Friday, June 25, 2010

An experiment

Someone at the U.S. Social Forum 2010 taking place in Motown should conduct a little experiment to find out if there is any support for a new progressive political party...

Get a couple cardboard boxes and ask people to vote for three tickets:



Cynthia McKinney/Cindy Sheehan

Of course Palin/McChrystal would have to have a slight handicap of some sort--- maybe pay anyone voting for them $10.00 and offer the opportunity to vote as often as possible.

The Obama/Biden ticket probably wouldn't need as much of a handicap... just offer a free drink of Detroit River Water or what we called Stroh's.

To the McKinney/Sheehan team, don't provide any incentive except for a future of peace and social justice to voters who are only allowed to vote once.

I wonder if anyone has thought that the U.S. Social Forum 2010 would be the perfect place to launch a new progressive political party? It seems like there might be an activist or two with such a notion... imagine, 20,000 left-wing political activists returning home to organize a real progressive political party as they are engaged in their other peace and social justice activities!

Now, for a name for this new political party?

In their new book on page 83 of "Getting America Back To Work," Stewart Acuff and Richard Levins give us a pretty good hint:

Warriors for Peace and Social Justice