Thursday, May 29, 2014

Michigan workers get a better Minimum Wage out of Republicans than what they get from Democrats.

The Michigan Republican super-majority approved a Minimum Wage, signed into law by Michigan Governor Rick Snyder, far higher than most states with Democratic super-majorities and was only 25 cents less than what the Dumb Donkeys here in Minnesota provided for workers. So, where is this great big difference between the two parties?

So, we have Minnesota at $9.50 way into the future with prices rising; Michigan at $9.25 and Leech Lake Indian Reservation at $10.25 with Democrats in Seattle trying to give workers a big shaft claiming they support $15.00 (a decade into the future).

Except for a few people and organizations, no one is talking about a Minimum Wage that is a real living wage tied and adjusted to actual cost-of-living factors.

In the meantime, even fewer people are willing to talk about the "Cost-of-Living Crisis" the entire working class finds itself entangled and ensnared in.