Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Don't get sucked into believing in incremental change... reforms and revolution aren't about waiting for better things to come. Capitalism only has one trajectory--- from bad to worse.

The Wall Street ruling class and their chosen (bribed) politicians always want people to think there is time before there is need for change. This takes away from the required urgency needed for change. People mobilize and struggle based on urgency. I can remember as a teenager drinking from the streams, rivers and lakes of northern Minnesota. Only a fool would drink from any stream, river or lake today in northern Minnesota. Change has come very rapidly; not slowly and incrementally. The problem is that change has not been good for most people and Mother Nature as corporations exploit workers in the process of raping Mother Nature and a good deal of what has been extracted, processed and manufactured has been wasted in preparation for wars, on wars and rebuilding in the aftermath of these murderous and destructive dirty imperialist wars from which humanity loses as Wall Street profits. Let this system continue for another fifteen years and we are going to be in one hell of a mess.

Wall Street should not be allowed to dictate the terms of life to humanity.