Friday, August 5, 2016

Conditions getting so bad for working class families has never been a catalyst for action.

I don't think the so-called liberals, phony progressives or the fake leftists supporting Hillary Clinton will be any more likely to struggle against Trump than they have been with Obama or would be with Hillary Clinton.

To back this up, I would point to their failure to participate in struggles to end the dirty war in Vietnam, they ducked out the movement to impeach Nixon, failure to participate in the struggle to prevent the war in Iraq, they abandoned the struggle to impeach Bush and Cheney and their failure to participate in struggles to try to stop plant closings back in the 1970's or during the present time; or their undermining the rank-and-file initiated struggles in Wisconsin against Scott Walker and Snyder in Michigan or their attitude towards police killings in which they call for "letting justice take its course" in place of militant mass mobilizations of the people.

I would also point out they cheered when John Conyers had Cindy Sheehan arrested just because she went to John Conyers' office insisting he come through with his promise to push for the impeachment and arrest of Bush and Cheney.

Just look at what Bernie Sanders' campaign consisted of; mostly phone-banking with mass support in the form of demonstrations against injustice being undermined and actively discouraged except to demonstrate against Trump.

I don't think we should plan on things getting so bad that it will move people into action because moving masses of people into united action always entails grassroots and rank-and-file activities including:



Leading to united mass action in the streets, in the workplaces and at the ballot box.

Now, if you see anyone from among this grouping now supporting Obama and Hillary Clinton who will help initiate these kinds of struggles, even if Trump is elected, lets identify these people right now and ask them to participate in a campaign for a "21st Century Full Employment Act for Peace and Prosperity" which would make it legislatively mandatory that the president and Congress attain and maintain full employment... after all, they are campaigning on the promise of "Jobs, Jobs, Jobs.;" certainly this isn't an extreme position to ask of anyone campaigning on the promises of, "Jobs. Jobs. Jobs."

Let's not shirk our own immediate responsibility to organize a vast national effort in establishing a network that will be a catalyst for action.

We can only rely so much on masses of people moving spontaneously into action no matter how bad conditions get.

We need to vigorously participate with real left wing and socialist ideas in order to try to prevent further mass confusion intentionally disseminated in order to prevent working class unity.

We have allowed Bernie Sanders and his gaggle of Democratic Party hacks to set the terms of debate for way too long and we shouldn't tolerate their passing off ambiguities for solutions to the problems being experienced by the working class.