Sunday, February 24, 2013

Breaking free from the two-party trap. We have some excellent examples.

We have quite few successful examples of socialist politics we can build on here in the United States as we break free from this two-party trap. Tony Benn is one such example. We have to get socialism on the table for discussion here in the United States because capitalism is going down hard and it's going to collapse in a big heap right on top of us if we don't take up the struggle for the socialist alternative.

Here is one fine example of a people's politician who has never shied away from advocating socialism... as William Winpisinger, the former president of the International Association of Machinists, used to call such socialists, "seat of the pants socialist."

In my opinion, Tony Benn is right up there with our former socialist Minnesota Governors Floyd Olson and Elmer Benson and the former Premier of Manitoba, Howard Pawley who wrote a great book, "Keep True," Tommy Douglas of Canada's socialist NDP and Winnipeg Communist City Council members Jacob Penner and Joe Zuken.

Leftists in this country are going to have to stop thinking there is nothing we can learn from people's politicians around the world if we are going to break free from this two-party trap.