Friday, February 5, 2010

Fire Rahm Emanuel

Pretty pathetic, even Sarah Palin has more compassion and common sense than Obama's main man as reported by all the MSM:

"Palin's non-rebuke rebuke of Limbaugh comes after she called on President Obama, earlier in the week, to fire his chief of staff after using the word. According to the Wall Street Journal, Rahm Emanuel called liberal activists who wanted to run ads against conservative Democrats "fucking retarded" in a closed-door meeting at the White House. On her Facebook page, Palin likened Emanuel's "slur on all God's children with cognitive and developmental disabilities" to using the "N-word," something she deemed "unacceptable" and "heartbreaking." Emanuel later issued an apology to Special Olympics chairman and CEO Tim Shriver."
Rahm Emanuel should have been fired on the spot. What kind of person is Barack Obama for refusing to fire Emanuel... this says more about Obama than anything... we know Rush Limbaugh is nothing but a fascist and a bigot.

Alan L. Maki