Sunday, November 17, 2013

It's about priorities and profits.

Has anyone else been reading the investment papers about the fortunes to be made from Obamacare?

Here are a few paragraphs typical of what is going around in investor circles:

"...The fact is Obamacare is one of the single biggest wealth creation opportunities to hit the markets in decades. That's because huge amounts of money - trillions - will be spent as Obamacare gets rolling.

And trillions more will be reallocated implementing, regulating, and enforcing Obamacare. Not all companies will benefit - but a select few are primed for higher returns on a scale that was simply unimaginable before this legislation was passed.

Investors who act now are set to make a fortune in the next several months - and years - as the full Obamacare plan gets underway..."

Like I keep saying, Obamacare is the "Health Insurance and Pharmaceutical Industry Bailout and Profit Maximization Act of 2010."

We pay through the nose; Wall Street investors profit.

When do we see the kind of movement this country really needs?

A movement for a National Public Health Care System which is operated on the same principle as public education.

Publicly financed; publicly administered and public delivery... just like public education.

Free health care provided through a vast network of community and neighborhood health care centers creating twelve to fifteen million new jobs.

Solving the health care mess.

Solving much of the unemployment problem.

We can get it all for much less than these dirty wars are costing us.

It's about P-R-I-O-R-I-T-I-E-S.

noun \prī-ˈȯr-ə-tē, -ˈär-\

: something that is more important than other things and that needs to be done or dealt with first

priorities : the things that someone cares about and thinks are important

: the condition of being more important than something or someone else and therefore coming or being dealt with first

What is more important to you? Wars or health care?

The Wall Street politicians have their priorities all f*&%#@-up.

Wall Street's priority is profits.

We need to put people before profits.

Support the "Black Friday Movement;" demand the repeal of "At-Will Employment."

By now I am sure most of you have heard of the "Black Friday Movement"... unorganized workers, with union staff in the background, standing up for their rights and improved livelihoods.

I recently sent this message to Shar Knutson, the President of the Minnesota AFL-CIO:

There should be a demand coming from the Minnesota AFL-CIO together with this "Black Friday Movement" that Minnesota Democrats with their super-majority repeal this thoroughly reactionary "Employment At-Will" legislation in the upcoming legislative session.

"Employment At-Will" is the primary obstacle to union organizing in Minnesota and the rest of the country... with the exception of Montana.

The "Employment At-Will" doctrine needs to be abolished. It is undemocratic and places employers in a dictatorial relationship to employees; it should be replaced with "just cause hiring and firing" legislation.

Hundreds of Minnesota Democratic Farmer-Labor Party Precinct Caucuses have already passed the resolution I wrote as has the Roseau County DFL.

About 30% of the DFL State Convention delegates voted for the resolution I introduced as a State DFL Convention Delegate and member of the DFL State Central Committee--- ever since, DFL Chairs Mike Erlandson, Brian Melendez and Ken Martin have worked to keep this resolution from coming forward again.

It is time for working people to stand up to these corporate Democrats and insist that unless "Employment At-Will" is repealed, the DFL will get no more support or votes from working people in Minnesota.

It is not too much to expect that a party which appeals to labor for votes would repeal the most Draconian legislation on the books attacking the unorganized working class majority.

With "At-Will Employment" repealed, we will see a dramatic surge in unionization here in Minnesota.

In solidarity and struggle with the Black Friday Movement,

Alan L. Maki, Director of Organizing, Midwest Casino Workers Organizing Council

Looks like the Democrats have kicked off the campaign...

Will we allow ourselves to be bamboozled, again?

Looks like the theme for the 2016 Presidential race has begun. Check out the banner being used by the Democrats. We are in for another slick Hollywood-Madison Avenue snow-job financed by Wall Street.

Anyone still think Elizabeth Warren isn't part of the Wall Street crowd?

If Elizabeth Warren's vote, along with her other 97 U.S. Senators bribed by Wall Street, to approve Penny Pritzker to champion the Trans-Pacific Partnership didn't convince you--- then the above banner should do the trick.

Workers receiving the "kiss of death."