Friday, July 5, 2013

Gamal Abdel Nasser and the Arab Socialist Union

Again we see in this Counterpunch article no mention of Nasser and the Nasser years:

We encounter the same problem as we struggle for reforms here. Our history is obliterated and as a result people always seem to think we start from square one where there has been no progressive movement to build from.

In politics the progressives foundations of the past become very important, especially when it has been severe government repression which interrupted the movements.

Just as if millions of people in this country knew that it was the "People's Front" led by Communists who won the New Deal, built the powerful industrial unions and laid the foundation for the Civil Rights and anti-Vietnam War Movements we would be in a much stronger position today. And it is the same with Gamal Abdel Nasser and the Arab Socialist Union party in Egypt. Key here, is people are being denied the information they need to win to better their lives and change how we view the world.

There is no way it is coincidental all these articles exclude mention of a leader of such importance of Gamal Abdel Nasser, and this should be of concern to everyone because it means we aren't thinking things through based on a full knowledge of history... especially if one needs to use this history as a building block.

I dealt with the editorial staffs of the Duluth News Tribune, Pioneer Press and the Minneapolis Star Tribune here in Minnesota on this very same issue the last time around in Egypt after they refused to publish a letter to the editor I wrote asking why with everything being published about Egypt dating back to the building of the pyramids and the ancient dynasties of the kings and queens of Egypt we don't hear one single word, not a mention, about Gamal Abdel Nasser and the Arab Socialist Union party. I would point out that none of these papers have ever published one single letter to the editor I submitted since and the Editorial Page Editor of the Duluth News Tribune told me in writing he has banned my letters forever.

And what the heck did Gamal Abdel Nasser ever do to get his name banished from forever being heard again or published in a newspaper? He stood up to U.S. imperialism--- crime of all crimes. That he was a founder of the Arab Socialist union party didn't leave him in such good standing either--- at least the Guardian gives those years credit, if not Nasser, for being the only years Egyptians ever had democracy.

Alan L. Maki