Friday, December 17, 2010

Why does Ken Martin refuse to answer these questions if he wants to be the next MNDFL Chair:

      Date: Mon, 13 Dec 2010 17:42:07 -0500
      From: "Alan L. Maki"
      Reply-To: "Alan L. Maki"
      Subject: Questions about your positions

Mr. Ken Martin, candidate for MNDFL State Chair;

1. Do you support divestment from Israel?

2. What is your position regarding the 41,000 Minnesotans being forced to work in smoke-filled casinos at poverty wages without any rights under state or federal labor laws?

3. Do you support Mark Dayton's call for a state owned and operated casino to compete with the Indian Gaming Industry?

4. What do you intend to do to make sure Affirmative Action (as distinct from non-discrimination) is enforced in Minnesota?

5. Do you support socialized health care?

6. Are you for the repeal of "at-will hiring; at-will firing" legislation?

7. What specific steps would you take as the State Chair of the MNDFL to make sure Native American Indians are elected to the state legislature and become part of Minnesota's congressional delegation?

8. Could you provide me a copy of the redistricting plan you support for Minnesota?


Alan L. Maki
58891 County Road 13
Warroad, Minnesota 56763

Phone: 218-386-2432
Cell Phone: 651-587-5541


Check out my Blog:

Guest blog: Millions Of Flood Victims In Pakistan Now Face Harsh Winter

Brian McAfee

2838 Mason Blvd.

Muskegon Heights, Michigan 49444



Millions Of Flood Victims In Pakistan Now Face Harsh Winter

 by Brian McAfee

As the monsoon floods receded the impact on the people of Pakistan, reports indicate, have been exacerbated by the onslaught of winter. The floods affected 20 million of Pakistan's population of just over 180 million people. As the temperature dips hundreds of thousands of displaced children are susceptible to pneumonia and other cold related diseases. According to Director of the National Institute of Child Health
(Pakistan) Professor Jamal Raza states that in winter the flood victims becoming ill from the cold, particularly children, could almost double. Many are living in non-winterized tents and there are shortages of dry firewood. Many of the flood ravaged areas from this years monsoon remain flooded and millions are still displaced. Many being farmers whose fields are still flooded and have no source of livelihood.  Of the children Professor Raza says it will be an uphill battle to save many of th children as they are malnourished, and have had a great deal of weight loss due to poor diet. Their immunity is very low and are susceptible to respiratory disease such as pneumonia as their immunity level is very low.  There is an urgent need for blankets, quilts and better shelter to fight the cold as well as the obvious nutritional and medical needs.

Reports out of Pakistan indicate another danger caused by the floods, the release of stored toxic chemicals into the flood waters. An article in reports that the floods releases  released an estimated 3000 tonnes of toxic chemicals into the environment. The chemicals known as persistent organic pollutants (POPs) include several insect repellants such as DDT do not biodegrade in nature and are said to be linked to hormonal, developmental and reproductive disorders according to an article in New Scientist. Pakistan's floods have awakened some nations and scientists to this ongoing threat as changes in weather patters become more evident.

Reputable  Relief organizations currently active in the relief effort in Pakistan include OXFAM, AmeriCares, Save the Children and,.

Please specify the donation is for Pakistan flood relief.

I welcome any comments or suggestions. I can be reached at McAfee