Tuesday, December 1, 2015

So; the worthless Democratic Party hacks demand to know...

What's my solution the worthless Democratic Party hacks demand to know; as if I don't have any answers...

We need to agitate for a "21st Century Full Employment Act for Peace and Prosperity" which would include creating real living wage jobs providing people with not just infrastructure improvements to streets, roads and highways, schools parks and recreation centers but a National Public Health Care System which would provide us with 800 community-based health care centers instead of over 800 U.S. military bases dotting globe acting as security protecting Wall Street's interests and profits abroad attained through cheap labor raping other countries of their natural resources in a way that destroys the planet by leaving behind a mess and contributing to global warming, and we need a National Public Child Care System both publicly financed, publicly administered and publicly delivered services just like public education.

Both Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton promote projects falling far short of this kind of "21st Century Full Employment Act for Peace and Prosperity" which is needed, not in "baby steps" or "incrementally" further down the road but right here and now.

Wall Street didn't have to wait for the government that is supposed to be "of, by and for the people" to step in and save them; why should the working class which creates all the wealth and pays for everything have to wait a hundred years or more for what we require to live decent and healthy lives with dignity.

What we need is a new progressive people's party bringing together liberals, progressives and leftists--- the vast majority of the U.S. population which polls tell us that there is a healthy growing surge for socialism as an alternative to capitalism; a party that would be both anti-monopoly and anti-imperialist with the stated goal of challenging our common Wall Street enemies for political and economic power.

When the Sanders and Clinton supporters tell us we have no alternatives to what these Democrats are offering in the way of "properly framed issues" with no specific solutions to our problems we should politely tell them to "go to hell" as we forge a "New Broom" electoral coalition to sweep Washington clean of all the Wall Street bribed politicians who always manage to find a way to finance their dirty imperialist wars but cry like babies when it comes to providing for the needs of the people.

If all the money and human resources wasted voting for a bunch of Dumb Donkeys was spent to create a real working class based people's progressive party we could re-build our country but this can't be done when the wealth and resources of our Nation are being squandered on militarism and war after dirty war.

Are you fed up enough to join a struggle that will break us free from Wall Street's two-party trap--- NOW, not later.

A "21st Century Full Employment Act for Peace and Prosperity" would create over twenty-million living wage jobs for less what all this militarism and all these dirty wars will cost us and it will be one big leap towards solving climate change since the Military-Industrial Complex leaves in its wake the largest carbon foot-print of any human endeavor.

Debate should center not on whether or not Bernie Sanders or Hillary Clinton have the best job-creating infrastructure plans but how their proposals stack up against the "21st Century Full Employment Act for Peace and Prosperity."

And Affirmative Action should be enforced every step of the way so we finally eliminate racism and discrimination in employment, housing and education.

And people are entitled to, by birth, a Basic Income Guarantee as advocated by our great revolutionary Thomas Paine.

This is the way to a better world creating peace through mutual respect among all peoples.

This is what is required to bring the United Nations' Universal Declaration of Human Rights to reality for every human being:

December 10 will mark the 67th Anniversary of the United Nations' Universal Declaration of Human Rights... as Eleanor Roosevelt and Frances Perkins would have said, they didn't intend for this document to become one more yellowing piece of paper they called for its full implementation... and, it is up to us, you and me, to implement it because all these Wall Street politicians care about is making war after war.

We can do much, much better.

The socialist Minnesota Farmer-Labor Party of Floyd Olson, Elmer Benson and John Bernard had the correct vision and program many years ago and the vision and program is still valid today:

People and the planet before Wall Street's profits.