Saturday, February 26, 2011

What about ethics and morality in goverment? This is from a FaceBook posting I made...

What about "ethics and morality" in government? 
Do these concepts mean anything anymore with Wall Street coupon clippers owning the politicians in this country? 
Wisconsin has an interesting state statute directly relating to "ethics" in government---

    • Alan L. Maki ‎"Has Governor Walker violated Wisconsin's strictest-in-the-nation ethics rules, which require elected officials to "maintain the faith and confidence of the people of the state" when it comes to their actions?"

      This question of "ethics" and even "morality" in government, I think, is very important because it goes right to the heart of what "Jeffersonian Democracy" is all about.

      Here we have politicians thwarting what is obviously a position taken by, if not the majority of the people, at least one heck of a good chunk of the population and Governor Walker is acting with the same kind of arrogance we got from Richard Nixon and that dirt-bag Spiro Agnew.

      Walker might just as well stand on the steps of the Wisconsin state Capitol and thumb his nose and give the finger to everyone. 

      We get the same kind of treatment from Barack Obama and the Democrats--- and even many union leaders--- who are opposed to having the funding for these dirty wars and Wall Street's militarism discussed as any part of the discussion of the budget crises facing the states when everyone with an ounce of common sense knows that we are talking about "slicing up the same pie," so-to-speak. If the wars are going to get a big slice of pie it only stands to reason our social programs are going to get smaller pieces of the pie. I could draw a picture but I don't think this is really required. 

      I think people overall have become so accustomed to just thinking that all politicians are a bunch of corrupt creeps bought off by corporate Wall Street interests that concepts of "ethics and morality" in government just don't get talked about anymore and this is a real shame.