Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Letter to the Editor; Bemidji Pioneer

Like many people in northern Minnesota, I found the article in the Bemidji Pioneer about the life of Irene Folstrom very interesting and informative. Just the kind of information we need from a local newspaper to help us be informed about problems of unemployment, poverty, racism and lack of access to healthcare.

I wonder if Tiger Woods will return the favor and come help Irene Folstrom campaign for public office?

I noticed Irene Folstrom was not as specific about these problems plaguing northern Minnesota as she has been about explaining her very satisfactory love life with Tiger Woods; what an interesting and innovative way of announcing ones candidacy for public office in 2012.

It is good to know that State Senator Mary Olson has such a good friend as Irene Folstrom... it looks like Mary Olson is facing a very significant challenge in the upcoming primary--- maybe Irene and Tiger will help her campaign... in fact, maybe Tiger could bring along his entire "team," including his wife and children.

I should probably be charging John McCarthy and his Minnesota Indian Gaming Association which funds Mary Olson's campaign for this advice... in lieu of payment for my consulting services for which I charge $40.00 an hour just like Michael Meuers who manages DFL activity for the Minnesota Indian Gaming Association... the fee can be divided and sent as my yearly contributions to the AIDS Foundation and Planned Parenthood.

Alan L. Maki
58891 County Road 13
Warroad, Minnesota 56763