Friday, July 1, 2016

Bernie Sanders, Bill McKibben and Climate Change--- how did they miss this?

Bernie Sanders and Bill McKibben of the Rockefeller funded claim to be working on a resolution on Climate Change to present to the Democratic National Convention and about five years ago Bill McKibben told me that he intended to get to the role played by the Wall Street's Military-Industrial Complex and its militarism and wars in relation to global warming and it seems to be taking McKibben an awfully long time to bring this forward... Well maybe now would be a good time for lots of people to urge Bernie Sanders and Bill McKibben and all these liberals, progressives and leftists who want to lead us to believe it is possible to influence the Democratic Party through its Platform to bring this concept into the discussion on Climate Change and the Democratic Party Platform:

By the way, the Green Party and other smaller parties and the people involved with the Leap Manifesto might want to give this some consideration, too.

I have noticed even Naomi Klein has been reluctant, just like Noam Chomsky and Al "Change Your Lighbulbs So Wal-mart Can Make a Lot of Money" Gore, to address peace and beating swords into plowshares as the best way to begin the process of reversing global warming.

Come on, let's find out how the Democrats and Hillary Clinton will respond to ending militarism and wars as the best approach to Climate Change.

I bet Mother Nature would appreciate it.