Sunday, December 14, 2008

I don't trust a single weasel in Washington

Barack Obama has yet to take office and his Wall Street handlers are up to their eyeballs in corruption... from the corrupt Illinois governor to Bernie Madoff the biggest swindler in American history and Bill Richardson who hires hit-and-run killers.

Working people shouldn't trust one single Democrat or Republican to do anything other than swindle us out of everything.

Just when we get rid of the most corrupt government in American history headed up by George Bush and Dick Cheney... along comes the flim-flam man and con-artist extraordinaire... Democrat, Barack Hussein Obama.

All we need is for President-elect Barack Hussein Obama to hold a summit meeting with the heads of the Afghan government in Red Lake with Melanie Benjamin, Stanley Crooks and Floyd Jourdain explaining the benefits of sovereignty... let the poppies flourish and the drugs flow through our children's veins.

What a great time we are in for... brother, can you spare a dime.

Maybe Jesse Jackson Jr. should buy a U.S. Senate seat in Minnesota.

I understand U.S. Congressman Keith Ellison told Jesse Jackson Sr. to drop by his office for a chat.

Alan L. Maki