Monday, June 27, 2016

Who speaks for you?

As working people we are paying a very heavy price for allowing a few millionaire labor leaders and this huge crowd of muddle-headed upper-middle class intellectuals with their diplomas pinned to the wall dominate the political discourse when it comes to our problems.

For these people, politics has become the art and science intended to trick us out of our votes by making us think their nice sounding rhetoric is intended to be a solution to our problems when they are really looking out for their own interests without stating such.

Some examples:

Health care... the doctors lined up in support of single-payer universal health care and then went along with Obamacare because it kept them in the profit loop along with the pharmaceutical companies, the private for profit hospitals and nursing homes when the real solution to this health care mess, the only real solution, is National Public Health Care System.

When it comes to child care, here again they push the for profit system under the guise they want to make it "affordable" when in fact, the more expensive it is--- just like with health care--- the more profit they make off of us. The real solution is a National Public Child Care System.

Then we come to the issue of full employment; we have all heard the line, "Jobs, Jobs, Jobs" yet these charlatans posing as "progressives" won't go any further than supporting the Humphrey-Hawkins Full Employment Act which is no full employment act at all because it only establishes voluntary goals and objectives rather than it becoming mandatory that the president and Congress attain and maintain full employment... and, when the truth be told, even the very minimal standards established by Humphrey-Hawkins which allows for millions to remain unemployed have never been met.

We have the same thing when it comes to the most pressing and important issue facing humanity: peace--- ending militarism and these dirty imperialist wars robbing us of the wealth required to really solve our problems by putting people to work solving our problems. For these shysters who claim to be looking out for us when they are actually heavily invested in the arms industry, imperialism takes on the face of humanitarian intervention.

Just ask these muddle-headed upper-middle class "intellectuals" who so arrogantly insist on defining our problems and speaking for us to see their investment portfolios and it becomes clear why this grouping who Wall Street entrusts to look after its affairs would like us to believe they speak for us.

And keep in mind you won't hear any of these muddle-headed upper-middle-class intellectuals ever mention the fact that every single working class family is caught up in this very real "Cost-of-Living Crisis" which makes it a struggle for working class families to make ends meet from pay-check to pay-check never mind trying to make ends meet on an unemployment check, Social Security or the miserly Minimum Wage or welfare allotments.

Our world is the real world these well-heeled muddle-headed upper-middle class intellectuals and millionaire labor leaders will never understand simply because all the solutions to our problems will require they and their Wall Street crowd will have to cough up the wealth they have been stealing from us either through outright exploitation of our labor or through various crooked and corrupt schemes their politicians have devised for their benefit.

Their profits result in our poverty.

It really is this simple.

Speak up in defense of peace, your rights and your livelihood because if you don't no one else will.

We have seen how easy it was for Bernie Sanders to go from railing against Wall Street to supporting Wall Street's favorite candidate and don't think for a minute all these well-heeled muddle-headed upper-middle class intellectuals who profit from our problems right along with Wall Street won't be following Bernie Sanders' lead in voting for Hillary Clinton who helped Wal-mart devise a scheme to fire pregnant women and nursing mothers... any human being who would be this mean spirited in establishing a corporate line is beyond all hope of human redemption and should never be considered fit to hold any public office let alone the presidency.

Neither Hillary Clinton nor Donald Trump are morally, ethically or intellectually qualified to be the next president of the United States because they both serve Wall Street's interests--- not our interests as working people.

Banned from "The People's Summit:" any talk about building a new progressive people's party.

We are still hearing a great deal about "The People's Summit."

What I do not understand is how an event can be billed as "The People's Summit" but any talk about organizing a new "people's party" is banned as a topic of discussion even though it is very clear the majority of the people in this country have no use for the Democrats or Republicans because there is an understanding that neither party will address the concerns and problems of the people in a way leading to solutions.

We need to organize a real people's summit that will lead to the creation of a new political party in this country.

Therefore, I have commented on all the YouTube videos promoting this "People's Summit" with this comment:

Check this out. It was written by Minnesota's second socialist Governor, Elmer Benson, who had been elected on the Minnesota Farmer-Labor ticket. Benson also Chaired the Progressive Party which ran Henry Wallace for president. We have to break free from this two-party trap.

Hillary Clinton and Elizabeth Warren on the campaign trail in Ohio...

...Feeding working people a line of crap in order to trick people out of votes while the Wall Street employers are financing this circus of the clowns.

Neither one of these Democrats offer real solutions to the problems working people are experiencing.

Millionaire labor leaders bus people in to create the crowds who applaud on cue.

Among Hillary Clinton's Wall Street financial backers are some of the worst poverty wage paying employers and union busters

Workers got nothing from Obama and the Democrats and workers will get even less from Hillary Clinton and her coalition of Wall Street bribed and serving Democrats and Republicans and millionaire labor leaders whose only connection to the working class is the dues they collect from the members that go to pay their big fat salaries.

The capitalist economy is on the skids to oblivion and this Wall Street crowd of Democrats and Republicans will intensify the exploitation of the working class while imposing the most heinous and Draconian austerity measures on working class families to pay for these dirty imperialist wars.

The "Cost-of-Living Crisis" will continue to deepen.

The cost of everything from food to child care and health care to college tuition will continue to rise as employers continue to squeeze more production from fewer and fewer workers paid even less to produce more as Social Security is intentionally sabotaged in order to set it up for privatization so the Wall Street vultures in quest of greater profits can impoverish even more people.

Hillary Clinton is a warmonger at a time when we need leaders who will fight for peace and disarmament; beating swords into plowshares so we can fund the solutions to the problems of the people should be at the very top of any honest politician's agenda and yet this is not even so much as mentioned by these politicians perverting the meaning of the word "progressive" as they peddle lie after lie in order to get the votes as they steal the rest of the votes they need to win--- by hook and by crook is what these Democrats and Republicans are all about and we are their victims so long as we refuse to break free from this two-party trap.

Socialism needs to be placed on the people's political agenda as an alternative to Wall Street's deadly course placing all humanity on the verge of extinction as poverty becomes a way of life for more and more people.

What a rotten stinking mess we are mired up to our necks in because we allow the Wall Street crowd to control and manipulate us with their little circus of donkeys and elephants complete with political clowns.