Wednesday, May 21, 2014

David Barron

David Barron... Obama's (and the Democrat's [and the Republican's]) choice for an important federal 1st Circuit Court of Appeals judge.

Is this the kind of judge you want to see appointed to the federal bench "defending" the United States Constitution and Bill of Rights? A judge who justifies murder and assassination without trial by drone.

And we are supposed to vote for these Dumb Donkeys out of fear who the Republicans might appoint to federal judgeships?

Even Judge Robert Bork ends up looking good compared to this evil-doer Barron who lacks any semblance of ethics and respect for human life... he has a complete disdain for the United States Constitution and Bill of Rights... Barron doesn't even understand the most basic and fundamental concepts of justice associated with Due Process.

Thomas Jefferson must be twisting in his grave on this one.