road with a creep like Tom Perez trying to re-build the Democratic Party after the fiasco of Hillary Clinton which Bernie Sanders contributed to in a big way which delivered us into Trump's hands.

If Bernie Sanders was honest he would open up a discussion asking about how his supporters feel about all of this.

Sanders has a massive mailing list.

Political honesty requires Bernie Sanders to open up this discussion. That he refuses to open up this discussion to his supporters and the much broader liberal/progressive/left tells me he is nothing but a shill for the Democrats; Democrats most people in this country are as fed up with as they are with the Republicans.

Bernie Sanders refuses to open up this question about the need for a new party because he is a shill for the Democrats; who else would choose to work for "unity" with a creep like Tom Perez who is as corrupt, lying and deceitful as they come?

Unity of liberals, progressives and leftists--- the majority of the working class and a very sizeable section of the middle class--- can not be achieved by working with these kinds of sleazy Democratic Party hacks. And, these sleazy Democratic Party hacks will never push for peace and the kind of real reforms required to solve our problems.

Let us be clear about this:

Uniting people to vote for Democrats who bring forward nothing but platitudes to trick people out of their precious votes is not the basis for "unity."

Anyone who still believes what Tom Perez does, that this government can continue to squander the wealth of our Nation on militarism and wars and then have the needed funding for reforms, is a complete fool. Why would Bernie Sanders even contemplate, much less participate, in such a farce with the likes of Tom Perez if he wasn't a shill for the Democratic Party?

No one is saying don't work with grassroots Democrats; but, it is important to understand that drumming up support for people to vote for Democrats is not the same thing as uniting people behind a real progressive agenda that will pay for large-scale reforms with a Peace Dividend derived from ending these dirty imperialist wars and this insane drive towards World War III and a nuclear winter.

We must remember that it was because Franklin D. Roosevelt had to fight his own party dominated by reactionary Truman type Wall Street Democrats that all of his reforms were too late and too little to help many suffering people.

These corporate Democrats have never cared that people need to eat when they are hungry and get medical care when they are sick instead of waiting for reforms to be dished out in "baby steps" and "incrementally."

Here is the basis for unity--- interesting is the fact that it has been real progressive Democrats who brought forward all of these things and they couldn't win the support of their own Democratic Party which should cause people to think in terms of why we need a new working class based people's party to achieve peace and these reforms:

Campaign for a “21st Century Full Employment Act for Peace and Prosperity”

We are fed up with politicians campaigning on promises of “Jobs, Jobs, Jobs” and then failing to make themselves legislatively responsible for attaining and maintaining full employment.

We are fed up with our tax dollars being squandered on militarism and wars instead of being used to create jobs by solving the problems of the people and defending our living environment… its time to beat swords into plowshares. Put people to work solving the problems of the people.

A National Public Health Care System would create over twelve-million new jobs paying real living wages providing people with free health care--- general medical, eyes, ears, dental, family planning and mental health--- through a network of neighborhood and community health care centers; this is a better use of our tax-dollars than wasting our human and financial resources on a far flung empire of over 800 U.S. military bases around the world. Or, it could be financed the same way Social Security is financed. Or paid for with a tax on Wall Street transactions. Or financed with a combination of these methods. Public funding. Public administration. Public delivery… nothing controversial; just like public education.

A National Public Child Care System would create over three-million new jobs providing working class families with free child care.

We need to restore the Comprehensive Employment and Training Act (C.E.T.A.), Works Progress Administration (WPA) and Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC).

“At Will Employment” legislation in states across the country needs to be rescinded and repealed to expand democracy in the workplace and provide workers with the right to freely participate in the communities where they live.

All attacks on immigrant workers, documented and undocumented, need to end.

Planned Parenthood needs to be defended and programs expanded.

We insist Congress and the president enact full employment legislation which makes them legislatively responsible for attaining and maintaining full employment; assure everyone who wants a job employment at real living wages in line with the actual cost-of-living.

Full employment would provide stability for Social Security; everyone paying in; everyone getting something out. A Basic Income for All must be guaranteed. Pensions must be honored and protected. The Wall Street swindle of pension funds must end; restore the Glass-Steagall Act.

Turn Habitat for Humanity into a massive public works project to create jobs and assure everyone has a decent home.

Free education through university; cancel student debt. End military recruitment in the high schools.

Unemployment and lack of a National Public Health Care System is the price we pay for militarism and wars. We are entitled to a Peace Dividend……... Let’s talk about the politics and economics of livelihood.

Saturday, April 22, 2017

Harper's Magazine poses an important question... unfortunately their answer is wrong.

Harper's Magazine asks:

Is Donald Trump a fascist or plutocrat?

For the record; this is what Trump officially is:

Trump is an anti-labor, warmongering, racist, fascist, capitalist plutocrat intentionally selected and chosen by a small secretive oligarchy of the most parasitic financiers, the biggest bankers, oilmen and monopolists from every industry to carry out Wall Street's imperialist agenda--- through Donald Trump the Military-Industrial Complex, the merchants of death and destruction, are in full control of OUR government's apparatus and control all levers of power.

There you have it very accurately in capsule form.

If anyone disagrees, I would be interested in hearing what your disagreement with this assessment is.

My thoughts about Bernie Sanders

Bernie Sanders woke a lot of people up... plus, most important, he shook things up. But, also important to understand... once he woke people up and shook things up he then betrayed those he woke up and left people hang out to dry because he moved to the right in supporting Hillary Clinton and the Democrats when he should have moved to the left by helping to start a new working class-based people's party with peace and disarmament at the top of an anti-monopoly/anti-imperialist agenda that included real reforms intending to solve our problems while challenging Wall Street for political and economic power.

History has shown many such betrayals--- there was the betrayal by Norman Thomas that led to the decimation of the Socialist Party; and, there was the betrayal of Earl Browder which led to the decimation of the Communist Party USA... both Thomas and Browder had built much larger and more powerful movements than Bernie Sanders has, but we shouldn't minimize what Bernie Sanders contributed because it has been important.

Bernie Sanders now joins the legacy of these betrayals--- those who built large and powerful movements only to take the wrong turn and destroy what they helped to create.

But, life--- just like the class struggle--- does go on and people will find their way to doing what needs to be done... with or without Bernie Sanders.

Friday, April 21, 2017

Citizen diplomacy can stop war against North Korea.

The Trump Administration is trying to find every excuse possible to attack North Korea.

What I don't understand is why a large group of diverse American citizens don't go over to North Korea as a group to sit down and talk with Kim Jong-un and Pak Pong-ju to find out what exactly it is going to take to resolve things.

Citizen diplomacy is what we need now because we have, not only this moron Donald Trump and his goose-stepping Administration; but a bunch of worthless Democrats equally as warmongering working together to inflame bad relations between our two countries at a time when South Koreans and North Koreans are eager for the reunification of Korea as one socialist country. Neither South Koreans nor North Koreans want this Jeju Naval Base to go into operation with nuclear armed U.S. Naval ships always present always trying to inflame tensions.

It would seem to me we could put together a group of concerned citizens to go to North Korea to find a peaceful resolution to this problem.

I would be willing to go. Anyone else?

Maybe a group of labor activists, civil rights activists, peace activists, attorneys, clergy, etc.

President Bill Clinton undermined negotiations with North Korea after Jimmy Carter opened the way for dialog and peaceful diplomacy in 1994.

Now, why can't a group of concerned American citizens take up citizen-diplomacy where Jimmy  Carter left off.

Thursday, April 20, 2017

What is Bernie Sanders up to now?

Bernie Sanders says he is not a Democrat yet he is on a nine state tour with Tom Perez to build the Democratic Party. I'm having a very hard time figuring this out.

I'm guessing many other people can't figure out what Bernie Sanders is up to.

Why isn't Bernie Sanders on a tour with people trying to build a new party?

Look at the United Kingdom... the socialist Arthur Scargill has been engaged in building the non-sectarian explicitly anti-monopoly/anti-capitalist/anti-imperialist Socialist Labour Party; wouldn't this kind of initiative work in this country since we now have millions of people supporting socialism?

We could be pushing an agenda like this:

Campaign for a “21st Century Full Employment Act for Peace and Prosperity”

We are fed up with politicians campaigning on promises of “Jobs, Jobs, Jobs” and then failing to make themselves legislatively responsible for attaining and maintaining full employment.

We are fed up with our tax dollars being squandered on militarism and wars instead of being used to create jobs by solving the problems of the people and defending our living environment… its time to beat swords into plowshares. Put people to work solving the problems of the people.

A National Public Health Care System would create over twelve-million new jobs paying real living wages providing people with free health care---  general medical, eyes, ears, dental, family planning and mental health--- through a network of neighborhood and community health care centers; this is a better use of our tax-dollars than wasting our human and financial resources on a far flung empire of over 800 U.S. military bases around the world. Or, it could be financed the same way Social Security is financed. Or paid for with  a tax on Wall Street transactions. Or financed with a combination of these methods. Public funding. Public administration. Public delivery… nothing controversial; just like public education.

A National Public Child Care System would create over three-million new jobs providing working class families with free child care.

We need to restore the Comprehensive Employment and Training Act (C.E.T.A.), Works Progress Administration (WPA) and Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC).

“At Will Employment” legislation in states across the country needs to be rescinded and repealed to expand democracy in the workplace and provide workers with the right to freely participate in the communities where they live.

All attacks on immigrant workers, documented and undocumented, need to end.

Planned Parenthood needs to be defended and programs expanded.

We insist Congress and the president enact full employment legislation which makes them legislatively responsible for attaining and maintaining full employment; assure everyone who wants a job employment at real living wages in line with the actual cost-of-living.

Full employment would provide stability for Social Security; everyone paying in; everyone getting something out. A Basic Income for All must be guaranteed. Pensions must be honored and protected. The Wall Street swindle of pension funds must end; restore the Glass-Steagall Act.

Turn Habitat for Humanity into a massive public works project to create jobs and assure everyone has a decent home.

Free education through university; cancel student debt. End military recruitment in the high schools.

Unemployment and lack of a National Public Health Care System is the price we pay for militarism and wars. We are entitled to a Peace Dividend……... Let’s talk about the politics and economics of livelihood.

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

The Socialist Labour Party founded in the spirit of James Connolly by Arthur Scargill...

The Socialist Labour Party in Great Britain was founded in the spirit of James Connolly by the socialist former leader of the mineworkers, Arthur Scargill... there is no reason we shouldn't have a similar party here in the United States.
Check it out:

Monday, April 17, 2017

The staff of the LBJ Library and Museum has taken note... now will they provide the information I have requested?

So, my blog and my Facebook page have come to the attention of the staff of the Lyndon Baines Johnson Library and Museum.

Perhaps now there will be some movement in opening up to the public the recordings and notes of the meeting LBJ and his staff held with George McGovern and Sargent Shriver at the Johnson Ranch at which time LBJ endorsed the McGovern-Shriver ticket.

Now, more than ever, we need to have this discussion made available to the public.

LBJ was a "New Deal" politician who bought into the imperialist politics of "pragmatism" only to find that the Vietnam War halted his attempt to create the "Great Society."

Johnson shamefully bought into the politics of "anti-Communism" late into his political career even though he never really had his heart in it because he understood Communist were leaders and activists in labor and civil rights struggles and he found out very quickly Communists opposed his dirty war in Vietnam. But, even during the war Johnson never severed his ties with Communists which his political handlers hated to no ends.

At the end of his life, Johnson was returning to his liberal New Deal roots and the LBJ Library and Museum seeks to cover this up under the guise that this aspect of Johnson's later life after the presidency is not really of interest to the LBJ Library and Museum.

Also, the LBJ Library holds the archives of liberal populist Congressman Wright Patman and is trying to hide Patman's drafting and introduction of the "Full Employment Act of 1945" which would have made the president and Congress responsible for attaining and maintaining full employment at real living wages.

In fact, very little is available at the LBJ Library and Museum regarding LBJ's activities and allies during the period of the "New Deal."

And even less information is being made available regarding the progressive populist politics of LBJ's father from whom LBJ learned his politics.

I am glad my pushing and prodding while doing research has forced the LBJ Library and Museum to release a number of documents and materials not previously made available to researchers and the public.

It is a disgrace university professors, journalists and researchers are not joining the effort to get access to the Johnson-McGovern meeting so the American people more fully understand how squandering resources and wealth on militarism and wars robs us of a better life while creating so much misery, death and destruction in other countries.

It is time, long over-due, to find out how Johnson and McGovern discussed this issue which led to Johnson endorsing McGovern.

This is a big part of the anti-imperialist education the American people require in order to stop these dirty wars.

Quite frankly, I think the content of this discussion between LBJ and McGovern will show that LBJ would never have supported these other wars for oil in Iraq, Yemen, Syria, Sudan--- nor would he have supported this jingoism and national chauvinism putting us on the path to war with North Korea which will quickly expand to World War III.

George McGovern in his book is on record as being adamantly opposed to these wars for oil and there is no doubt he would have been among the first to forcefully oppose Trump's belligerence towards North Korea.

George McGovern died vindicated in his quest for peace.

Those in power are trying to prevent LBJ's vindication after leaving the presidency. And in doing so deny the American people a powerful weapon in the fight for peace although LBJ's endorsement of McGovern should be such a vindication.

We do know that LBJ's friend and selection as Attorney General, Ramsey Clark, has long ago vindicated himself, too.

And even Robert McNamara in his dying days admitted the Vietnam war was wrong. It is interesting to note that the LBJ Library and Museum places a major focus on a meeting between Johnson and his top Administration discussing waging the Vietnam War under the same old oak tree on the Johnson Ranch where he later endorsed George McGovern.

I have heard through the grapevine, that legendary journalist Walter Cronkite engaged LBJ in conversation about the Vietnam War while interviewing him about racism and civil rights during which time Johnson pooh-poohed his opponents, many of whom were Democrats, who called him a "Communist."

While Johnson never was a Communist, he certainly maintained friendships with many Communists in the labor and civil rights movement.

Just an interesting point: The staff at the LBJ Library and Museum have told me they have never thought of trying to obtain the file J. Edgar Hoover maintained on LBJ during his long political career. I am told I am the first person to ever suggest these files be sought even though everyone has acknowledged such a "file" does exist.

Previously I have made public a vicious anti-Communist letter from a leader of the United Steelworkers Union seeking Johnson's participation in conducting a witch-hunt against Communist labor activist, organizer and leader Clinton Jencks and the Mine-Mill union which Johnson refused to participate in.

There is a whole lot about LBJ powerful people want to keep hidden from the American people.

This is the kind of information that has long been buried by the LBJ Library and Museum:

It would be helpful if the LBJ Library and Museum would make available correspondence between LBJ and Communist Party USA leader Earl Browder during the New Deal era.

Trump operatives are instigating violence at demonstrations here in the United States

Trump needs violence at demonstrations in order to bring about political repression.

What we need now in order to stop Trump is massive demonstrations and people speaking out vigorously for peace--- letter writing, petitions, all kinds of demonstrations (large and small everywhere).

Say no to imperialist violence and wars in Korea, Yemen, Iraq, Sudan.

Democrats and Republicans are united on wars.

The media is helping to incite wars.

Only informed citizen-activists can stop these dirty Wall Street imperialist oil wars.

Say no to another war in Korea,

I think we are very close to World War III and nuclear war.

The United States has no business occupying South Korea or threatening North Korea.

There never should have been a Korean War to begin with. Even Republican Howard Buffett opposed the Korean War and pointed out that it was the United States who started the war under false pretenses.

Trump must be stopped by informed citizen activists.

Some very important developments are taking place regarding the Trump Administration and North Korea; these developments are not good for the Korean people (North or South) and threaten World War III and nuclear annihilation bringing on a nuclear winter only the warmongering billionaires with their ten year bunkers are stupid enough to think they can "survive."

I hope these points will be widely discussed:

First of all; it is important to note that there is no public support from the American people for any kind of military action against North Korea.

Second; the Trump Administration is now declaring that the era of "strategic patience" with North Korea has come to an end. There has been no such U.S. foreign policy. The Trump Administration and the neo-conservatives and neo-liberals have only recently coined this name for what they perceive U.S. foreign policy to have been--- when this has never been part of U.S. foreign policy towards North Korea. Actual U.S. foreign policy towards North Korea has been one of imperialist bullying and belligerence--- and outright war--- since the end of World War II.

Third; the Trump Administration has hypocritically declared they intend to keep the Korean Peninsula "Nuclear Free" even though it is the United States that introduced and continues to maintain nuclear military arsenal on and around the Korean Peninsula with its warships that are armed with nuclear weapons.

Fourth; there has been no attempt to normalize peaceful and mutually beneficial relations with North Korea.

Fifth; the United States has maintained a foreign policy towards North Korea that is aimed at destroying socialism in North Korea.

Sixth; a new liberal government is likely to come to power in the next election that has stated it intends to normalize relations with North Korea and seek unification. Up to now, the South Korean governments have all been U.S. imposed puppet governments intended to provide Wall Street with cheap industrial and manufacturing labor.

Seventh; a broad anti-imperialist all people's Korean front allied with the United States, China and Russia was instrumental in helping to route the Japanese imperialists and this broad anti-imperialist people's front was for socialism. Truman and General Douglas McArthur drenched this popular democratic will of the people in blood--- murdering hundreds of thousands of Koreans as a prelude to the Korean War.

Eighth; the United States started the Korean War which led to the division of Korea in order to head off the intent of the Korean people for one anti-imperialist socialist Korea.

Our demands must be:

Hands off North Korea.

Stop meddling in the political, economic and cultural affairs of South Korea.

Respect the right of the Korean people (North and South) to seek re-unification.

Respect the decision of the Korean people to proceed with their choice of economy.

Stop bullying North Korea.

Halt the construction of the Jeju Naval Base.

It is Trump and his Administration posing the threat to peace; not North Korea; both Trump and Pence should be impeached and removed from office for their threats, belligerence, warmongering and failure to adhere to international norms and failure to peaceful resolution and diplomacy of international problems which violates all international norms.

Only complete barbaric morons reminiscent of the goose-stepping fascist warmongers like Hitler, Mussolini, Mannerheim, Franco and Tojo would declare opposition to patient diplomacy leading to peaceful understanding and relations choosing to threaten war instead.

The United States has no interests requiring fighting war on the Korean Peninsula.

The Korean people can resolve their own problems and they will manage to do this peacefully.

Make no mistake; history proves that the Korean people were our allies during World War II and sought to remain friends with the American people--- ALL RESPONSIBILITY for the animosity between the United States and North Korea and most Korean people is the responsibility of the United States government acting on behalf of Wall Street's interests.

No Koreans want war; only the morons occupying the White House and Congress bribed by Wall Street's Military-Industrial Complex want war with North Korea.

And only the dumbest of the dumb morons believe it is possible to limit a war to North Korea.

Sane people understand a war against North Korea means World War III, nuclear annihilation and a very long nuclear winter from which humanity will never recover.

Only complete idiots like Trump and Pence think bombs and wars can solve the complex problems in the world today--- especially when most of these problems are directly related to Wall Street's desire and intent to remain the top dog.

Decent-minded people will insist on peaceful resolutions of all problems. Wars solve nothing.

We are living through the twilight of world capitalism now in rapid decay during its "highest stage" of imperialism--- it's a very dangerous time; a time that calls for informed grassroots citizen activism at every level in the struggle for peace.

We must say "NO" to Trump's dirty imperialist wars; this is our responsibility as citizens.

If we can't force Trump from office, we must at least find a way to force him from this warmongering.

Monday, April 10, 2017

Sunday, April 9, 2017

Hands off Syria

End Canadian Complicity in the Dirty War – Hands Off Syria Now

Resolution adopted by the Central Committee, Communist Party of Canada, March 5, 2017

Since its onset in 2011, the devastating conflict in Syria has resulted in a staggering death toll of several hundred thousand, with millions more internally displaced or driven into exile, and with massive destruction to homes, schools, hospitals and national infrastructure. Now in its seventh year, the war has reached a new, critical juncture, and the anti-war movement internationally must do everything possible to demand an immediate end the imperialist interference driving the conflict, and to help bring about a just, negotiated peace.

From its very beginning, the Syrian conflict has never been a ‘civil war’ in any real sense, much less a ‘popular uprising’ or ‘revolution’; rather, it was – and remains today – a proxy war of aggression launched by the U.S. and its NATO imperialist allies, with the active support of Saudi Arabia, the reactionary Gulf States and Israel. Using the 2011 ‘Arab spring’ protests against the elected government in Damascus as an opportunity and convenient cover, imperialism covertly organized, financed and armed extremist groups composed primarily of foreign mercenaries to launch a military insurgency aimed at toppling the Bashir Al-Assad government. The ultimate objective of this ‘regime change’ operation was not only to topple the current (elected) government in Damascus, but also to weaken and eventually split up the country into a number of pliant mini-states divided along religious, sectarian lines. Such a balkanization of Syria would not only strengthen Israeli domination in the region and undermine the Palestinian struggle against the occupation and for national self-determination; it would also further isolate and expose neighbouring Iran as the next target of imperialism and its regional allies.

This ‘proxy war’ strategy however has now become completely unhinged. Ever since the Al-Assad government requested and received military support from the Russian Federation in September 2015, the tables have turned. The assistance rendered by Russia, Iran and Hezbollah forces, combined with the resolute resistance of the Syrian people themselves – the vast majority of whom have rallied in support of the government and army – has dramatically shifted the strategic balance of forces in the country. The defeat and withdrawal of the so-called ‘rebel’ forces from East Aleppo, along with other battleground setbacks for the insurgent forces, including the recent re-liberation of Palmyra by the Syrian army and retreat of ISIS forces in the eastern part of the country, have created a qualitatively new situation.

Some of the ‘rebel’ forces have now been forced to accept a limited ceasefire agreement with the Syrian government, monitored by Russia, Turkey and Iran. Negotiations between the Assad government and at least some of the extremist groups are now also underway in Geneva aimed at achieving a long-term political resolution to the conflict.

There are disturbing signs however that U.S. imperialism is determined to scuttle any possibility of a negotiated peace in Syria that does not serve its interests. It is using various UN agencies and international NGOs, such as Amnesty International, to float wild and unsubstantiated accusations against Syria for using chemical weapons, murdering political prisoners, and committing other ‘crimes against humanity’, in order to further demonize the Assad government and its allies, and prevent any peace agreement.

Washington has also given its official ‘blessing’ to plans announced recently by the Saudi regime to send its troops into Syria to attack both ISIS and government forces and create ‘safe havens’ and ‘liberated zones’ to be handed over to “moderate” extremist forces to administrate and control. This would essentially complete the process of carving up Syria into a patchwork of mini-sectarian states and enclaves.

Already, Turkish ground forces, and US and other NATO special forces, are operating inside Syria without any government sanction or approval. The entry of Saudi forces would further inflame the already dangerous situation, and would likely result in a direct confrontation between Syrian, Russian and Iranian forces on one hand, and US/NATO powers and their state allies on the other, with all of the dire consequences which that might spawn.

Canada remains directly implicated in the Syrian conflict, despite media reports to the contrary. While the Trudeau government reluctantly agreed in 2016 to halt direct Canadian CF-18 air attacks inside Syrian territory, Canadian jets are continuing to provide strategic and intelligence support to the US military campaign, refueling and finding targets for other US “Coalition” aircraft. This is a direct violation of Syrian sovereignty and independence. The Communist Party of Canada condemns this continued collusion with the illegal and dangerous war on Syria, and calls for the immediate halt to this Canadian military involvement.

Instead, Canada must contribute actively and sincerely to the search for a peaceful, negotiated settlement to the war, one which guarantees the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Syria. Syria’s future must be determined by the Syrian people themselves, free of foreign interference and intimidation.

As a sign of Canada’s desire to help bring about a genuine peace in Syria, the Canadian government must immediately revoke all economic and other sanctions against that country, re-open the Syrian embassy in Ottawa, and renew Canada’s diplomatic relations with Syria on the basis of full equality and mutual respect for the principles of international law.

The massive misinformation and vilification campaign against Syria and its allies over the years has led to much confusion and division within the broad peace movement, effectively silencing its opposition to this imperialist aggression. Given the ever-increasing danger that the Syrian conflict could spill over and envelop the entire Middle East, and even ignite a globalized confrontation between the leading nuclear powers, the paralysis and resulting silence must be overcome, and peace forces across Canada and around the world need to mobilize against this proxy war, and demand a negotiated political solution. The Communist Party of Canada restates its active support for the efforts of the Canadian Peace Congress, the “Hands Off Syria” Coalition and other peace and solidarity forces working to expose the truth behind the insidious imperialist conspiracy against Syria, and for a just end to this horrendous conflict.